\documentclass[svgnames]{litetable} \usepackage{libertine, inconsolata, twemojis} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \timelist [ numformat = \ttfamily \bfseries, timeformat = \ttfamily ] { 08:05 -> 08:50, 08:55 -> 09:40, 10:00 -> 10:45, 10:50 -> 11:35, 11:40 -> 12:25, 13:30 -> 14:15, 14:20 -> 15:05, 15:15 -> 16:00, 16:05 -> 16:50, 18:30 -> 19:15, 19:20 -> 20:05, 20:10 -> 20:55 } \weeklist [ format = \bfseries \scshape, sep = \textbar ] { \texttwemoji{1f312} Mon -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f525} Tue -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f30a} Wed -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f332} Thu -> 1, \texttwemoji{1fa99} Fri -> 1 } \begin{litetable} [ MidnightBlue, sem = SEM 7 ] { Course Schedule } \course [ subject = interface3, comment = \TeX{} Live 2025, lecture = The \LaTeX{} Project, DarkBlue ] {4} {5} \newday \course [ subject = expl3, lecture = The \LaTeX{} Project ] {8} {8} \newday \course [ subject = Keep on \TeX ing, lecture = Donald E. Knuth, location = Stanford University, Purple ] {10} {11} \newday \course [ subject = Ti\textit k\/Z, lecture = \textsc{pgf}, Crimson, comment = Version 3.1.10 ] {3} {5} \more { Programme Duration: 09 / 2021 -- 07 / 2025 } \end{litetable} \end{document}