%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @TeX-font-encoding-file{
%%%     author          = "Alan Jeffrey and Sebastian Rahtz and
%%%                        Ulrik Vieth and Lars Hellstr{\"o}m",
%%%     version         = "1.932",
%%%     date            = "2005-05-27",
%%%     time            = "16:17:50 +02:00",
%%%     filename        = "t1.etx",
%%%     email           = "fontinst@tug.org",
%%%     URL             = "http://tug.org/applications/fontinst/",
%%%     checksum        = "",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "encoding, TeX, PostScript",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     abstract        = "This is the T1 encoding as a TeX font encoding
%%%                        file, for use with the fontinst utility.
%%%                        It implements the TeX extended text encoding.",
%%%     package         = "fontinst",
%%%     dependencies    = "fontinst.sty, fontdoc.sty",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================




\title{The \TeX\ extended text encoding vector}
\author{Alan Jeffrey\and Sebastian Rahtz\and Ulrik Vieth\and 
  Lars Hellstr\"om}
\date{26 October 2002\\Version 1.923}




This document describes the Cork (\texttt{T1}) text encoding.

The following macros play an important role in this file, since they 
are involved in determining the names of most glyphs that will be put 
in some slot.
  \verb|\lc{A}{a}| should return the name of a lower-case
  glyph, for example `\texttt{a}' or `\texttt{Asmall}'.
  \verb|\uc{A}{a}| should return the name of an upper-case
  glyph, for example `\texttt{A}' or `\texttt{Amedium}'.
  \verb|\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}| should return the name of a
  lower-case composite glyph formed from putting a diacritical above
  a letter, for example `\texttt{aacute}' or `\texttt{Aacutesmall}'.
  \verb|\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}| should return the name of an
  upper-case composite glyph formed from putting a diacritical above
  a letter, for example `\texttt{Aacute}' or `\texttt{Aacutemedium}'.
  \verb|\lclig{FI}{fi}| should return the name of a lower-case
  ligature, for example `\texttt{fi}' or `\texttt{FIsmall}'.
  \verb|\uclig{FI}{fi}| should return the name of an upper-case
  ligature, for example `\texttt{FI}' or `\texttt{FImedium}'.
  \verb|\digit{zero}| should return the name of a digit, for
  example `\texttt{zero}' or `\texttt{zerooldstyle}'.
By explicitly defining them, the encoding can (to some extent) be 
customised. All these macros should expand in the mouth, 
otherwise you may get error messages!

For example, to get the standard upper and lower case font (which is 
the default), you should define:
To get a caps and small caps font with old style digits and letter
spacing, you should define:
To get an all-caps font with medium-cap composite letters and letter
spacing, you should define:
In this document, the glyph names shown are for the upper and 
lower case variant.

Another important parameter is the integer variable \textit{ligaturing}, 
which controls to what extent (non-mandatory) ligatures are made. The 
value of this variable is interpreted as follows:
    All the standard ligature glyphs (\texttt{fi}, \texttt{fl}, 
    \texttt{ff}, \texttt{ffi}, \texttt{ffl}, \texttt{IJ}, and 
    \texttt{ij}) are included and the normal ligaturing instructions 
    (those for the \texttt{f}-ligatures) are included.
    All the standard ligature glyphs are included, but none of their 
    ligaturing instructions.
    The seven slots normally used for ligatures are left empty.
    The seven slots normally used for ligatures are left empty, as 
    are the slots normally used for \texttt{c}, \texttt{f}, 
    \texttt{s}, \texttt{i}, and \texttt{I}.
The default value is $0$ for monowidth or letterspaced fonts (because 
the ligature glyphs in such fonts are often useless, or at least not 
looking right) and $1$ otherwise. The negative values are useful when 
making fonts with a nonstandard set of ligatures; the idea is that 
some other (smaller) encoding file should set these remaining slots.



\section{Default values}

   \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else
      \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but 
      you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in 
      the typeset output.}

   % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting
   % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.)
      \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else

\comment{The remaining code in this section sets various metric 
parameters for the font. Ideally, all these parameters should already 
have been set; the values computed here are merely crude guesses 
about what might be the right value.}





% added by Thierry Bouche <Thierry.Bouche@ujf-grenoble.fr>
% 1997/02/07 to calculate values for extra EC fontdimens
% Amended by SPQR 1997/02/09







\setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files
% end changes by Thierry

\section{Font parameters}

\setfontdimen{1}{italicslant}    % italic slant
\setfontdimen{2}{interword}      % interword space
\setfontdimen{3}{stretchword}    % interword stretch
\setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword}     % interword shrink
\setfontdimen{5}{xheight}        % x-height
\setfontdimen{6}{quad}           % quad
\setfontdimen{7}{extraspace}     % extra space after .
\setfontdimen{8}{capheight}      % cap height
\setfontdimen{9}{ascender}       % ascender
\setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight}  % accented cap height
\setfontdimen{11}{descender}     % descender's depth
\setfontdimen{12}{maxheight}     % max height
\setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth}      % max depth
\setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth}    % digit width
\setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem}  % dominant width of verical stems
\setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip}  % baselineskip

   \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the 
     default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.}
   \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - LATIN}

\section{The encoding}
There are 256 glyphs in this encoding.

