# Script to create a release or shapshot archive.
# Also checks for very basic inconsistences.
# Expects that it would be run from the current directory of ttf2pt1,
# and that the parent directory is the place to create archives.
# Expects that the CVS environment variables are set properly.

VER=`grep TTF2PT1_VERSION version.h | cut -d\" -f2`

case "$1" in
	echo "$VER" | egrep '^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9].*-CURRENT$' || {
		echo "mkrel: version.h must contain *-CURRENT to create a snapshot" >&2
		exit 1
	grep "^current$" CHANGES.html >/dev/null || {
		echo "mkrel: CHANGES.html must list 'current' to create a snapshot" >&2
		exit 1
	snapdate=`date "+ %y  %m  %d " | sed 's/ \([0-9]\) / 0& /g;s/ //g'`
	NEWVER=`echo "$VER" | sed "s/-CURRENT/-SNAP-$snapdate/"`
	TAG="-D tomorrow"
	echo "$VER" | egrep '^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][.0-9]*$' || {
		echo "mkrel: version.h must not be -CURRENT to create a release" >&2
		exit 1
	grep "^$VER -- " CHANGES.html >/dev/null || {
		echo "mkrel: CHANGES.html must list the same version as version.h" >&2
		exit 1
	TAG=`echo "-r ttf2pt1-$VER" | sed \
	echo "use: mkrel [snapshot|release]" >&2
	exit 1

cd .. || {
	echo "mkrel: can't cd to .." >&2
	exit 1

rm -f ttf2pt1-$NEWVER.tgz ttf2pt1-$NEWVER.zip 
rm -rf ttf2pt1-$NEWVER

echo "cvs -z9 export $TAG -d ttf2pt1-$NEWVER ttf2pt1"
cvs -z9 export $TAG -d ttf2pt1-$NEWVER ttf2pt1 || {
	echo "mkrel: unable to export from CVS" >&2
	echo "mkrel: check that the CVS tree is properly tagged" >&2
	exit 1

# a little bit more for snapshot: correct the version
case "$1" in
	cd ttf2pt1-$NEWVER || {
		echo "mkrel: can't cd to ../ttf2pt1-$NEWVER" >&2
		exit 1

	sed "s/^current\$/$NEWVER/" <CHANGES.html >CHANGES.html.new \
	&& mv CHANGES.html.new CHANGES.html || {
		echo "mkrel: can't update CHANGES.html" >&2
		exit 1

	sed "s/\".*-CURRENT\"/\"$NEWVER\"/" <version.h >version.h.new \
	&& mv version.h.new version.h || {
		echo "mkrel: can't update version.h" >&2
		exit 1

# generate the man pages - in case if the users would have no pod2man
	cd ttf2pt1-$NEWVER || {
		echo "mkrel: can't cd to ../ttf2pt1-$NEWVER" >&2
		exit 1

	make mans

tar czvf ttf2pt1-$NEWVER.tgz ttf2pt1-$NEWVER || {
	echo "mkrel: can't create .tgz archive" >&2
	exit 1

zip -u -r ttf2pt1-$NEWVER.zip ttf2pt1-$NEWVER || {
	echo "mkrel: can't create .zip archive" >&2
	exit 1