EP3 - The Extensible Perl PreProcessor

      use EP3;
      [use EP3::{Extension}] # Language Specific Modules
      my $object = new EP3 file;
         [other methods that can be invoked]
         $object->ep3_process([$filename, [$condition]]);

    EP3 is a Perl5 program that preprocesses STDIN or some set of
    input files and produces an output file. EP3 only works on input
    files and produces output files. It seems to me that if you want
    to preprocess arrays or somesuch, you should be using perl. EP3
    was first developed to provide a flexible preprocessor for the
    Verilog hardware description language. Verilog presents some
    problems that were not easily solved by using cpp or m4. I
    wanted to be able to use a normal preprocessor, but extend its
    functionality. So I wrote EP3 - the Extensible Perl
    PreProcessor. The main difference between EP3 and other
    preprocessors is its built-in extensibility. Every directive in
    EP3 is really a method defined in EP3, one of its submodules, or
    embedded in the file that is being processed. By linking the
    directive name to the associated methods, other methods could be
    added, thus extending the preprocessor.

    Many of the features of EP3 can be modified via command line
    switches. For every command line switch, there is an also
    accessor method.

    Directives and Method Invocation
        Directives are preceded with the a user defined delimeter.
        The default delimeter is `@'. This delimeter was chosen to
        avoid conflicts with other preprocessor delimeters (`#' and
        the Verilog backtick), as well as Verilog syntax that might
        be found a the beginning of a line (`$', `&', etc.). A
        directive is defined in Perl as the beginning of the line,
        any amount of whitespace, and the delimeter immediately
        followed by Perl word characters (0-9A-Za-z_).

        EP3 looks for directives, strips off the delimeter, and then
        invokes a method of the same name. The standard directives
        are defined within the EP3 program. Library or user defined
        directives may be loaded as perl modules either via the use
        command or from a command line switch for inclusion at the
        beginning of the EP3 run. Using the "include" directive
        coupled with the "perl_begin/end" directives perl
        subroutines (and hence EP3 directives) may be dynamically
        included during the EP3 run.

    Directive Extension Method 1: The use command.
        A module may be included with the use statement provided
        that it pushes its package name onto EP3's @ISA array (thus
        telling EP3 to inherit its methods). For a Verilog module
        whose filename is and has the package name
        Text::EP3::Verilog, the following line must be included ...

            push (@Text::EP3::ISA, qw(Text::EP3::Verilog));

        This package can then be simply included in whatever script
        you are using to call EP3 with the line:

            use Text::EP3::Verilog;

        All methods within the module are now available to EP3 as

    Directive Extension Method 2: The command line switch.
        A module can be included at run time with the -module
        modulename switch on the command line (assuming the
        ep3_parse_command_line method is invoked). The modulename is
        assumed to have a .pm extension and exist somewhere in the
        directories specified in @INC. All methods within the module
        are now available to EP3 as directives.

    Directive Extension Method 3: The ep3_modules accessor method.
        Modules can be added by using the accessor method

            $object->ep3_modules("module1","module2", ....);

        All methods within the module are now available to EP3 as

    Directive Extension Method 4: Embedded in the source code or included files.
        Using the perl_begin and perl_end directives to delineate
        perl sections, subroutines can be declared (as methods)
        anywhere in a processed file or in a file that the process
        file includes. In this way, runtime methods are made
        available to EP3. For example ...

            1 Text to be printed ...
            sub hello {
                my $self = shift;
                print "Hello there\n";
            2 Text to be printed ...
            3 Text to be printed ...
            would result in
            1 Text to be printed ...
            2 Text to be printed ...
            Hello there 
            3 Text to be printed ...

        Using this method, libraries of directives can be built and
        included with the include directive (but it is recommended
        that they be moved into a module when they become static).

    Input Files and Processing
        Input files are processed one line at a time. The EP3 engine
        attempts to perform substitutions with elements stored in
        macro/define/replace lists. All directive lines are
        preprocessed before being evaluated (the only exception
        being the key portions of the if[n]def and define
        directives). Directive lines can be extended across multiple
        lines by placing the `\' character at the end of each line.
        Comments are normally protected from the preprocessor, but
        protection can be dynamically turned off and then back on.
        From a command line switch, comments can also be deleted
        from the output.