   \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.}

   \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.}

   \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.}

   \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.}

   \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.}

   \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.}

   \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.}

   \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.}

   \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.}

   \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.}

   \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.}

   \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.}

   \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.}

  \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma,
      but with different sidebearings.}

  \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.}

  \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.}

  \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas,
      but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.}

  \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The number range dash `1--9'.  In a monowidth font, this
      might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.}

   \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.'  In a monowidth font, this
      might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'}

   \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the
      height of lowercase letters without ascenders.
      It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.}

   \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a
      `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'.
      Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look
      like in a monowidth font.}

   \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as

   \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as
      `\=\j'.  Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else

   \comment{The `ff' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fi' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fl' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffi' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffl' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.}

   \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.}

  \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,',
      included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer
      programs.  Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot
      means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an
      input character will no longer work.}

   \comment{The hash sign `\#'.}

   \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.}

   \comment{The percent sign `\%'.}

   \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.}

   \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.}

   \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.}

   \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.}

   \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.}

   \comment{The addition sign `+'.}

   \comment{The comma `,'.}

   \comment{The hyphen `-'.}

   \comment{The period `.'.}

   \comment{The forward oblique `/'.}

   \comment{The number `0'.  This (and all the other numerals) may be
      old style or ranging digits.}

   \comment{The number `1'.}

   \comment{The number `2'.}

   \comment{The number `3'.}

   \comment{The number `4'.}

   \comment{The number `5'.}

   \comment{The number `6'.}

   \comment{The number `7'.}

   \comment{The number `8'.}

   \comment{The number `9'.}

   \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.}

   \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.}

   \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.}

   \comment{The equals sign `='.}

   \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.}

   \comment{The question mark `?'.}

   \comment{The at sign `@'.}

   \comment{The letter `{A}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{B}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{C}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{D}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{E}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{F}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{G}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{H}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The letter `{I}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{J}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{K}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{L}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{M}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{N}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{O}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{P}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{R}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{S}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{T}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{U}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{V}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{W}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{X}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Z}'.}

   \comment{The opening square bracket `['.}

   \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.}

   \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.}

   \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually
      set on the baseline.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.}

   \comment{The letter `{a}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{b}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{c}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{d}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{e}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{f}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{g}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{h}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{i}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{j}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{k}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{l}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{m}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{n}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{o}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{p}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{r}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{s}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{t}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{u}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{v}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{w}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{x}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{z}'.}

   \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.}

   \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.}

   \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will
      almost always be the same as `hyphen'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v D'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u G'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' N'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v N'.}

   \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'.  It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\H O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' R'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v R'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v T'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c T'.}

   \comment{The letter `\H U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" Y'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' Z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v Z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\. Z'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `IJ'.  This is a single letter, and in a 
        monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.}


   \comment{The letter `\. I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\dj'.}

   \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v d'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u g'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' n'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v n'.}

   \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'.  It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\H o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' r'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v r'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v t'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c t'.}

   \comment{The letter `\H u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" y'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\. z'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `ij'.  This is a single letter, and in a 
        monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.}


   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.}

   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.}

   \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\AE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `AE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" I'.}

   \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D'
      with a horizontal bar through the stem.  It is unavailable
      in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ N'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\OE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `OE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' Y'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P'
      with the bowl moved down.  It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'.
      In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.}

   \comment{The letter `\` a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\ae'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `ae'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\`\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\'\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\"\i'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to
     a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem.
     It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ n'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\oe'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `oe'.}

   \comment{The letter `\o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' y'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p'
      with an ascender rising from the stem.  It is unavailable
      in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\ss'.}



This is one of the files which have been with \textsf{fontinst} 
``forever'', so a lot of the early changes where probably never 
recorded. The following are from the \texttt{CHANGES} file.

1994/06/01 (v\,1.327): Removed the f-ligatures for monowidth fonts. 
(ASAJ)  Sebastian spotted that one.

1994/11/29 (v\,1.401): Added \texttt{hyphen}${}*{}$\texttt{hyphenchar}%
${}\rightarrow{}$\texttt{hyphenchar} ligature (so that foo-bar words 
can be hyphenated as foo$\langle\mbox{\textit{hyphenchar}}\rangle$bar)%
---spotted by Frank Mittelbach.  Made default stretch and shrink 50\% 
and 16.7\% of interword space respectively. (ASAJ)

1996/01/23 (v\,1.504):
Included some of Sebastian's changes: upped stretch and shrink to $.6$ 
and $.24$ of space; reduced extra space after {.} to $.24$ of space; 
made \verb|\setslot{grave}| etc.\ into 
\verb|\setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}}| etc. (ASAJ)

\noindent The following changes have been made after changes stopped 
being recorded in the \texttt{CHANGES} file.

1997/02/07 (v\,1.7): Added code for calculating values for and setting 
the extra fontdimens found in the \texttt{ec} fonts. (Thierry Bouche)

1998/06/29 (v\,1.8): Using \texttt{T1} encoding for character 
examples. (UV)

2002/10/26 (v\,1.923): Added \TypesetIntegerExpression{\int{ligaturing}} 
parameter. Using \verb|\showbranches|. Using \verb|\setfontdimen|. 
Changed definition of fontdimen 15 slightly---from ``the width of 
capital vertical stems'' to ``the dominant width of vertical stems'', 
which is provided in AFM files. (LH)

2005/05/27 (v\,1.932): Modified defaults for |\uclig| and 
$\TypesetIntegerExpression{\int{ligaturing}}$ in fonts with 
letterspacing, to use \texttt{spaced} glyphs and not make ligatures 
respectively. (LH) Rationale (from discussion with Philipp Lehman): 
The non-\texttt{spaced} and ready-made ligature glyphs are often 
unnaturally cramped in comparison with other letterspaced character 
sequences. The system is probably overly complicated, but can be kept 
for historical reasons.
