[](https://travis-ci.org/moznion/p6-Log-Minimal) NAME ==== Log::Minimal - Minimal and customizable logger for perl6 SYNOPSIS ======== use Log::Minimal; my $log = Log::Minimal.new; $log.critf('foo'); # 2010-10-20T00:25:17Z [CRITICAL] foo at example.p6 line 12; $log.warnf("%d %s %s", 1, "foo", $uri); $log.infof('foo'); $log.debugf("foo"); # print if %*ENV<LM_DEBUG> is true value # with full stack trace $log.critff("%s","foo"); # 2010-10-20T00:25:17Z [CRITICAL] foo at lib/Example.pm6 line 10, example.p6 line 12 $log.warnff("%d %s %s", 1, "foo", $uri); $log.infoff('foo'); $log.debugff("foo"); # print if %*ENV<LM_DEBUG> is true value # die with formatted message $log.errorf('foo'); $log.errorff('%s %s', $code, $message); DESCRIPTION =========== Log::Minimal is a minimal and customizable logger for perl6. This logger provides logging functions according to logging level with line (or stack) trace. This package is perl6 port of Log::Minimal of perl5. METHODS ======= critf(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ---------------------------------------------------------- $log.critf("could't connect to example.com"); $log.critf("Connection timeout timeout:%d, host:%s", 2, "example.com"); Display CRITICAL messages. When two or more arguments are passed to the method, the first argument is treated as a format of sprintf. warnf(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ---------------------------------------------------------- Display WARN messages. infof(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ---------------------------------------------------------- Display INFO messages. debugf(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ----------------------------------------------------------- Display DEBUG messages, if %*ENLM_DEBUG is true value. critff(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ----------------------------------------------------------- $log.critff("could't connect to example.com"); $log.critff("Connection timeout timeout:%d, host:%s", 2, "example.com"); Display CRITICAL messages with stack trace. warnff(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ----------------------------------------------------------- Display WARN messages with stack trace. infoff(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ----------------------------------------------------------- Display INFO messages with stack trace. debugff(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ------------------------------------------------------------ Display DEBUG messages with stack trace, if %*ENLM_DEBUG is true value. errorf(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ----------------------------------------------------------- die with formatted $message $log.errorf("critical error"); errorff(Log::Minimal:D: ($message:Str|$format:Str, *@list)); ------------------------------------------------------------ die with formatted $message with stack trace CUSTOMIZATION ============= `%*ENV<LM_DEBUG>` and `$.env-debug` ----------------------------------- %*ENLM_DEBUG must be true if you want to print debugf and debugff messages. You can change variable name from LM_DEBUG to arbitrary string which is specified by `$.env-debug` in use instance. use Log::Minimal; my $log = Log::Minimal.new(:env-debug('FOO_DEBUG')); %*ENV<LM_DEBUG> = True; %*ENV<FOO_DEBUG> = False; $log.debugf("hello"); # no output %*ENV<FOO_DEBUG> = True; $log.debugf("world"); # print message `%*ENV<LM_COLOR>` and `$.color` ------------------------------- `%*ENV<LM_COLOR>` is used as default value of `$.color`. If you want to colorize logging message, you specify true value into `%*ENV<LM_COLOR>` or `$.color` of instance. use Log::Minimal; my $log = Log::Minimal.new; %*ENV<LM_COLOR> = True; $log.infof("hello"); # output colorized message or use Log::Minimal; my $log = Log::Minimal.new; $log.color = True; $log.infof("hello"); # output colorized message `$.print` --------- To change the method of outputting the log, set `$.print` of instance. my $log = Log::Minimal.new; $log.print = sub (:$time, :$log-level, :$messages, :$trace) { note "[$log-level] $messages $trace"; # without time stamp } $log.critf('foo'); # [CRITICAL] foo at example.p6 line 12; default is sub (:$time, :$log-level, :$messages, :$trace) { note "$time [$log-level] $messages $trace"; } `$.die` ------- To change the format of die message, set `$.die` of instance. my $log = Log::Minimal.new; $log.print = sub (:$time, :$log-level, :$messages, :$trace) { die "[$log-level] $messages"; # without time stamp and trace } $log.errorf('foo'); default is sub (:$time, :$log-level, :$messages, :$trace) { Log::Minimal::Error.new(message => "$time [$log-level] $messages $trace").die; } `$.default-log-level` --------------------- Level for output log. my $log = Log::Minimal.new; $log.default-log-level = Log::Minimal::WARN; $log.infof("foo"); # print nothing $log.warnf("foo"); # print Support levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, CRITICAL, Error and MUTE. These levels are exposed by enum (e.g. Log::Minimal::DEBUG). If MUTE is set, no output except `errorf` and `errorff`. Default log level is DEBUG. `$.autodump` ------------ Serialize message with `.perl`. my $log = Log::Minimal.new; $log.warnf("%s", {foo => 'bar'}); # foo\tbar temp $log.autodump = True; warnf("dump is %s", {foo=>'bar'}); # :foo("bar") `$.default-trace-level` ----------------------- This variable determines how many additional call frames are to be skipped. Defaults to 0. `$.escape-whitespace` --------------------- If this value is true, whitespace other than space will be represented as [\n\t\r]. Defaults to True. `$.timezone` ------------ Default, this value is Nil means Log::Minimal determines timezone automatically from your environment. If you specify this value, Log::Minimal uses that timezone. my $timezone = DateTime.new('2015-12-24T12:23:00+0900').timezone; # <= 32400 my $log = Log::Minimal.new(:$timezone); $log.critff("%s","foo"); # 2010-10-20T00:25:17+09:00 [CRITICAL] foo at lib/Example.pm6 line 10, example.p6 line 12 SEE ALSO ======== [Log::Minimal of perl5](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Minimal) COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2015 moznion <moznion@gmail.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0. And original perl5's Log::Minimal is This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo@gmail.com>. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.