# **CHANGES** #
# pst-marble v. 1.6 #
# 2019/05/10 #

    Source:      pst-marble.tex, pst-marble.sty, pst-marble.pro
    Author:      Aubrey Jaffer
    Maintainers: Jürgen Gilg, Manuel Luque
    Info:        Draw marble-like pattern with PSTricks
    License:     LPPL 1.3c

## Changes in v. 1.0: 

## Complete reorganization of the basic deformation commands 

We reorganized the marbling primitives to have consistent units
which model a 1 m by 1 m region of a much larger tank. All lengths are
in mm, velocities (in mm/s), angles (in degrees), angular velocity (in
degrees/s), and viscosity and circulation (in mm^2/s).

For a convex stylus or tine, **D** (in mm) is the ratio of its submerged
volume to its wetted surface area. For a long cylinder it is diameter.

The deformations take a single argument, **viscosity** (in mm^2/s), which is also
viscosity relative to 20 °C water. Negative viscosity specifies
(raster) reverse-marbling.

## /drop 

**\[ cx cy radinc \[ bgc \] \[ rgb \] /drop \]**

Replaces **/ink**; works as before.

## /offset ##

**\[ dx dy /offset \]**

As before.  Maybe should be changed to take angle and length.

## /stir 

**\[ cx cy \[ r \] w th D /stir \]**

replaces **/circle**.  Tines follow concentric circular tracks.

    cx, cy   Center coordinates in mm
    [ r ]    List of radii in mm
    w        Angular velocity
    th       Displacement at tines
    D        Tine diameter

## /vortex 

**\[ cx cy circ t /vortex \]**

Models a **Lamb-Oseen** vortex.

    cx, cy   Center coordinates in mm
    circ     Circulation (in mm^2/s) is a simple scale factor. 
    Typical value: 30e3 mm^2/s.
    t        Time after circulation impulse at center.  As t gets very large, 
    the whole surface returns to its original pattern, possibly with rigid 
    rotation. Typical value 10 s.

## /stroke 

**\[ bx by ex ey V D /stroke \]**

As before; short stroke.

    bx, by   Beginning of stroke    
    ex, ey   End of stroke
    V        Stylus velocity in mm/s
    D        Stylus diameter in mm.  Make larger to affect paint farther away.

## /rake 

**\[ angle \[ r \] V tU D /rake \]**

replaces **/line**.  Draws a stylus or parallel stylii across the tank.

    angle   Angle from y-axis in degrees; 0 is up.
    [ r ]   List of distances from center of image (0,0).
    V       Stylus velocity in mm/s
    tU      Distance points on the stylus track are moved.
    D       Stylus diameter in mm.  Make larger to affect paint farther away.

## /wiggle 

**\[ angle {func} /wiggle \]**

Parameters changed.

    angle    Wiggle will be perpendicular to angle from y-axis up.
    {func}   Input is distance in mm; output is wiggle displacement in mm.

## random-drops

**\[ size \[ color \] count random-drops \]**

    count     Number of the drops
    size      Size of the drops
    color     Color of the drops

## random-drops-colors

**\[ size  count random-drops-colors \]**

    count     Number of the drops
    size      Size of the drops

## concentric-bands

**\[ cx  cy RadiusIncrement NumberOfBands  concentric-bands \]**

    cx, cy             Center coordinates
    RadiusIncrement    Multiplication coefficient between the bands
    NumberOfBands      Number of the elements within
                       the [array of colors] list
                       [array of colors]: this is the list of colors
                                          within the colors= key


Having stylus diameter, velocity, and viscosity as parameters means
this system has an extra degree of freedom. If you want to reduce the
width of the affected region of a rake by a factor of 10, either
reduce **V** by a factor of 10 or reduce **D** by a factor of 3.1 (sqrt 10).


## Changes in v. 1.1:

## Customer friendly setup of the actions. 

No \[ ... \] around the actions needed anymore. And no  **/** for the actions.


## arc-drops 

**xc yc r ang-strt ang-step \[rgb\] cnt drad arc-drops**

    cnt       Number of drops
    drad      Radius of the drops
    rgb       Color of the drop series
    xc,yc     Center coordinates of the arc
    r         Radius of the arc
    ang-strt  Starting angle

## spiral-drops
**xc yc r ang-strt ang-step rinc \[rgb\] cnt drad spiral-drops**

    Like arc-drops, but increments (or decrements if negative) r by rinc
    after each drop

## concentric-bands is now obsolete

To be setup now with: **concentric-rings**

under more customer friendly conditions - see documentation

## rake

For the **rake** action there is the possibility to setup the rakes with
the PostScript command *tines*

## tines

**cnt spacing ofst tines**

    cnt       Number of rakes
    spacing   displacement between the rakes
    ofst      offset of the middle rake 
              to the left (negative), 
              to the right (positive)

## background

The **background** option now can use the color schemes **rgb** and **RGB**

With **rgb** we use decimals between 0 and 1

With **RGB** we use integers between 0 and 255

The colors then are automatically detected correctly.

## rgb and RGB color schemes

They are available for these following actions as well:


and automatically detected.


## Changes in v. 1.2:

The actions **arc-drops** and **spiral-drops** are erased and bundled together
under the action: 

## **coil-drops**

**xc yc r ang-strt arcinc rinc \[ rgb \] cnt drad coil-drops**

    xc, yc    Coordinates of the center
    r         Radius of the circle where the drops will lay on
    ang-str   Start angle from vertical: if 0 it starts North, 
        if 90 it starts East, ...
    arcinc    Arc-distance between the drops
    rinc      Increment of r: 
        if taken 0 it gives a circle,
        if taken >0 it spirals outwards,
        if taken <0 it spirals inwards.
    rgb       Color of the drops or color series
    cnt       Number of the drops
    drad      Radius of the drops

The actions **random-drops** and **random-drops-colors** are erased and substituted
by *two new fully parameterized actions*:

## **Gaussian-drops**

Defines a randomly calculated series of drops within a circle/ellipse

**xc yc r ang eccentricity \[ rgb \] cnt drad Gaussian-drops**

Drops **cnt** paint drops with radius **drad** in normal (Gaussian) distribution 
centered at **xc, yc** with radius **r**, **ang** degrees from vertical and 
length to width ratio **eccentricity** (1 is circular). 

