NAME Tags::Output::PYX - PYX class for line oriented output for 'Tags'. SYNOPSYS use Tags::Output::PYX; my $obj = Tags::Output::PYX->new(%parameters); $obj->finalize; my $ret = $obj->flush($reset_flag); my @tags = $obj->open_tags; $obj->put(@data); $obj->reset; PYX LINE CHARS ? - Instruction. ( - Open tag. ) - Close tag. A - Attribute. - - Normal data. METHODS "new(%parameters)" Constructor. * "auto_flush" Auto flush flag. Default value is 0. * "output_callback" Output callback. Default value is undef. * "output_handler" Set output handler. Default value is undef. * "output_sep" Output separator. Default value is newline. * "skip_bad_data" Skip bad tags. Default value is 0. * "strict_instruction" Strict instruction. Default value is 1. "finalize()" Finalize Tags output. Automaticly puts end of all opened tags. Returns undef. "flush($reset_flag)" Flush tags in object. If defined 'output_handler' flush to its. Or returns code. If enabled $reset_flag, then resets internal variables via reset method. "open_tags()" Returns array of opened tags. "put(@data)" Put tags code in tags format. Returns undef. "reset()" Resets internal variables. Returns undef. ERRORS new(): Auto-flush can't use without output handler. Output handler is bad file handler. From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. flush(): Cannot write to output handler. put(): Bad data. Bad type of data. Bad number of arguments. 'Tags' structure %s Ending bad tag: '%s' in block of tag '%s'. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use Tags::Output::PYX; # Object. my $tags = Tags::Output::PYX->new; # Put all tag types. $tags->put( ['b', 'tag'], ['a', 'par', 'val'], ['c', 'data', \'data'], ['e', 'tag'], ['i', 'target', 'data'], ['b', 'tag'], ['d', 'data', 'data'], ['e', 'tag'], ); # Print out. print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # (tag # Apar val # -<!--data--><!--SCALAR(0x1570740)--> # )tag # ?target data # (tag # -datadata # )tag DEPENDENCIES Error::Pure, Readonly, Tags::Output, Tags::Utils. SEE ALSO Tags Structure oriented SGML/XML/HTML/etc. elements manipulation. Task::PYX Install the PYX modules. Task::Tags Install the Tags modules. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2011-2020 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.04