NAME pod-example - Script to print or run of example from documentation. SYNOPSIS pod-example [-d flag] [-e] [-h] [-n number] [-p] [-r] [-s section] [--version] pod_file_or_module [argument ..] ARGUMENTS * "-d flag" Turn debug (0/1). Default value is 0. * "-e" Enumerate lines. Only for print mode. * "-h" Print help. * "-n number" Number of example. Default value is nothing. * "-p" Print example. * "-r" Run example. * "-s section" Use section. Default value is EXAMPLE. * "--version" Print version of script. * "pod_file_or_module" Perl POD file or module. * "argument .." Example arguments. EXAMPLE pod-example -p -r Class::Utils REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2011-2024 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.22