Apache2::WURFLMobile is an implementation of the Apache filter in Perl, the propose of this filter is to help to manage the mobile web solutions. This solutions is based to WURFL solutions. A good point to start is: <http://wurfl.sourceforge.net> I don't try to install in Win32 platform, but I suppose it's run well. PREREQUISITES This suite requires Perl 5; I tested it only under Perl 5.8.8. Text::LevenshteinXS requires mod_perl 2.0 for Apache 2.X.X CGI-Lite And Apache 2.x.x WURFL.xml Knowledge about Apache configuration INSTALLATION You need install and configure Apache 2.x Before you start to use my application you need to install mod_per 2.x and configure your apache, this is the right link: Download - http://perl.apache.org/download/index.html Documentation - http://perl.apache.org/docs/index.html The second step is to install the other packages, you can found here: http://search.cpan.org/ Now you can start to install my package: 1) perl Makefile.PL 2) sudo make install 3) open the file conf/httpd.conf and add this few commands: PerlSetEnv XML_CONFIG true/false if XML_CONFIG is "true" read paragraph 4 PerlSetEnv MOBILE_HOME <APACHE_DIRECTORY>/MobileFilter <Location /mobile> PerlInputFilterHandler Apache2::WURFLFilter </Location> 4) put the file WURFLFilterconfig.xml in this file you can say to the FILTER how it need to work. This is the step: configure the capability you need to use, for example: <capability>max_image_height</capbility> 5) Remember to define where to keep the Device Repository WURFL you have two option: 1) Download WURFL.xml here: http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/wurfl.zip and copy into directory you have define into MOBILE_HOME 2) define a URL where you can download the WURFL.xml, good if you need to manage several mobile web server DOCUMENTATION http://www.idelfuschini.it/en/apache-mobile-filter.html AVAILABILITY The latest version of Apache2::WURFLMobile is available from the CPAN <http://search.cpan.org/> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2008 Idel Fuschini <idel.fuschini@gmail.com> This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.