% This file is embedded in datatool-user.pdf version 3.2 2025-03-14 % Example 191 Creating an Index % Label: "ex:index" % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdfcrop \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[locales=en]{datagidx}% requires datatool-english \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \newgidx{index}{Index}% define a database for the index \DTLgidxSetDefaultDB{index}% set this as the default \newterm{macédoine} \newterm{macramé} \newterm{élite} \newterm{reptile} \newterm[seealso=reptile]{crocodylian} \newterm[parent=crocodylian]{crocodile} \newterm[parent=crocodylian]{alligator} \newterm[ parent=crocodylian, description={(also cayman)} ] {caiman} \newterm[see=caiman]{cayman} \begin{document} Here are some words containing accents: \gls{macédoine}, \gls{macramé} and \gls{élite}. \Gls{élite} starts with an uppercase letter. A \gls{crocodylian} is the family of \glspl{reptile} that includes \glspl{crocodile}, \glspl{alligator} and \glspl{caiman}. \printterms [ heading={\section*}, database=index, prelocation=dotfill, showgroups ] \end{document}