    Output Files
        EP3 typically writes output to Perl's STDOUT, but can be
        assigned to any output file. EP3 can also be run in
        "dependency check" mode via a command line switch. In this
        mode, normal output is suppressed, and all dependent files
        are output in the order accessed.

        Most parameters can be modified before invoking EP3
        including directive string, comment delimeters, comment
        protection and inclusion, include path, and startup defines.

Standard Directives
    EP3 defines a standard set of preprocessor directives with a few
    special additions that integrate the power of Perl into the
    coded language.

    The define directive
        @define key definition The define directive assigns the
        definition to the key. The definition can contain any
        character including whitespace. The key is searched for as
        an individual word (i.e the input to be searched is
        tokenized on Perl word boundaries). The definition contains
        everything from the whitespace following the key until the
        end of the line.

    The replace directive
        @replace key definition The replace directive is identical
        to the define directive except that the substitution is
        performed if the key exists anywhere, not just on word

    The macro directive
        @macro key(value[,value]*) definition The macro directive
        tokenizes as the define directive, replacing the
        key(value,...) text with the definition and saving the value
        list. The definition is then parsed and the original macro
        values are replaced with the saved values.

    The eval directive
        @eval key expr The eval directive first evaluates the expr
        using Perl. Any valid Perl expr is accepted. This key is
        then defined with the result of the evaluation.

    The include directive
        @include <file> or "file" [condition] The include directive
        looks for the "file" in the present directory, and <file>
        anywhere in the include path (definable via command line
        switch). Included files are recursively evaluated by the
        preprocessor. If the optional condition is specified, only
        those lines in between the text strings "@mark
        condition_BEGIN" and "@mark condition_END" will be included.
        The condition can be any string. For example if the file
        "file.V" contains the following lines:

            1 Stuff before
            @mark PORT_BEGIN
            2 Stuff middle
            @mark PORT_END
            3 Stuff after

        Then any file with the following line:

            @include "file.V" PORT 

        will include the following line from file.V

            2 Stuff middle

        This is useful for partial inclusion of files (like port
        list specifications in Verilog).

    The enum directive
        @enum a,b,c,d,... enum generates multiple define's with each
        sequential element receiving a 1 up count from the previous
        element. Default starts at 0. If any element is a number,
        the enum value will be set to that value.

    The ifdef and ifndef directives
        @ifdef and @ifndef key Conditional compilation directives.
        The key is defined if it was placed in the define/replace
        list by define, replace, or any command that generates a
        define or replace.

    The if directive
        @if expr The expression is evaluated using Perl. The
        expression can be any valid Perl expression. This allows for
        a wide range of conditional compilation.

    The elif [elsif] directive
        @[elif|elsif] key | expr The else if directive. Used for
        either "if[n]def" or "if".

    The else directive
        @else The else directive. Used for either "if[n]def" or

    The endif directive
        @endif The conclusion of any "if[n]def" or "if" block.

    The comment directive
        @comment on|off|default|previous The comment switch can be
        one of "on", "off", "default", or "previous". This is used
        to turn comments on or off in the resultant file. This
        directive is very useful when including other files with
        commented header descriptions. By using "comment off" and
        "comment previous" surrounding a header the output will not
        see the included files comments. Using "comment on" with
        "comment previous" insures that comments are included (as in
        an attached synthesis directive file). The default comment
        setting is on. This can be altered by a command line switch.
        The "comment default" directive will restore the comment
        setting to the EP3 invocation default.

    The ep3 directive
        @ep3 on|off The "ep3 off" directive turns off preprocessing
        until the "ep3 on" directive is encountered. This can
        greatly speed up processing of large files where
        postprocessing is only necessary in small chunks.

