%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% uAlberta Thesis Template %% %% by %% %% Daniel Aldrich %% %% Version: 2.0.0 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Aldrich % % % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person % % obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation % % files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without % % restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, % % copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or % % sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the % % Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following % % conditions: % % % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be % % included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, % % EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES % % OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND % % NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT % % HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, % % WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING % % FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR % % OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Write command to allow the nomenclature to be generated properly. \immediate\write18{makeindex \jobname.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o \jobname.nls} \documentclass[ pdfa, oneside, chapterbib, saychapapp, fancyheaders]{ualberta} % OPTIONS FOR ualberta.cls: % chapterbib - Automatically prints references at the end of each chapter. % % pdfa - To convert the PDF to PDF/A format (REQUIRED for GPS Submission) % % oneside - Standard for submitting to GPS. % % twoside - If you want to print your thesis double sided like a novel. % Note: GPS requires the submission to be one sided. Please use % the option `oneside' for submission to GPS. % % saychapapp - If you want your thesis to say Chapter # and Appendix @ in % the ToC instead of just having the # or @. % (GPS is inconsistent on if this is truly a Requirement.) % % fancyheader - If you want your thesis to have chapter headers rather than % just a page number at the bottom. % Option to change the Level of subheading included in the Table of Contents % This should be set at 2, 3, or 4 (As per GPS) \settoclevel{3} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FILE LOCATIONS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The following Commands Can be set to change the lookup locations for files. % LaTeX FILES LOCATION % . - This folder % .. - Up one Folder \addlatexfiles{./00_LaTeX_Files/} \insertlatexfile{includePackages} % LOAD ALL PACKAGES TO BE INCLUDED % PREFATORY LOCATION % . - This folder % .. - Up one Folder \addprefatory{./01_Prefatory/} % CHAPTER LOCATION % . - This folder % .. - Up one Folder \addchapters{./02_Chapters/} % BIBLIOGRAPHY LOCATION % NOTE: if you add bibliography entries after a compilation, you might notice % references marked `[0]' to fix this just delete the auxiliary files. % (*.aux, *.bbl, ... etc) % % . - This folder % .. - Up one Folder \addbibresource{./03_References/References.bib} % APPENDICES LOCATION % . - This folder % .. - Up one Folder \addappendices{./04_Appendices/} % MEDIA LOCATIONS % . - This folder % .. - Up one Folder \addmedia{./99_Inclusions/} \addimages{Images/} \addtables{Tables/} \addcode{Code/} \adddata{Data/} \addpdf{PDFs/} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ADD ADDITIONAL RESOURCES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \insertlatexfile{includeTheorems} \insertlatexfile{includeMacros} \insertlatexfile{listingCodeFormatting} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TITLE PAGE AND FRONTMATTER INFORMATION % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TITLE PAGE INFO \title{Thesis Title} % Title of your Thesis \author{First Middle Last} % Your Full Name \degree{\insertlatexfile{selectDegree}} % Uncomment Degree in file \specialization{} % Leave blank if none \deptfac{\insertlatexfile{selectDepartment}} % Uncomment Department in file \convocationdate{\the\year} % Convocation Year % ABSTRACT \insertprefatory{Abstract} % PREFACE \insertprefatory{Preface} % DEDICATION OR QUOTE \insertprefatory{Quotes_Dedications} % ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS \insertprefatory{Acknowledgements} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NOMENCLATURE, GLOSSARY, ACRONYMS, ETC % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NOMENCLATURE \insertprefatory{Nomenclature} % ACRONYMS \insertprefatory{Acronyms} % GLOSSARY \insertprefatory{Glossary} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BEGIN DOCUMENT % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \maketitle % Creates the Title Page \makeabstract % Creates the Abstract Page \makepreface % Creates the Preface Page % Quote and Dedication (Only Uncomment one) %\makequote % Creates the Quote Page %\makededication % Creates the Dedication Page \makededicationandquote % Creates the Quote/Dedication Page \acknowledgements % Creates the Acknowledgements Page % SET ToC...etc SPACING %\singlespacing % 1.00x Spacing \onehalfspacing % 1.50x Spacing %\doublespacing % 1.75x Spacing %\truedoublespacing % 2.00x Spacing %\triplespacing % 3.00x Spacing %\baselineskip #.##em % #.##x Spacing % ALL LISTS/TABLES OF ________ % Everything below should Automatically be included if it has content and % excluded if it does not. There is no need to comment any line here. If you % would like a different order however feel free to move items to new lines. \tableofcontents % Creates the Table of Contents \listoftables % Creates the List of Tables \listoffigures % Creates the List of Figures \listofplates % Creates the List of Plates (photographs) \listofsymbols % Creates the List of Symbols (Nomenclature) \abbreviations % Creates the List of Acronyms (Abbreviations) \glsaddall % Required for List of Acronyms and Glossary \generateglossary % Creates the Glossary of Terms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \bodyoftext % Switches the style of the document to that of the body % SET DOCUMENT SPACING %\onehalfspacing % 1.50x Spacing **Minimum Spacing for the THESIS BODY %\doublespacing % 1.75x Spacing \truedoublespacing % 2.00x Spacing **Required for the ABSTRACT %\triplespacing % 3.00x Spacing %\baselineskip #.##em % #.##x Spacing % To insert chapters from a separate tex file use the following commands % \insertchapter automatically looks in the Chapters folder and also % appends the file extension (i.e. do NOT include the '.tex') % % \input is the standard way of including a separate tex file % \input{./02_Chapters/ExampleChapter} \insertchapter{01_Introduction} \insertchapter{02_Getting_Started} \insertchapter{03_Document_Structure} \insertchapter{04_Figures_Tables} \insertchapter{05_Plots_And_Graphs} \insertchapter{06_Mathematical_Equations} \insertchapter{07_Citations_And_References} \insertchapter{XX_Submitting_Your_Thesis} % How to use the Recommended Softwares %\insertchapter{09_TeXstudio} \insertchapter{08_JabRef} %\insertchapter{10_dia} %\insertchapter{11_} %\insertchapter{12_} %\insertchapter{13_} %\insertchapter{14_} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BIBLIOGRAPHY % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Uncomment the \nocite{*} if you want to include works read, but not cited % within the body of your work. % \nocite{*} \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % APPENDICES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix % SET APPENDIX SPACING %\onehalfspacing % 1.50x Spacing %\doublespacing % 1.75x Spacing \truedoublespacing % 2.00x Spacing %\triplespacing % 3.00x Spacing %\baselineskip #.##em % #.##x Spacing % To insert appendices from a separate tex file use the following commands % \insertappendix automatically looks in the Appendices folder and also % appends the file extension (i.e. do NOT include the '.tex' % % \input is the standard way of including a separate tex file % \input{"./Appendices/PDF_Appendix.tex"} \insertappendix{0A_Additional_Figures} \insertappendix{0B_Additional_Tables} \insertappendix{0C_Code_Listings} \insertappendix{0D_Including_PDFs} \insertappendix{0X_Math_Lettering} \end{document}