CGI::Cache - Perl extension to help cache output of time-intensive CGI scripts CGI::Cache is an easy-to-use module for automatically caching CGI output so that subsequent visits to such scripts will not take as much time. NEW IN THIS VERSION Version 1.4141: wed Dec 22 2004 - Fixed a bug in timed testing MODULE DEPENDENCIES To use this module, you will need to install: - File::Path - Tie::Restore - File::Spec - Cache::Cache - Storable You should be prompted to install this module automatically when you run "perl Makefile.PL". INSTALLATION To install this package, change to the directory where you unarchived this distribution and type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You can install this package into a non-default location by appending one of the following to the "perl Makefile.PL" command: - "PREFIX=/installation/path" (for installation into a custom location), - "INSTALLDIRS=site" (for installation into site-specific Perl directories) - "INSTALLDIRS=perl" (for installation into standard Perl directories). If you make the installation into your own directory, then remember that you must tell perl where to search for modules before trying to 'use' them. For example: use lib '/home/userid/lib'; use CGI::Cache; During the 'make test', there are some tests that take a while longer to run. While testing that caching is working, CPU times are being recorded on some slow code to see that performance will actually be increased on subsequent visits. Don't panic. It may take a couple of minutes to run, depending on your system. DOCUMENTATION Just "perldoc CGI::Cache". After installation on Unix systems, you can also do "man CGI::Cache". HOMEPAGE Visit for the latest version, mailing lists, discussion forums, CVS access, and more. REPORTING BUGS You can report bugs by filing a bug report at the project homepage. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1998-Sep 1 2000 Broc Seib. Copyright (c) Sep 1 2000-2004 David Coppit. All rights reserved, save those granted by the license. LICENSE This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the file LICENSE included in the distribution. AUTHOR David Coppit <>