HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest - Make HTTP/HTTPS requests to web
    servers to check connectivity


    version v1.4.4


        # site:    https://foo.example
        # content: <html><head></head><body>This is my content</body></html>
        use HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest;
        # Look for a 200 status code and pass.
        my $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url => 'https://foo.example',
        my $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # OK
        # Look for a 200 status code and verify request takes no more than 10 seconds.
        my $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url => 'https://foo.example',
            response_time_threshold => 10,
        my $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # OK if no more than 10, WARNING if more than 10
        # Look for a 401 status code and fail.
        $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url         => 'https://foo.example',
            status_code => 401,
        $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # CRITICAL
        # Look for any status code less than 500.
        $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url         => 'https://foo.example',
            status_code => '<500',
        $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # CRITICAL
        # Look for any 403, 405, or any 2xx range code
        $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url         => 'https://foo.example',
            status_code => '403, 405, >=200, <300',
        $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # CRITICAL
        # Look for a 200 status code and content matching the string regex.
        $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url           => 'https://foo.example',
            content_regex => 'is my',
        $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # OK
        # Use a regex as the content_regex.
        $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            url           => 'https://foo.example',
            content_regex => qr/is my/,
        $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # OK
        # POST Method: Look for a 200 status code and content matching the string.
        my $data = {
            foo => 'tell me something',
        my $encoded_data = encode_utf8(encode_json($data));
        my $header = [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' ];
        my $url = '';
        my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, $header, $encoded_data);
        $diagnostic = HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest->new(
            request     => $request,
            status_code => 200,
            content_regex => "tell me something",
        $result = $diagnostic->check;
        print $result->{status}; # OK


    Determines if a web request to a url or request is achievable. Also has
    the ability to check if the HTTP response contains the right content,
    specified by content_regex. Sets the status to "OK" or "CRITICAL" based
    on the success of the checks.



    The site that is checked during the HealthCheck. It can be any HTTP/S
    link. By default, it will send GET requests. Use "request" if you want
    a more complicated HTTP request.

    Either this option or "request" are required, and are mutually


    Allows passing in HTTP::Request object in order to use other HTTP
    request methods and form data during the HealthCheck.

    Either this option or "url" are required, and are mutually exclusive.


    The expected HTTP response status code, or a string of status code

    Conditions are comma-delimited, and can optionally have an operator
    prefix. Any condition without a prefix goes into an OR set, while the
    prefixed ones go into an AND set. As such, == is not allowed as a
    prefix, because it's less confusing to not use a prefix here, and more
    than one condition while a == condition exists would not make sense.

    Some examples:

        !500              # Anything besides 500
        200, 202          # 200 or 202
        200, >=300, <400  # 200 or any 3xx code
        <400, 405, !202   # Any code below 400 except 202, or 405,
                          # ie: (<400 && !202) || 405

    The default value for this is '200', which means that we expect a
    successful request.


    An optional number of seconds to compare the response time to. If it
    takes no more than this threshold to receive the response or if the
    threshold is not provided, the status is OK. If the time exceeds this
    threshold, the status is WARNING.


    The content regex to test for in the HTTP response. This is an optional
    field and is only checked if the status code check passes. This can
    either be a string or a regex.


    Setting this variable prevents the healthcheck from following


    An optional attribute to override the default user agent. This must be
    of type LWP::UserAgent.


    See LWP::UserAgent for available options. Takes a hash reference of
    key/value pairs in order to configure things like ssl_opts, timeout,

    It is optional.

    By default provides a custom agent string and a default timeout of 7.


 Check Methods

    Individual HealthCheck results are added in this order as the return
    value from these methods:


        my $result = $self->check_status( $response );

    This method takes in a HTTP::Response object and returns a healthcheck
    result <>
    with a status key and an info key. The status is CRITICAL if a
    successful HTTP status code was not received, if the Client-Warning
    HTTP response header is 'Internal response', or if the X-Squid-Error
    HTTP response header is set. Otherwise, it is OK.


        my $result = $self->check_response_time( $elapsed_time );

    This method takes in a number of seconds and returns a healthcheck
    result <>
    with a status key and an info key. The status is WARNING if the
    response time exceeds the response_time_threshold. Otherwise, it is OK.


        my $response = $self->check_content( $response );

    This method takes in a HTTP::Response object and returns a healthcheck
    result <>
    with a status key and an info key. The status is CRITICAL if the
    content of the response does not match the content_regex attribute.
    Otherwise, it is OK.

    Note, this is not called if the result of "check_status" is not OK.


        my $response = $self->send_request;

    This is the method called internally to receive a response for the
    healthcheck. Defaults to calling the request method on the user agent
    and provided request attribute, but this can be overridden in a


    HealthCheck::Diagnostic LWP::UserAgent




    Grant Street Group <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 by Grant Street Group.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)