## **uniform-drops** 

Defines a randomly calculated series of drops within a rectangled box 

**xc yc xsid ysid angle \[ rgb \] cnt drad uniform-drops**

Drops **cnt** paint drops with radius **drad** in a uniform distribution in a 
**xsid** by **ysid** box centered at **xc, yc** and rotated by **angle**.

## **wiggle**  is made more customer friendly:

**angle period ofst depth wiggle**

Applies sinsusoidal wiggle: y = depth sin(360 x/period + ofst)

    angle     Wiggle will be perpendicular to angle from y-axis up.
    period    Period of the sinusoidal wiggle (in degrees)
    depth     Amplitude of the sinusoidal wiggle
    ofst      Displacement of the sinusoidal wiggle

## **background** option

This color option for the background is now to typeset like:

**background=\{\[rgb\]\}** or **background=\{\[RGB\]\}**

to be consistent to all other color settings

## rgb and RGB color schemes

They are available for these following actions as well:

    the 4 -drops actions
## Colors

The colors now set up: 


or as a series of colors (an array)

One can use as well hexadecimal color constants, like

**(e7cc9b)** or with capital letters **(E7CC9B)**

which are setup in parentheses and not square brackets.

**\[\[rgb/RGB\] \[rgb/RGB\] \[rgb/RGB\] \[rgb/RGB\] ...\]**

## New option **seed**

This is set to *Mathematical Marbling* by default to keep the drops to their 
initial randomly chosen places. 
Made for **Gaussian-drops** and **uniform-drops**.


## Changes in v. 1.3: 

## **stroke** action 

now becomes **stylus** action, however **stroke** still can be used.

## Rotations 

now are consistent. From vertical clockwise

## New action **serpentine-drops**

**serpentine-drops** deposits a series of drops on a user-specified *grid* 
in a serpentine sequence.

## New option **oversample**

This option pixels the image. If taken *oversample=0* we get no-pixeled images.
If taken *oversample=1* we get the same as with *viscosity= negative* (v1.2) 
which now is obsolete, but still works. 
The smaller the *oversample* value is taken (between 0<*oversample*<1) the more
blocky the image gets rastered.

## Transparency and Blendmodes

A patch from **A. Grahn** now makes it possible to use these options the 
*normal* PSTricks way and needn't be introduced within the **actions=\{...\}**
with raw PostScript code. Equal now for ps2pdf, xelatex and distiller.

## Bug fixes


## Changes in v. 1.3a: 

## Bug fixes


## Changes in v. 1.4:

## The command **\\psMarble** 

is now available in two forms:



## New option **overscan**

When the overscan value is greater than 1, proportionally more image 
(outside of the specified area) is shown, and the specified area is outlined 
with a dashed rectangular border.

## New option **spractions** with new post-marble actions

Specifies the sequence of spray commands to perform. 
Spray commands are performed after marbling.

## **Gaussian-spray**

**xc yc r ang eccentricity \[ rgb \] n Rd Gaussian-spray**

Places **n** drops of colors **\[rgb\]** randomly in a circular 
or elliptical disk centered at **xc, yc** having mean radius **Rd**, 
**ang** degrees clockwise from vertical, and length-to-width ratio 

## **uniform-spray** 

**xc yc xsid ysid angle \[ rgb \] n Rd uniform-spray**

Places **n** drops of colors **\[rgb\]** randomly in a **xsid** by **ysid** 
rectangle centered at location **xc, yc** and rotated by **ang** degrees 
clockwise from vertical.


## Changes in v. 1.5:

## New option **shadings** with post-marble actions

Specifies the sequence of shading commands to perform when
*oversample>0*.  Shading commands are performed after marbling and

## **normal-drops** and **normal-spray**

**xc yc Lprp Lprl ang \[ rgb \] n Rd normal-drops**
**xc yc Lprp Lprl ang \[ rgb \] n Rd normal-spray**

Replace **Gaussian-drops** and **Gaussian-spray** commands.  Have same
arguments and order of arguments as **uniform-drops** and

## **jiggle** 

**angle period ofst depth pdepth jiggle**

Replaces **wiggle** with more power: supports both variation in angle
direction *depth* and perpendicular to angle direction *pdepth*.
**wiggle** had only perpendicular variation.

## **shade**

**rgb gamma shade**

Raises each component of *rgb* to the *gamma* power.  *gamma* between
0 and 1 darkens  *rgb*; *gamma* between 1 and 2 lightens *rgb*.


## Changes in v. 1.6:

## New option **paper**

Specifies the paper color for **shadings** commands.

## **tint**

**rgb gamma tint**

Raises each component of *rgb* to the 2-*gamma* power.  *gamma*
between 0 and 1 darkens *rgb*; *gamma* between 1 and 2 lightens *rgb*.

**shading** renamed **jiggle-shade**.

**rgb zeta edgy-color**

Added command which:
Returns the rgb color flagged so that in raster rendering the
boundary of each drop of that color is lightened while its center is

**x y lambda A B wriggle**
**x y lambda Omega A_s wriggle-shade**

Added commands which are polar-coordinate analogues to **jiggle** and

**x y theta turn**

Turns tank around **x,y** by **theta** degrees clockwise.