% the driver line is not necessary if you
% have aebpro.cfg configured to your driver.





\def\AEBP{\app{AeB Pro}}

\def\acInstr{How to install Action sequences in \textsf{Acrobat}}
\author{D. P. Story}



\pdfbookmarkx[1]{The thorshammer package}[action={\GoToR/F(thors-the-man.pdf)/D[0 /Fit]},color=blue,style={bf}]{thorhammer}
\pdfbookmarkx[1]{Documentation of the system scripts}[action={\GoToR/F(thmclass.pdf)/D[0 /Fit]},color=blue,style={bf}]{sysscripts}


  How to install action sequences

\noindent \app{Acrobat XI} or later is required. Open \app{Acrobat} and
select \uif{Tools > Action Wizard}. Now select \uif{Manage Actions} to view
the \uif{Manage Actions} dialog box, refer to
\hyperref[fig:MA]{Figure~\ref*{fig:MA}} below.

\caption{Manage Actions dialog box}\label{fig:MA}

\noindent \textbf{To import an Action sequence,} press the \uif{Import}
control and browse for the action sequence to be imported. Once you've
located the targeted action sequence, press the \uif{Open} control. This
imports the targeted sequence into the list the action sequences back in the
\uif{Manage Actions} dialog box. Press \uif{Close} to close this dialog box.
Before closing the \uif{Manage Actions} dialog box, you can, of course,
import additional action sequences.
