NAME Text::Roman - Allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algarisms. VERSION version 3.5 SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::Roman qw(:all); print int2roman(123), "\n"; my $roman = "XXXV"; print roman2int($roman), "\n" if isroman($roman); my $milhar = 'L_X_XXIII'; # = 60,023 print milhar2int($milhar), "\n" if ismilhar($milhar); DESCRIPTION This package supports both conventional Roman algarisms (which range from *1* to *3999*) and Milhar Romans, a variation which uses a bar across the algarism to indicate multiplication by *1_000*. For the purposes of this module, acceptable syntax consists of an underscore suffixed to the algarism e.g. IV_V = *4_005*. The term Milhar apparently derives from the Portuguese word for "thousands" and the range of this notation extends the range of Roman numbers to *3999 * 1000 + 3999 = 4_002_999*. Note: the functions in this package treat Roman algarisms in a case-insensitive manner such that "VI" == "vI" == "Vi" == "vi". The following functions may be imported into the caller package by name: FUNCTIONS isroman Tests a string to be a valid Roman algarism. Returns a boolean value. int2roman Converts an integer expressed in Arabic numerals, to its corresponding Roman algarism. If the integer provided is out of the range expressible in Roman notation, an *undef* is returned. roman2int Does the converse of "int2roman", converting a Roman algarism to its integer value. ismilhar Determines whether a string qualifies as a Milhar Roman algarism. milhar2int Converts a Milhar Roman algarism to an integer. ismroman/mroman2int/roman These functions belong to the module's old interface and are considered deprecated. Do not use them in new code and they will eventually be discontinued; they map as follows: * ismroman => ismilhar * mroman2int => milhar2int * roman => int2roman CHANGES Some changes worth noting from this module's previous incarnation: *namespace imports* The call to use must now explicitly request function names imported into it's namespace. *argument defaults/void context* All functions now will operate on $_ when no arguments are passed, and will set $_ when called in a void context. This allows for writing code like: @x = qw/V III XI IV/; roman2int() for @x; print join("-", @x); instead of the uglier: @x = qw/V III XI IV/; $_ = roman2int($_) for @x; print join("-", @x); SPECIFICATION Roman algarisms may be described using the following BNF-like formula: a = I{1,3} b = V\a?|IV|\a e = X{1,3}\b?|X{0,3}IX|\b ee = IX|\b f = L\e?|XL\ee?|\e g = C{1,3}\f?|C{0,3}XC\ee?|\f gg = XC\ee?|\f h = D\g?|CD\gg?|\g j = M{1,3}\h?|M{0,3}CM\gg?|\h REFERENCES For a description of the Roman numeral system see: <>. A reference to Milhar Roman alagarisms (in Portuguese) may be found at: < c/norn-nro.html>. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module was originally written by Peter de Padua Krauss and submitted to CPAN by Stanislaw Pusep <> who has relinquished control to Erick Calder <> since the original author has never maintained it and can no longer be reached. Erick have completely rewritten the module, implementing simpler algorithms to perform the same functionality, adding a test suite, a Changes file, etc. and providing more comprehensive documentation. Ten years later, Stanislaw returned as a maintainer. AUTHOR Stanislaw Pusep <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2003 by Erick Calder <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.