# $Id: install-tds,v 3.16 2011/03/14 20:14:00 krisrose Exp $
# sh(1) installation of Xy-pic into a TeX Directory Structure system.
# Copyright (c) 1997  Kristoffer H. Rose  <krisrose@tug.org>
# This file is part of the Xy-pic macro package.
# Copyright (c) 1991-2011  Kristoffer H. Rose  <krisrose@tug.org>
# See the README and INSTALL files for further information.
# The Xy-pic package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# The Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this package; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

# check that we are in the right place (and get version :)

# greet
echo ''
echo ' Welcome to the Xy-pic TDS-compliant installation script!'
echo ' Copyright (c) 1997-1998 by krisrose@tug.org'
echo ' Xy-pic is free software: see the User's Guide for details.'
echo ''
echo ' The author has seriously tried to ensure the portability of'
echo ' this script among all un*x platforms, however, if you experience'
echo ' problems then don't hesitate to contact me.'
echo ''
echo ' See the file INSTALL for details about what this script does.'

# record the argument as TEXMF
: ${TEXMF:=$1}

# if no TEXMF specified try to figure it out
: ${TEXMF:=`kpsewhich --expand-var='$TEXMFMAIN' 2>/dev/null`}
: ${TEXMF:=`kpsexpand '$TEXMFMAIN' 2>/dev/null`}
: ${TEXMF:=`kpsewhich --expand-var='$TEXMF' 2>/dev/null`}
: ${TEXMF:=`kpsexpand '$TEXMF' 2>/dev/null`}

if [ -d "$TEXMF" ]
    echo ''
    echo "TEXMF directory $TEXMF found."
    echo ''
    echo 'ERROR: I could not find the TEXMF directory (tried '"$TEXMF"')!' >&2
    echo 'Usage: ./support/install-tds [TEXMF]' >&2
    echo 'Xy-pic installation aborted.'
    exit 2

# get confirmation
echo ''
echo ' This script will install Xy-pic under the indicated TEXMF tree.'
echo ' We assume that it is the root of a standard TeX Directory Structure.'
echo ''
echo ' Also we asume that the commands find, grep, mkdir, and cp, conform'
echo ' to their POSIX specification and can be found in the standard path.'
echo ''
echo 'Type <enter> to continue (anything else to stop - this is your last chance):'
read reply
if [ -z "$reply" ];
    echo ''
    echo 'Thanks: proceeding with the installation.'
    echo 'Xy-pic installation aborted.'
    exit 1

# warn user about obsolete files
echo ''
echo 'Checking for obsolete files.'
if [ -d "$TEXMF/dvips/xypic" ]

    files=`find "$TEXMF/dvips" -name "xy*.map" -print 2>/dev/null`
    if [ -n "$files" ]
	echo 'WARNING: xy*.map files exist:'
	echo $files

    files=`find "$TEXMF/dvips" -name psfonts.map -print 2>/dev/null`
    files=`grep -svl '^xy' $files /dev/null`
    if [ -n "$files" ]
	echo 'WARNING: psfonts.map xy*-font mappings exist in:'
	echo "$files"

    files=`find "$TEXMF/fonts/type1" -name "xy*.pf?" -print 2>/dev/null \
	   | grep -v "$TEXMF/fonts/type1/public/xypic/xy.*[.]pfb"`
    if [ -n "$files" ]
	echo 'WARNING: xy*.pfa or xy*.pfb files exist:'
	echo "$files"


# function for installing simple files in a directory
installd () {
    text=$1; shift
    dir=`eval 'echo ${'$#'}'`	# extract last parameter
    echo "Installing $text in $dir."
    if mkdir -p "$dir"; then cp -f "$@"
	echo ' WARNING: could not make directory - files not installed.'

# do the actual installation
echo ''
echo 'Installing Xy-pic...'

installd "1. administrivia" \
    Xy-pic.html Xy-logo.png \
installd "2. macros"             texinputs/*    "$TEXMF/tex/generic/xypic"
installd "3. font metrics"	 texfonts/*.tfm "$TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/xypic"
installd "4. font sources"	 mfinputs/*.mf  "$TEXMF/fonts/source/public/xypic"
installd "5. ps type1 fonts"     type1/*.pfb    "$TEXMF/fonts/type1/public/xypic"
installd "6. ps pfm fonts"	 pfm/*.pfm      "$TEXMF/fonts/pfm/public/xypic"
installd "7. afm metrics"        afm/*.afm      "$TEXMF/fonts/afm/public/xypic"
installd "8. ps headers" 	 ps/*           "$TEXMF/dvips/xypic"
installd "9. ps font maps" 	 map/*          "$TEXMF/fonts/map/dvips/xypic"
installd "10. ps font encodings" enc/*          "$TEXMF/fonts/enc/dvips/xypic"
installd "11. documentation"     doc/xyguide.pdf doc/xyrefer.pdf "$TEXMF/doc/generic/xypic"

# done
echo "Xy-pic installation done."

# $Log: install-tds,v $
# Revision 3.16  2011/03/14 20:14:00  krisrose
# Preparing for release 3.8.6.
# Revision 3.15  2010/07/26 11:21:02  krisrose
# 3.8.3 version oopses
# Revision 3.14  2010/07/06 22:43:56  krisrose
# Release 3.8.3.
# Revision 3.13  2010/06/10 18:45:49  krisrose
# Reference to GPL by URL.
# Revision 3.12  2010/06/08 07:28:43  krisrose
# Identify .map file.
# Revision 3.11  2010/06/07 04:16:53  krisrose
# Fix forgotten enc files.
# Revision 3.10  2010/05/09 22:11:05  krisrose
# Loose /usr/bin prefixes.
# Revision 3.9  2010/04/22 14:52:09  krisrose
# Documentation up to date. Install PDF encoding files and XYLU metric files.
# Revision 3.8  2010/04/16 06:06:51  krisrose
# Preparing for a new release...
# Revision 3.7  1999/02/16 15:12:50  krisrose
# Interim release (Y&Y fonts now free).
# New with release 3.5...changed significantly for 3.6.