% Note: Glossary is automatically sorted alphabetically \addterm{Strength (STR)}{The character's physical strength. This effects the potency of melee attacks} \addterm{Dexterity (DEX)}{Agility and accuracy. This affects ranged attacks and dodging} \addterm{Constitution (CON)}{Physical resilience. This affects hit points and some physical resistances} \addterm{Intelligence (INT)}{The ability to process problems and wield certain magic. INT affects the number of skill points received} \addterm{Wisdom (WIS) }{Common sense and spirituality} \addterm{Charisma (CHR)}{Social skills and sometimes physical appearance} \addterm{Good}{Having a respect for life, altruism, and selflessness} \addterm{Evil}{Wicked and often selfish or oppressive} \addterm{Lawful}{Abides by a core morality or honor system. Can also be judgmental and close-minded} \addterm{Chaotic}{Free-spirited and sometimes unpredictable. Can also be reckless or reactionary} \addterm{Neutral}{A balance between Lawful \& Chaotic or Good \& Evil} \addterm{Ability Score}{One of six numbers (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) that represent a character's physical and mental attributes} \addterm{AC (Armor Class)}{A number representing how difficult it is to hit a character in combat} \addterm{Advantage/Disadvantage}{A mechanic where a player rolls two d20s and takes the higher (advantage) or lower (disadvantage) result} \addterm{Alignment}{A character's ethical and moral perspective, such as Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil} \addterm{Arcane}{A type of magic derived from study, such as wizardry} \addterm{Backstory}{The history and background of a character before the campaign begins} \addterm{Bonus Action}{An additional action a character can take during their turn, often granted by class features or spells} \addterm{Cantrip}{A spell that can be cast at will without using a spell slot} \addterm{Class}{The primary archetype of a character, such as Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue, which determines abilities and progression} \addterm{Combat}{A structured sequence where characters and enemies take turns performing actions like attacking or casting spells} \addterm{Concentration}{A mechanic where certain spells require ongoing focus, and taking damage can force a concentration check to maintain the spell} \addterm{d20}{A 20-sided die, the primary die used in D\&D for most rolls} \addterm{Damage Types}{One of the thirteen (13) categories of damage: acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant, slashing, and thunder} \addterm{Dungeon Master (DM)}{The person who runs the game, narrates the story, and controls the world and NPCs} \addterm{Encounter}{Any situation where players must overcome a challenge, such as combat, puzzles, or social interaction} \addterm{Equipment}{The gear and items a character carries, including weapons, armor, and adventuring tools} \addterm{Experience Points (XP)}{Points gained from overcoming challenges, used to level up a character} \addterm{Feat}{A special ability or skill a character can choose instead of an ability score increase at certain levels} \addterm{Familiar}{A magical creature that assists a spellcaster, often summoned by the spell \textit{Find Familiar}} \addterm{Flanking}{A tactical position where a character attacks an enemy from the opposite side of an ally, often granting a combat advantage (this rule is optional and varies by DM)} \addterm{Grapple}{A combat action where a character attempts to grab and restrain an opponent} \addterm{Group Check}{A mechanic where the success of the party depends on the number of successful rolls among the group} \addterm{Hit Dice (HD)}{Dice used to determine a character's hit points at each level and for healing during short rests} \addterm{Hit Points (HP)}{A measure of a character's health, reduced when taking damage} \addterm{Initiative}{A roll made at the start of combat to determine the order of turns.} \addterm{Inspiration}{A DM-awarded bonus that allows a player to gain advantage on a roll} \addterm{Ki}{A resource used by monks to perform special abilities} \addterm{Level}{A measure of a character's progression, determining access to new abilities, spells, and increased hit points} \addterm{Long Rest}{A period of downtime (usually 8 hours) where characters recover hit points and spell slots} \addterm{Metagaming}{Using out-of-game knowledge within the game, often discouraged as it can break immersion} \addterm{Melee}{Combat at close range, typically involving hand-to-hand or short-ranged weapons} \addterm{Multiclassing}{The practice of taking levels in more than one class, allowing a character to gain abilities from multiple classes} \addterm{NPC (Non-Player Character)}{Characters controlled by the DM that players interact with, such as villagers, shopkeepers, or enemies} \addterm{Opportunity Attack}{A reaction that allows a character to make a melee attack against a creature that moves out of their reach} \addterm{Party}{The group of player characters (PCs) adventuring together} \addterm{Perception}{A skill representing a character's ability to notice hidden things, typically rolled as a Wisdom check} \addterm{Proficiency Bonus}{A bonus added to rolls where a character has proficiency, such as with certain skills, weapons, or saving throws} \addterm{Quiver}{A container for holding arrows or bolts, typically used by archers and ranged combatants} \addterm{Ranged Attack}{An attack made with a ranged weapon or spell, targeting an enemy at a distance} \addterm{Reaction}{An instant response to a trigger, such as casting \textit{Counterspell} or making an opportunity attack} \addterm{Saving Throw}{A roll made to resist a spell, trap, or other effect} \addterm{Short Rest}{A brief period of downtime (usually 1 hour) where characters can spend Hit Dice to recover hit points} \addterm{Skill Check}{A roll made to determine the outcome of an action related to a skill, such as Stealth or Acrobatics} \addterm{Spell Slot}{A resource that determines how many spells a character can cast at each level} \addterm{Turn}{A player's time to act during a round of combat, typically consisting of movement, an action, and possibly a bonus action or reaction} \addterm{Vision Types}{Various levels of sight in D\&D, such as Darkvision, Blindsight, and Truesight} \addterm{Weapon Proficiency}{Determines which weapons a character can use effectively, adding their proficiency bonus to attack rolls} \addterm{Wisdom}{An ability score representing a player character's insight, perception, and willpower} \addterm{XP (Experience Points)}{See Experience Points}