This is Palm-Zetetic-Strip, a set of Perl 5 modules for reading Palm database (PDB) files containing data from the Strip application from Zetetic. Currently only read-only access is provided to the PDB files. Versions 0.5i and 1.0 of Strip are supported. Strip may be found here: Preqeuisites ------------ In addition to this module and Strip installed on your Palm, you will need the following modules, all of which may be found on CPAN. 1) p5-Palm (Palm::PDB) Required to read the PDB files. 2) Crypt::IDEA 3) Digest::MD5 Only required to decrypt Strip v0.5i databases. If you have no need to decrypt v0.5i databases, you need not install these modules. 4) Crypt::Rijndael 5) Digest::SHA256 Only required to decrypt Strip v1.0 databases. If you have no need to decrypt v1.0 databases, you need not install these modules. Installing ---------- Once you have all the prequisites installed, just follow these instructions: 1) perl Makefile.PL 2) make 3) make test 4) make install Exmaple Script -------------- An example script to dump a Strip database is included called "". It takes one argument which is a directory containing the three Strip PDB files: StripPassword-SJLO.pdb StripSystems-SJLO.pdb StripAccounts-SJLO.pdb It will then prompt you for your Strip password. If correct, it will dump the contents of the databases to standard output. For example: % strip_dump t/data/v1.0/ Homepage -------- The home page for this project is at: Authors and Contributors ------------------------ Dave Dribin <>