/* * Copyright (c) 1987 University of Maryland Department of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. Permission to copy for any purpose is hereby granted * so long as this copyright notice remains intact. */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header: gffont.c,v 2.5 87/06/16 18:28:13 chris Exp $"; #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "types.h" #include "font.h" #include "gfcodes.h" #include "gfclass.h" #include "num.h" /* * GF font operations. * * GF files may be compact, but this code surely is not! * * TODO: * think about fonts with characters outside [0..255] * find some way to free gf body when done */ int gf_read(), gf_getgly(), gf_rasterise(), gf_freefont(); struct fontops gfops = { "gf", 1.0, gf_read, gf_getgly, gf_rasterise, gf_freefont }; /* * Local info. */ /* * A bounding box. The names follow those in the GF documentation. */ struct bounds { i32 min_m, max_m; /* min and max `m' (colunm) values */ i32 min_n, max_n; /* min and max `n' (row) values */ }; /* * char_loc is one `character locator' from a GF file, save for the * `character residue', which we need not. */ struct char_loc { i32 cl_dx; /* x escapement (scaled pixels) */ i32 cl_dy; /* y escapement (scaled pixels) */ i32 cl_w; /* TFM width */ i32 cl_p; /* pointer to BOC (or specials) */ }; /* * GF details include: * -> the main body of the GF file (all bytes save pre- and post-amble); * -> global box boundaries; * and character locators, addressed by `character residue'. Empty * slots are indicated by a -1 `pointer'. */ struct gf_details { char *gd_body; /* GF body */ char *gd_base; /* == gd_body - preamble_size */ struct bounds gd_gb; /* global boundaries */ struct char_loc gd_cl[256]; /* character locators */ }; /* * Get the gf_details from font f. */ #define ftogd(f) ((struct gf_details *) (f)->f_details) extern int errno; char *malloc(), *copyit(); /* * I am making the assumption that 530 bytes will always be enough * to find the end of the GF file. 12 should suffice, as there * should be at most seven GF_FILLER bytes, preceded by the GF ID, * preceded by the four byte postamble pointer; but at least one * VMS TeX pads pads DVI files to a full `sector', so I am assuming * it may do the same to GF files. */ #ifdef vms #define POSTSIZE 530 /* make only VMS pay for its ways; */ #else #define POSTSIZE 16 /* others get to use something reasonable */ #endif /* * Find the GF postamble. Store the offsets of the POST and POSTPOST * opcodes through postp and postpostp. */ static findGFpostamble(fd, postp, postpostp) int fd; long *postp, *postpostp; { register long offset; register char *p; register int i; register i32 n; char postbuf[POSTSIZE]; /* * Avoid lseek()ing beyond beginning of file; it may give odd * results. Read the last POSTSIZE bytes (or however many we * can get). */ offset = lseek(fd, 0L, 2) - (long) POSTSIZE; if (offset < 0L) offset = 0L; (void) lseek(fd, offset, 0); i = read(fd, postbuf, POSTSIZE); if (i <= 0) return (-1); p = &postbuf[i]; i -= 4; /* account for the pointer in advance */ /* * Now search backwards for the GF_ID byte. The postamble * pointer will be four bytes behind that. */ while (--i >= 0) { if (UnSign8(*--p) == GF_ID) goto foundit; if (UnSign8(*p) != GF_FILLER) break; } return (-1); /* cannot find postamble ptr */ foundit: /* * Store the (presumed) position of the POSTPOST byte, which * is i-1 bytes beyond `offset'. */ *postpostp = offset + i - 1; /* * Read out the postamble pointer and seek to the postamble, * also saving the offset. */ p -= 4; pGetLong(p, n); *postp = offset = n; (void) lseek(fd, offset, 0); return (0); /* made it */ } /* * Read a GF file. */ static int gf_read(f) register struct font *f; { register struct gf_details *gd; register char *p; register struct char_loc *cl; register int i; int fd, presize, postsize, bodysize, firstc, lastc; char *postamble; long postaddr, postpostaddr; i32 lasteoc; char *problem = NULL; struct stat st; char b[4]; int saverr; if ((fd = open(f->f_path, 0)) < 0) return (-1); gd = NULL; /* prepare