This is Palm-Zetetic-Strip, a set of Perl 5 modules for reading Palm
database (PDB) files containing data from the Strip application from
Zetetic.  Currently only read-only access is provided to the PDB
files.  Versions 0.5i and 1.0 of Strip are supported.  Strip may be
found here:


In addition to this module and Strip installed on your Palm, you will
need the following modules, all of which may be found on CPAN.

1) p5-Palm (Palm::PDB)

   Required to read the PDB files.

2) Crypt::IDEA
3) Digest::MD5

   Only required to decrypt Strip v0.5i databases.  If you have no
   need to decrypt v0.5i databases, you need not install these

4) Crypt::Rijndael
5) Digest::SHA256

   Only required to decrypt Strip v1.0 databases.  If you have no
   need to decrypt v1.0 databases, you need not install these modules.


Once you have all the prequisites installed, just follow these

  1) perl Makefile.PL
  2) make
  3) make test
  4) make install

Exmaple Script

An example script to dump a Strip database is included called
"".  It takes one argument which is a directory containing the
three Strip PDB files:


It will then prompt you for your Strip password.  If correct, it will
dump the contents of the databases to standard output.  For example:

  % strip_dump t/data/v1.0/


The home page for this project is at:  

Authors and Contributors

  Dave Dribin <>