# NAME Data::PathSimple - Navigate and manipulate data structures using paths # SYNOPSIS use Data::PathSimple qw{ get set }; my $data = { Languages => { Perl => { CurrentVersion => '5.16.1', URLs => [ 'http://www.perl.org', 'http://www.cpan.org', ], }, PHP => { CurrentVersion => '5.4.7', URLs => [ 'http://www.php.net', 'http://pear.php.net', ], }, Python => { CurrentVersion => '2.7.3', URLs => [ 'http://www.python.org', ], }, }, }; my $current_perl = get( $data, '/Languages/Perl/CurrentVersion' ); my @perl_urls = @{ get( $data, '/Languages/Perl/URLs' ) || [] }; set( $data, '/Languages/Perl/CurrentVersion', '5.16.2' ); set( $data, '/Languages/Python/URLs/1/', 'http://pypi.python.org' ); # DESCRIPTION Data::PathSimple allows you to get and set values deep within a data structure using simple paths to navigate (think XPATH without the steroids). Why do this when we already have direct access to the data structure? The motivation is that the path will come from a user using a command line tool. # SEE ALSO The latest version can be found at: [https://github.com/alfie/Data-PathSimple](https://github.com/alfie/Data-PathSimple) Watch the repository and keep up with the latest changes: [https://github.com/alfie/Data-PathSimple/subscription](https://github.com/alfie/Data-PathSimple/subscription) # SUPPORT Please report any bugs or feature requests at: [https://github.com/alfie/Data-PathSimple/issues](https://github.com/alfie/Data-PathSimple/issues) Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests :) # INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install # DEPENDENCIES * Perl v5.10.0 # AUTHOR [Alfie John](https://github.com/alfie) <[alfiej@opera.com](mailto:alfiej@opera.com)> # WARRANTY IT COMES WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012 by Alfie John This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.