for failure */ postamble = NULL; /* * The file had best be at least 50 bytes long. A * `completely empty' GF file might consist of a PRE, a GF_ID, * no comment (one zero byte), then: POST, pointer to last * EOC, design size, checksum, hppp, vppp, min_m, max_m, * min_n, max_n, POSTPOST, pointer to POST, GF_ID, and four * FILLERs. */ (void) fstat(fd, &st); if (st.st_size < 50) { /* too small to be a GF file */ problem = "file is too short"; goto fail; } /* * Read the very beginning and pick up the preamble size. */ if (read(fd, b, 4) != 4) goto fail; if (UnSign8(b[0]) != GF_PRE) { problem = "file does not begin with PRE"; goto fail; } i = UnSign8(b[1]); if (i != GF_ID) error(0, 0, "Warning: strange GF id (%d) in \"%s\"", i, f->f_path); presize = 3 + UnSign8(b[2]); /* * Find the postamble, allocate space, and read it in. */ if (findGFpostamble(fd, &postaddr, &postpostaddr)) { problem = "cannot find postamble"; goto fail; } postsize = postpostaddr - postaddr + 1; if ((p = malloc(postsize)) == NULL) goto fail; if (read(fd, p, postsize) != postsize) goto fail; postamble = p; /* * Make sure we found it. */ if (pgetbyte(p) != GF_POST) { problem = "no GF_POST at postamble"; goto fail; } /* * Looks okay. Allocate detail space and poke through the postamble. */ if ((gd = (struct gf_details *) malloc(sizeof (*gd))) == NULL) goto fail; gd->gd_body = NULL; pGetLong(p, lasteoc); /* actually one past last EOC */ p += 4; /* skip design size */ pGetLong(p, f->f_checksum); p += 2 * 4; /* hppp, vppp */ pGetLong(p, gd->gd_gb.min_m); pGetLong(p, gd->gd_gb.max_m); pGetLong(p, gd->gd_gb.min_n); pGetLong(p, gd->gd_gb.max_n); /* * Zap all the character locators, then read those that are * defined in the postamble. Remember the first and last * characters so that we know which glyphs are defined. Lastc * is actually the last-plus-one'th character. */ for (cl = gd->gd_cl, i = 256; --i >= 0; cl++) cl->cl_p = -1; firstc = 256; lastc = 0; for (;;) { i32 dx, dy; switch (pgetbyte(p)) { case GF_CHAR_LOC: i = pgetbyte(p); pGetLong(p, dx); pGetLong(p, dy); goto merge; case GF_CHAR_LOC0: i = pgetbyte(p); dx = ((i32) pgetbyte(p)) << 16; dy = 0; merge: if (i < firstc) firstc = i; if (i >= lastc) lastc = i + 1; cl = &gd->gd_cl[i]; cl->cl_dx = dx; cl->cl_dy = dy; pGetLong(p, cl->cl_w); pGetLong(p, cl->cl_p); break; case GF_POSTPOST: goto done; default: error(0, 0, "I do not understand %d here", UnSign8(p[-1])); problem = "unexpected opcode in postamble"; goto fail; } } done: free(postamble); postamble = NULL; /* all done with it */ /* * Alas, we need the instructions whether or not we need * the rasters, since the raster bounding box information * can only be properly determined by converting the rasters. * Compute the size of the main body of the GF file, then * read it in. */ bodysize = lasteoc - presize; if ((gd->gd_body = malloc(bodysize + 1)) == NULL) goto fail; (void) lseek(fd, (long) presize, 0); if (read(fd, gd->gd_body, bodysize) != bodysize) goto fail; /* * The next byte might be a special, so we just * arbitrarily stuff in a POST. */ gd->gd_body[bodysize] = GF_POST; gd->gd_base = gd->gd_body - presize; f->f_details = (char *) gd; if (FontHasGlyphs(f, firstc, lastc)) goto fail2; (void) close(fd); return (0); fail: if (problem == NULL) error(0, errno, "trouble reading \"%s\"", f->f_path); else error(0, 0, "%s\n\t(are you sure \"%s\" is a GF file?)", problem, f->f_path); errno = 0; fail2: saverr = errno; if (postamble != NULL) free(postamble); if (gd != NULL) { if (gd->gd_body != NULL) free(gd->gd_body); free((char *) gd); } (void) close(fd); errno = saverr; return (-1); } /* * Some global variables, used while building rasters. (These are * referenced also in copyit(), so must be global. Fortunately, no * one yet requires the font routines to be re-entrant.) */ static char *buildraster; /* raster being built */ static int buildsize; /* size of buildraster (bytes) */ static struct bounds tempb; /* bounds used during buildraster */ static struct bounds ob; /* observed bounds */ /* * Bit tables: `left' and `right' bits. lbits[b] has all the bits * that are to the left of bit b set; rbits[b] has all the bits * that are to the right of bit b set, as well as bit b itself. */ static char lbits[] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe }; static char rbits[] = { 0xff, 0x7f, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01 }; /* * The magic address `nullraster' is known in getgly() as a valid * but empty raster, and changed there to NULL. A NULL return from * drawchar indicates failure; we need something to distinguish the * empty raster. */ static char nullraster[1]; /* * `Inline functions': * -> convert a bit number to a byte number (round down); * -> convert a number of bits to a number of bytes (round up); * and convert a bit to a bit index. */ #define btoby(b) ((b) >> 3) #define btonb(b) (((b) + 7) >> 3) #define btobi(b) ((b) & 7) /* * Helper function for getgly: build the raster, and compute its * minimal bounding box. Called with `p' pointing past the backpointer * field of the BOC command (i.e., at min_m or del_m). `abbrev' is true * iff this was a BOC1. `globalb' are the global bounds from the GF file, * whose name is pointed to by gfname. */ static char * drawchar(p, abbrev, globalb, gfname) register char *p; int abbrev; struct bounds globalb; char *gfname; { register i32 m; /* m register (column) */ register char *colp; /* pointer to byte corresponding to m */ register int c; /* temporary */ register i32 i; /* temporary */ register int black; /* true when paint_switch==black */ register i32 n; /* n register (row) */ int stride; /* multiplier to convert linear to 2d array */ int wrotethisrow; /* true iff we wrote in the current row */ char *virtrast; /* virtual origin version of buildraster */ int mustcopy; /* true if we must copy the built raster */ struct bounds gb; /* bounds from the GF file */ /* get the bounds */ if (abbrev) { c = pgetbyte(p);/* del_m */ gb.min_m = (gb.max_m = pgetbyte(p)) - c; c = pgetbyte(p);/* del_n */ gb.min_n = (gb.max_n = pgetbyte(p)) - c; } else { pGetLong(p, gb.min_m); pGetLong(p, gb.max_m); pGetLong(p, gb.min_n); pGetLong(p, gb.max_n); } /* * Trim the GF bounds according to the global bounds. We * use the trimmed values to allocate the build space. */ tempb = gb; #define GB_ADJ(field, cmp) \ if (tempb.field cmp globalb.field) \ tempb.field = globalb.field GB_ADJ(min_m, <); GB_ADJ(max_m, >); GB_ADJ(min_n, <); GB_ADJ(max_n, >); #undef GB_ADJ /* * Compute the distance between rows (the number of bytes per * column), then make sure there is room in the build space * for [min_n..max_n] of these, possibly by allocating a new raster. */ stride = btonb(tempb.max_m - tempb.min_m + 1); c = stride * (tempb.max_n - tempb.min_n + 1); if (c <= 0) /* completely empty character */ return (nullraster); if (c > buildsize) { if (buildraster != NULL) free(buildraster); if ((buildraster = malloc(c)) == NULL) { buildsize = 0; return (NULL); } buildsize = c; } /* * If we are using an old raster that is too big, remember to * scrunch it down later. */ mustcopy = buildsize > c; /* clear the raster to white */ bzero(buildraster, c); /* * Make a virtual origin raster pointer. The virtual origin is * where raster[0][0] is, whether or not there is a raster[0][0]. * Normally, this would be * &buildraster[-gb.min_n * stride - btoby(gb.min_m)], * but it is complicated by two things. Firstly, we would like * n==max_n to be the bottommost point in the raster (low * addresses), and n==min_n to be the topmost (high addresses). * In other words, we need to reflect the n (Y) values about * the X axis: negate them. Secondly, the raster we create * must be `flush left'. That is, somewhere along its rows, * bit 0x80 must be set at the left edge of one of its columns. * We need to subtract away the minimum bit index before * calculating bit values. This cannot really be done in * advance, since we cannot address bits directly. */ virtrast = &buildraster[gb.max_n * stride]; /* * Set up the bounds-trimming variables. The observed m bounds * are kept offset by gb.min_m