% This file is embedded in datatool-user.pdf version 3.2 2025-03-14 % Example 187 Compact Bibliography % Label: "ex:compactbib" % arara: pdflatex % arara: bibtex % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdfcrop \documentclass[10pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{filecontents}[noheader,overwrite]{sample1.bib} @STRING{TUGBOAT = {TUGboat}} @STRING{PRACTEX = {The Prac\TeX\ Journal}} @ARTICLE{Flom2005, author = {Peter Flom and Hans Hagen and Joe Hogg and Nicola Talbot and Philip Taylor and Christina Thiele and David Walden}, title = {What is {\TeX}?}, journal = PRACTEX, year = 2005, volume = 3, url = {http://tug.org/pracjourn/2005-3/walden-whatis} } @ARTICLE{tugboat2016, title = "Localisation of {\TeX} documents: tracklang", author = "Nicola Talbot", month = NOV, year = 2016, volume = 37, number = 3, journal = TUGBOAT, url = "http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb37-3/tb117talbot.pdf" } @ARTICLE{tugboat2022, title = "bib2gls: Standalone entries and repeated lists (a little book of poisons)", author = "Nicola Talbot", month = APR, year = 2022, volume = 43, number = 1, journal = TUGBOAT, doi = {10.47397/tb/43-1/tb133talbot-bib2gls-reorder}, url = "https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb43-1/tb133talbot-bib2gls-reorder.pdf" } @BOOK{Talbot2012a, title = {{\LaTeX} for Complete Novices}, publisher = {Dickimaw Books}, year = 2012, month = SEP, author = {Nicola L C Talbot}, volume = 1, series = {Dickimaw {\LaTeX} Series}, isbn = {978-1-909440-00-5}, url = {https://www.dickimaw-books.com/latex/novices/} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Talbot2020, author = {Nicola L C Talbot}, title = {Sorting Glossaries with bib2gls}, booktitle = {{LaTeX}.net}, year = 2020, month = JUL, url = {https://latex.net/sorting-glossaries-with-bib2gls/} } @BOOK{Talbot2013a, title = {Using {\LaTeX} to Write a {PhD} Thesis}, publisher = {Dickimaw Books}, year = 2013, month = MAR, author = {Nicola L C Talbot}, volume = 2, series = {Dickimaw {\LaTeX} Series}, isbn = {978-1-909440-02-9}, url = {http://www.dickimaw-books.com/latex/thesis/} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Talbot2012c, author = {Nicola L C Talbot}, title = {Creating a glossary without using an external indexing application}, booktitle = {{LaTeX}.net}, year = 2012, month = SEP, url = {https://latex.net/glossary-without-external-app/}, note={Originally posted on the {\LaTeX} Community's Know How Section} } @BOOK{Talbot2014a, title = {{\LaTeX} for Administrative Work}, publisher = {Dickimaw Books}, month = SEP, year = 2014, author = {Nicola L C Talbot}, volume = 3, series = {Dickimaw {\LaTeX} Series}, isbn = {978-1-909440-07-4}, url = {https://www.dickimaw-books.com/latex/admin/} } @BOOK{Talbot2013b, title = {Quack, Quack, Quack. Give My Hat Back!}, publisher = {Dickimaw Books}, year = 2013, month = MAY, author = {Nicola L C Talbot and Magdalene Pritchett}, isbn = {978-1-909440-03-6}, url = {https://www.dickimaw-books.com/fiction/kids/duck/} } @BOOK{Talbot2012b, title = {The Foolish Hedgehog}, publisher = {Dickimaw Books}, year = 2012, month = NOV, author = {Nicola L C Talbot and Magdalene Pritchett}, isbn = {978-1-909440-01-2}, url = {https://www.dickimaw-books.com/fiction/kids/hedgehog/} } \end{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}[noheader,overwrite]{sample2.bib} @Article{duck2018, Author = {Dickie Duck and José Arara and Polly Parrot}, Title = {Avian Friendship}, Journal = {Fowl Times}, Year = 2018, Volume = 7, Number = 5, Pages = "1032--5" } @BOOK{duck2016, AUTHOR = {Dickie Duck}, TITLE = {Feathered stunt doubles: \emph{The Birds} and other films}, PUBLISHER = {Duck Duck Goose}, YEAR = 2016 } @book{macaw, author = {Prof Macaw}, title = {Annotated notes on the \emph{Duck and Goose} chronicles}, publisher = {Duck Duck Goose}, year = 2012 } @inproceedings{parrot2021a, author = {Polly Parrot}, title = {Who's a Pretty Polly? {T}he surge of avian chatbots}, booktitle = {Avian Intelligence}, month = jan, year = 2021 } @inproceedings{parrot2021b, author = {Polly Parrot}, title = {Pollybot: the next generation in avian translators}, booktitle = {Avian Advances}, month = apr, year = 2021 } @phdthesis{ing2020, author = {Bor Ing}, title = {\emph{Duck and Goose}: an allegory for modern times?}, school = {Department of Literature, University of Somewhere}, month = mar, year = 2010 } @booklet{parrots2013, author = {Polly Parrot and Dickie Duck}, title = {\emph{Duck and Goose} Cheat Sheet}, howpublished = {Limited print run}, address = {Dubious Student Resources}, year = 2013 } @book{parrot2012, author = {von Parrot, Jr, Ann}, title = {My Friend is a Duck}, publisher = {Duck Duck Goose}, year = 2012, } @book{quackalot, author = {Sir Quackalot}, title = {The Adventures of Duck and Goose}, publisher = {Duck Duck Goose}, year = 2011 } @techreport{zebra2022, author = {Zoë Zebra and Mabel Canary}, title = {Health and Safety when Handling Mind-Controlling Cookies}, institution = {Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff}, month = {22 } # MAR, year = 2014 } @manual{canary2015, author = {Mabel Canary}, title = {Ray Gun User Guide}, organization = {Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff}, edition = "2nd", year = 2015 } @book{fan1992, author = {Éli-Fant, Nellie}, title = {The Duckinator}, publisher = {Duck Duck Goose}, year = 1992, note = {A cyborg from the future travels to the past to scramble some eggs.} } @misc{henpecked, title = {Henpecked: Time for a Coup in the Coop!}, howpublished = {Flyer} } \end{filecontents} \usepackage[style=abbrv]{databib} \renewcommand*{\DTLtwoand}{ \& } \renewcommand*{\DTLandlast}{, \& } \renewcommand*{\editorname}{ed.} \renewcommand*{\editorsname}{eds.} \renewcommand*{\pagesname}{pp.} \renewcommand*{\pagename}{p.} \renewcommand*{\volumename}{vol.} \renewcommand*{\numbername}{no.} \renewcommand*{\editionname}{ed.} \renewcommand*{\techreportname}{T.R.} \renewcommand*{\mscthesisname}{MSc thesis} \DTLloadbbl{mybib}{sample1,sample2} \DTLsortdata{mybib}{Title} \begin{document} \nocite{*} \DTLbibliography{mybib} \end{document}