NAME Test::JSON::Type - Test JSON data with types. SYNOPSIS use Test::JSON::Type; cmp_json_types($json, $json_expected, $test_name); is_json_type($json, $expected_type_hr, $test_name); SUBROUTINES "cmp_json_types" cmp_json_types($json, $json_expected, $test_name); This decodes $json and $json_expected JSON strings to Perl structure and return data type structure defined by Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type. And compare these structures, if are same. Result is success or failure of this comparison. In case of failure print difference in test. "is_json_type" is_json_type($json, $expected_type_hr, $test_name); This decoded $json JSON string to Perl structure and return data type structure defined by Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type. Compare this structure with $expected_type_hr, if are same. Result is success or failure of this comparison. In case of failure print difference in test. ERRORS cmp_json_types(): JSON string isn't valid. Error: %s JSON string to compare is required. Expected JSON string isn't valid. Error: %s Expected JSON string to compare is required. is_json_type(): JSON string isn't valid. Error: %s JSON string to compare is required. EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use Test::JSON::Type; use Test::More 'tests' => 2; my $json_blank1 = '{}'; my $json_blank2 = '{}'; cmp_json_types($json_blank1, $json_blank2, 'Blank JSON strings.'); my $json_struct1 = <<'END'; { "bool": true, "float": 0.23, "int": 1, "null": null, "string": "bar" } END my $json_struct2 = <<'END'; { "bool": false, "float": 1.23, "int": 2, "null": null, "string": "foo" } END cmp_json_types($json_struct1, $json_struct2, 'Structured JSON strings.'); # Output: # 1..2 # ok 1 - Blank JSON strings. # ok 2 - Structured JSON strings. EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use Test::JSON::Type; use Test::More 'tests' => 1; my $json_struct_err1 = <<'END'; { "int": 1, "string": "1" } END my $json_struct_err2 = <<'END'; { "int": 1, "string": 1 } END cmp_json_types($json_struct_err1, $json_struct_err2, 'Structured JSON strings with error.'); # Output: # 1..1 # not ok 1 - Structured JSON strings with error. # # Failed test 'Structured JSON strings with error.' # # at ./ line 21. # # +----+--------------------------------+-----------------------------+ # # | Elt|Got |Expected | # # +----+--------------------------------+-----------------------------+ # # | 0|{ |{ | # # | 1| int => 'JSON_TYPE_INT', | int => 'JSON_TYPE_INT', | # # * 2| string => 'JSON_TYPE_STRING' | string => 'JSON_TYPE_INT' * # # | 3|} |} | # # +----+--------------------------------+-----------------------------+ # # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. EXAMPLE3 use strict; use warnings; use Test::JSON::Type; use Test::More 'tests' => 1; my $json_struct_err1 = <<'END'; { "int": 1, "array": ["1", 1] } END my $json_struct_err2 = <<'END'; { "int": 1, "array": 1 } END cmp_json_types($json_struct_err1, $json_struct_err2, 'Structured JSON strings with error.'); # Output: # 1..1 # not ok 1 - Structured JSON strings with error. # # Failed test 'Structured JSON strings with error.' # # at ./ line 21. # # +----+--------------------------+----+-----------------------------+ # # | Elt|Got | Elt|Expected | # # +----+--------------------------+----+-----------------------------+ # # | 0|{ | 0|{ | # # * 1| array => [ * 1| array => 'JSON_TYPE_INT', * # # * 2| 'JSON_TYPE_STRING', * | | # # * 3| 'JSON_TYPE_INT' * | | # # * 4| ], * | | # # | 5| int => 'JSON_TYPE_INT' | 2| int => 'JSON_TYPE_INT' | # # | 6|} | 3|} | # # +----+--------------------------+----+-----------------------------+ # # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. EXAMPLE4 use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type; use Test::JSON::Type; use Test::More 'tests' => 2; my $json_struct1 = <<'END'; { "bool": true, "float": 0.23, "int": 1, "null": null, "string": "bar" } END my $json_struct2 = <<'END'; { "bool": false, "float": 1.23, "int": 2, "null": null, "string": "foo" } END my $expected_type_hr = { 'bool' => JSON_TYPE_BOOL, 'float' => JSON_TYPE_FLOAT, 'int' => JSON_TYPE_INT, 'null' => JSON_TYPE_NULL, 'string' => JSON_TYPE_STRING, }; is_json_type($json_struct1, $expected_type_hr, 'Test JSON type #1.'); is_json_type($json_struct2, $expected_type_hr, 'Test JSON type #2.'); # Output: # 1..2 # ok 1 - Test JSON type \#1. # ok 2 - Test JSON type \#2. EXAMPLE5 use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type; use Test::JSON::Type; use Test::More 'tests' => 2; my $json_struct = <<'END'; { "array": [1,2,3] } END my $expected_type1_hr = { 'array' => json_type_arrayof(JSON_TYPE_INT), }; my $expected_type2_hr = { 'array' => [ JSON_TYPE_INT, JSON_TYPE_INT, JSON_TYPE_INT, ], }; is_json_type($json_struct, $expected_type1_hr, 'Test JSON type (multiple integers).'); is_json_type($json_struct, $expected_type2_hr, 'Test JSON type (three integers)'); # Output: # 1..2 # ok 1 - Test JSON type (multiple integers). # ok 2 - Test JSON type (three integers) DEPENDENCIES Cpanel::JSON::XS, Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type, English, Error::Pure, Readonly, Test::Builder::Module, Test::Differences. SEE ALSO Test::JSON Test JSON data Test::JSON::More JSON Test Utility REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2021-2022 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.04