until we finish drawing the * character. */ ob.min_m = tempb.max_m - gb.min_m + 1; ob.max_m = tempb.min_m - gb.min_m - 1; ob.min_n = tempb.max_n + 1; ob.max_n = tempb.min_n - 1; wrotethisrow = 0; #define FIX_N_BOUNDS() { \ if (wrotethisrow) { \ c = -n; /* recall that n is reflected about X axis */ \ if (c < ob.min_n) \ ob.min_n = c; \ if (c > ob.max_n) \ ob.max_n = c; \ wrotethisrow = 0; \ } \ } /* * Initialise state variables: m = min_m, n = max_n, * paint_switch = white. */ m = 0; /* gb.min_m - gb.min_m */ n = -gb.max_n; /* reflected */ colp = &virtrast[n * stride]; if (colp != buildraster) panic("gffont drawchar colp != buildraster"); black = 0; /* * Now interpret the character. * `for (;;)' pushes everything off the right edge, alas. */ more: c = pgetbyte(p); if (GF_IsPaint(c)) /* faster? */ goto paint; switch (GF_OpLen(c)) { case GPL_NONE: break; case GPL_UNS1: i = pgetbyte(p); break; case GPL_UNS2: pGetWord(p, i); break; case GPL_UNS3: pGet3Byte(p, i); break; case GPL_SGN4: pGetLong(p, i); break; default: panic("gffont drawchar GF_OpLen(%d) = %d", c, GF_OpLen(c)); /* NOTREACHED */ } switch (GF_TYPE(c)) { case GT_PAINT0: paint: i = c - GF_PAINT_0; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GT_PAINT: /* * Paint `i' bits in the current row at columns [m..m+i). */ if (i && black) { /* remember to adjust n bounds later */ wrotethisrow = 1; /* adjust minimum m bound */ if (m < ob.min_m) ob.min_m = m; /* * Finish the partial byte at colp. There are 8-k * bits to set to finish it, where k is the bit * index value from m. If we need to set fewer * than 8-k bits, set them now and skip the rest * of this. */ c = 8 - btobi(m); if (i < c) { /* cannot finish it off */ *colp |= UnSign8(lbits[i]) >> btobi(m); m += i; } else { /* finish it off */ *colp++ |= rbits[btobi(m)]; i -= c; m += c; /* * Update m to reflect having written the * remaining i bits, then write them. * First write all the full bytes, then * start a partial byte with whatever * is left over, if anything. */ m += i; i >>= 3; while (--i >= 0) *colp++ = 0xff; *colp |= lbits[btobi(m)]; } /* adjust maximum m bound */ if (m > ob.max_m) ob.max_m = m; } else { /* * Add the bit index so that we round up whenever * this fills the partial byte at colp. */ colp += (i + btobi(m)) >> 3; m += i; } black = !black; break; case GT_EOC: /* all done */ FIX_N_BOUNDS(); goto done; case GT_SKIP0: /* skip no rows */ i = 0; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GT_SKIP: /* skip some rows, draw white */ m = 0; black = 0; goto skip_or_new_row; case GT_NEW_ROW: /* next row near left col, draw black */ m = c - GF_NEW_ROW_0; black = 1; i = 0; /* n offset is 1: skip no rows */ skip_or_new_row: FIX_N_BOUNDS(); n += i + 1; /* += because reflected */ colp = &virtrast[n * stride + btoby(m)]; break; case GT_XXX: /* special */ p += i; break; case GT_YYY: /* numspecial */ break; case GT_NOP: /* dull */ break; case GT_BOC: /* should not appear */ case GT_BOC1: case GT_CHAR_LOC: case GT_CHAR_LOC0: case GT_PRE: case GT_POST: case GT_POSTPOST: case GT_UNDEF: error(0, 0, "unexpected GF opcode %d", c); error(1, 0, "bad GF file \"%s\"", gfname); /* NOTREACHED */ default: panic("gffont drawchar GF_TYPE(%d) = %d", c, GF_TYPE(c)); /* NOTREACHED */ } goto more; done: /* * The observed bounds `m' values are both off by gb.min_m, so * fix them now. CONSIDER ADJUSTING n HERE TOO */ ob.min_m += gb.min_m; ob.max_m += gb.min_m; /* * If we used too much memory for the raster, copy it now. */ if (mustcopy || tempb.min_n != ob.min_n || tempb.max_n != ob.max_n || btonb(ob.max_m - ob.min_m + 1) != stride) return (copyit()); /* * If the left column bounds match, just move the raster in place. */ if (tempb.min_m == ob.min_m) { p = buildraster; buildraster = NULL; buildsize = 0; return (p); } /* * The raster must be copied, but only because it is not * `left justified'. * * CONSIDER DEFERRING THIS PHASE UNTIL THE RASTER IS USED */ return (copyit()); } /* * Copy the built raster to newly allocated space. * We may need to shift all the bits left as well. */ char * copyit() { register char *o, *p; register int i, oldoff, newoff; char *n; /* * Compute the observed minimum stride. If it is zero or negative, * there is no raster at all, else allocate just enough space * to hold the new raster. */ newoff = btonb(ob.max_m - ob.min_m + 1); if (newoff <= 0) return (nullraster); if (ob.max_n < ob.min_n) panic("gffont copyit max_n < min_n"); n = malloc((unsigned) (newoff * (ob.max_n - ob.min_n + 1))); if ((p = n) == NULL) return (NULL); /* * Compute the old stride. */ oldoff = btonb(tempb.max_m - tempb.min_m + 1); if (oldoff < newoff) panic("gffont copyit oldoff < newoff"); /* * Point at the old raster, then add the offset to the first * written row, and then the offset to the first written column. */ o = buildraster; o += (ob.max_n - tempb.max_n) * oldoff; i = ob.min_m - tempb.min_m; o += btoby(i); /* * Now copy each row, doing shifting if required. */ if ((i = btobi(i)) != 0) { /* must shift, alas */ register int r = 8 - i, j, k; oldoff -= newoff; for (k = ob.max_n; k >= ob.min_n; k--) { for (j = newoff; --j >= 0;) { *p++ = *o++ << i; p[-1] |= UnSign8(*o) >> r; } o += oldoff; } } else if (oldoff > newoff) { /* compressing columns */ for (i = ob.max_n; i >= ob.min_n; i--) { bcopy(o, p, newoff); o += oldoff; p += newoff; } } else /* just squeezing out extra rows */ bcopy(o, p, newoff * (ob.max_n - ob.min_n + 1)); /* finally, return the copy */ return (n); } /* * Obtain the specified range of glyphs. */ static int gf_getgly(f, l, h) register struct font *f; int l, h; { register struct glyph *g; register struct char_loc *cl; register char *p; register i32 c; register int i; register i32 thisboc; int abbrev; struct gf_details *gd = ftogd(f); /* * For each glyph, make sure there exists an instance of that * character residue. Go find the actual glyph (which may be * arbitrarily far down a chain of pointers) and get its info. */ for (cl = &gd->gd_cl[i = l]; i < h; i++, cl++) { g = f->f_gly[i]; thisboc = cl->cl_p; /* * Screw around locating the character for real. */ while (thisboc != -1) { p = gd->gd_base + thisboc; skip: c = pgetbyte(p); switch (GF_TYPE(c)) { case GT_XXX: switch (GF_OpLen(c)) { case GPL_UNS1: c = pgetbyte(p); break; case GPL_UNS2: pGetWord(p, c); break; case GPL_UNS3: pGet3Byte(p, c); break; case GPL_SGN4: pGetLong(p, c); break; default: panic("gf_getgly GF_OpLen(%d) = %d", c, GF_OpLen(c)); /* NOTREACHED */ } p += c; goto skip; case GT_YYY: p += 4; goto skip; case GT_BOC: abbrev = 0; pGetLong(p, c); break; case GT_BOC1: abbrev = 1; c = pgetbyte(p); break; default: error(0, 0, "GF code %d; I expected BOC", c); error(1, 0, "bad GF file \"%s\"", f->f_path); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * Found a BOC. If it is the right character, * go handle it. */ if (c == i) goto handleit; if ((c & 255) != i) { error(0, 0, "%d != %d mod 256", c, i); error(1, 0, "Bad GF file \"%s\"", f->f_path); } /* * Follow the backpointer. */ if (abbrev) thisboc = -1; else pGetLong(p, thisboc); } /* * If we get here, the glyph is not valid after all. */ continue; /* * The glyph is okay. Set it up. */ handleit: g->g_flags = GF_VALID; #ifdef notyet g->g_xescapement = cl->cl_dx; g->g_yescapement = cl->cl_dy; #endif g->g_tfmwidth = cl->cl_w; if (!abbrev) p += 4; /* skip backpointer */ if ((p = drawchar(p, abbrev, gd->gd_gb, f->f_path)) == NULL) return (-1); /* ??? */ if (p == nullraster) p = NULL; /* set height &c based on observed bounds */ g->g_height = ob.max_n - ob.min_n + 1; g->g_width = ob.max_m - ob.min_m + 1; g->g_yorigin = ob.max_n; g->g_xorigin = -ob.min_m; g->g_raster = p; g->g_rotation = ROT_NORM; } return (0); } /* * Obtain rasters for the specified glyphs. We did this above, while * adjusting the bounding boxes, so this routine should never get called. */ static int gf_rasterise(f, l, h) struct font *f; int l, h; { panic("gf_rasterise(%s, %d, %d)", f->f_path, l, h); } /* * Discard the font details. */ static gf_freefont(f) struct font *f; { struct gf_details *gd; if ((gd = ftogd(f)) != NULL) { free(gd->gd_body); free((char *) gd); } }