NAME Lemonldap::Federation::Shibboleth - Perl extension for lemonldap websso and Shibboleth IDP SYNOPSIS use Lemonldap::Federation::ShibbolethRequestMap ; my $requestmap = Lemonldap::Federation::ShibbolethRequestMap->new( xml_host => $extrait_de_xml , xml_application=> $extrait_de_xml2 , uri => $full_uri , ) ; my $re= $requestmap->application_id; my $redirection = $requestmap->redirection ; DESCRIPTION There are two pieces of code : * Lemonldap::Federation::SplitURI * Lemonldap::Federation::ShibbolethRequestMap First (Lemonldap::Federation::SplitURI) is used in order to split uri in scheme , host , port and path . eg : must be splited into * https * 443 * * secure * admin * index.html The second compoment is the RequestMap . It job is to find and return the applicationID for URI. For this it uses an XML configuration file like this : <Host scheme="https" port="443" name="" > <Path name="secure" authType="shiboleth" requireSession="true" exportAssertion="true"> <Path name="admin" applicationId ="foo-admin" /> </Path> </Host> METHODS: Constructor $requestmap = Lemonldap::Federation::ShibbolethRequestMap->new( xml_host => $extrait_de_xml , xml_application=> $extrait_de_xml2 , uri => $full_uri , ) ; with: * xml_host : XML piece of <RequestMapProvider>..</RequestMapProvider> * xml_application : XML piece of <Applications> ..</Applications> Application_id return the application id for an URI . redirection return entire line of redirection to IPD : eg : see in example directory SEE ALSO AUTHOR eric German, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007 by lemonasso This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.