# NAME Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken - id\_token generation / verification module # SYNOPSIS use Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken qw/encode_id_token decode_id_token/; my $claims = +{ jti => 1, sub => "http://example.owner.com/user/1", aud => "http://example.client.com", iat => 1234567890, exp => 1234567890, }; my $key = ... # HMAC shared secret or RSA private key or ... my $id_token; # encode id_token $id_token = encode_id_token($claims, $key, "HS256"); # encode id_token with a_hash and/or c_hash $id_token = encode_id_token($claims, $key, "HS256", +{ token => "525180df1f951aada4e7109c9b0515eb", code => "f9101d5dd626804e478da1110619ea35", }); my $decoded_claims; # decode id_token without JWT verification $decoded_claims = decode_id_token($id_token); # decode id_token with JWT verification $decoded_claims = decode_id_token($id_token, $key); # decode id_token with JWT, a_hash and/or c_hash verification $decoded_claims = decode_id_token($id_token, $key, +{ token => "525180df1f951aada4e7109c9b0515eb", code => "f9101d5dd626804e478da1110619ea35", }); # ERRORS Exception will be thrown with error codes below when error occurs. You can handle these exceptions by... eval { decode_id_token(...) }; if ( my $e = $@ ) { if ( $e->code eq ERROR_IDTOKEN_TOKEN_HASH_NOT_FOUND ) { # error handling code herer } } Other errors like 'id\_token itself is not valid JWT' might come from underlying JSON::WebToken. ## ERROR\_IDTOKEN\_INVALID\_ALGORITHM Thrown when invalid algorithm specified. ## ERROR\_IDTOKEN\_TOKEN\_HASH\_NOT\_FOUND Thrown when tried to verify a\_hash with token but a\_hash not found. ## ERROR\_IDTOKEN\_TOKEN\_HASH\_INVALID Thrown when tried to verify a\_hash with token but a\_hash was invalid. ## ERROR\_IDTOKEN\_CODE\_HASH\_NOT\_FOUND Thrown when tried to verify c\_hash with token but a\_hash not found. ## ERROR\_IDTOKEN\_CODE\_HASH\_INVALID Thrown when tried to verify c\_hash with token but a\_hash was invalid. # DESCRIPTION Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken is a module to generate/verify IDToken of OpenID Connect. See: http://openid.net/connect/ __THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE__. # SEE ALSO http://search.cpan.org/~xaicron/JSON-WebToken-0.07/ # LICENSE Copyright (C) zentooo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR zentooo <zentooo@gmail.com<gt>