%% $Id: pst-calendar-doc.tex 230 2021-09-11 18:04:30Z herbert $



\subtitle{A  PSTricks package for creating calendars; v.\pstCalendarVersion}
\author{Manuel Luque \\Herbert Voß}
\docauthor{Herbert Voß}



provides two macros for creating calendar pages or calendar dodecahedra. The month 
and year can be freely selected, although calendars are only possible between 2000 
and 2099. The calculation takes place exclusively with the macros of the \LPack{fp} package.

Thanks to: \\
    Denis Girou; Timmothy Van Zandt;


\section{\LPack{pst-calendar} -- different calendars}

The package has the three options \Loption{french}, \Loption{english} and 
\Loption{ngerman}. \Loption{english} is selected by default, which means that the names 
of the months and weeks are then output in this language. Ngerman was chosen for this documentation.
This package does not offer any calendar operations in the mathematical sense, but allows 
the output of calendar pages. pst-calendar has special language adaptations for English 
(standard), French and German. This also applies
to the options listed in~\ref{tab:calendrier:options}. There is no special \TeX\ 
version, so adjustments are necessary here if you are not working with \LaTeX.


If no data is specified, the current date is always assumed and the corresponding month for 
\Lcs{psCalendar} and the corresponding months for \Lcs{psCalDodecaeder} are printed.

\caption{Available options for \texttt{calendrierfp}}\label{tab:calendrier:options}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} ll@{}c>{\RaggedRight}X@{}}
\emph{name}     & \emph{value}          & \emph{default}       & \emph{meaning}\\\hline
\Lkeyword{Year}  & \Larga{Integer}      & \verb+\number\year+  & year\\
\Lkeyword{Month} & \Larga{$1\ldots 12$} & \verb+\number\month+ & month\\
\Lkeyword{MonthT}& \Larga{$1\ldots 12$} & \verb+\number\month+ & mark the current day in the given month\\
\Lkeyword{Day}   & \Larga{$1\ldots 31$} & \verb+\number\day+   & month\\
\Lkeyword{Style} & \Larga{Month}        & \verb+\number\month+ & month on the fron in a dodecaeder


The only problem are the holidays, which so far have been based exclusively on the French guidelines. 
However, the corresponding code sequences in the package are easy to recognize and can be changed accordingly. 
The output of a complete year can easily be realized with the help of the \Lcs{multido} macro.



A much more appealing output enables \Lcs{psCalDodecaeder}, which arranges the months on the sides of a dodecahedron. 
Without specifying any month or year, January of the current year is assumed. With the option \Lkeyword{style}\texttt{=⟨month⟩} 
you can always place a different month on the front.




\section{List of the available options for \texttt{pst-calendar}}