    The perl_begin and perl_end directives
        @perl_begin perl code here .... (Single line and multi-line
        output mechanisms are available)

        @> text to be output after variable interpolation or

        @>> text to be output

            after variable interpolation



        The "perl" directives provide the underlying language with
        all of the power of perl, embedded in the preprocessed code.
        Anything enclosed within the "perl_begin" and "perl_end"
        directives will be evaluated as a Perl script. This can be
        used to include a subroutine that can later be called as a
        directive. Using this type of extension, directive libraries
        can be developed and included to perform a variety of
        powerful source code development features. This construct
        can also be used to mimic and expand the VHDL generate
        capabilities. The "@>" and "@>> @<<" directives from within
        a perl_[begin|end] block directs ep3 to perform variable
        interpolation on the given line and then print it to the

    The debug directive
        @debug on|off|value The debug directive enables debug
        statements to go to the output file. The debug statements
        are preceded by the Line Comment string. Currently the debug
        values that will enable printouts are the following:

            0x01  1  - Primary messages (Entering Subroutines)
            0x02  2  - ep3_process Engine
            0x04  4  - define (replace, macro, eval, enum)
            0x08  8  - include
            0x10  16 - if (else, ifdef, etc.)
            0x20  32 - perl_begin/end

EP3 Methods
    EP3 defines several methods that can be invoked by the user.

            Execute sets up EP3 to act like a perl script. It parses
            the command line, includes any modules specified on the
            command line, loads in any specified modules, does any
            preexisting defines, sets up the output files, and then
            processes the input. Sort of the whole shebang.

            ep3_parse_command_line does just that - parses the
            command line looking for EP3 options. It uses the
            GetOpt::Long module.

            This method will find and include any modules specified
            as arguments. It expects just the name and will append
            .pm to it before doing a require. The module returns the
            methods specified in the objects methods array.

            ep3_output_file determines what the output should be
            (either the processed text or a list of dependencies)
            and where it should go. It then proceeds to open the
            required output files. The module returns the output

            ep3_reset resets all of the internal EP3 lists (defines,
            replaces, keycounts, etc.) so that a user can do
            multiple files independently from within one script.

    ep3_process([$filename [$condition]])
            ep3_process is the guts of the whole thing. It takes a
            filename as input and produces the specified output.
            This is the method that is iteratively called by the
            include directive. A null filenam will cause ep3_process
            to look for filenames in ARGV.

            This method will add the specified directories to the
            ep3 include path.

            This method will initialize defines with string1 defined
            as string 2. It initializes all of the defines in the
            objects Defines array.

            This method sets the end_comment string to the value
            specifed. If null, the method returns the current value.

            This method sets the start_comment string to the value
            specifed. If null, the method returns the current value.

            This method sets the end_commenline string to the value
            specifed. If null, the method returns the current value.

            This method sets the delimeter string to the value
            specifed. If null, the method returns the current value.

            This method enables/disables dependency list generation.
            When gen_depend_list is 1, a dependency list is
            generated. When it is 0, normal operation occurs. If
            null, the method returns the current value.

            This method sets the keep_comments variable to the value
            specifed. If null, the method returns the current value.

            This method sets the protect_comments variable to the
            value specifed. If null, the method returns the current

EP3 Options
    EP3 Options can be set from the command line (if ep3_execute or
    ep3_parse_command_line is invoked) or the internal variables can
    be explicitly set.

                Should comments be protected from substution? 
                Default: 1

                Should comments be passed to the output?
                Default: 1

                Are we generating a dependency list or simply processing?
                Default: 0

    -delimeter string
                The directive delimeter - can be a string
                Default: @

    -define string1=string2
                Defines from the command line. 
                Multiple -define options can be specified
                Default: ()

    -includes directory
                Where to look for include files. 
                Multiple -include options can be specified
                Default: ()

    -output_filename filename
                Where to place the output. 
                Default: STDOUT

    -modules filename
                Modules to load (just the module name, expecting to find somewhere in @INC. 
                Multiple -modules options can be specified
                Default: ()

    -line_comment string
                The Line Comment string. 
                Default: //

    -start_comment string
                The Start Comment string. 
                Default: /*

    -end_comment string
                The End Comment string. 
                Default: */

    Gary Spivey, Dept. of Defense, Ft. Meade, MD.

    Many thanks to Steve Bresson for his help, ideas, and code ...
