SYNOPSIS Format your DateTime values as usual in Czech. Now also with month names, day names and less sugar! DESCRIPTION my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Czech->new; my $date = DateTime->new(year => 2010, month => 6, day => 13); say $fmt->format_datetime($date); # 13. Äervna 2010 ATTRIBUTES show_time Include time in the output. Off by default. show_date Include date in the output. On by default. show_year Include year in the date output (“1. 12. 2010â€). Off by default. show_day_name Include day name in date output (“nedÄ›le 13. 6.â€). Off by default. show_month_name Use month name instead of its number (“1. prosince 2010â€). On by default. compound_format The "sprintf" pattern used to glue the time and date parts. The default value is "%s v %s" (“5. 6. v 16.30â€). METHODS format_date Takes a DateTime value, returns a string representation of its date part. format_time Takes a DateTime value, returns a string representation of its time part in 24-hour time system. Minutes are zero-padded if needed (“13.00â€, “19.01â€). format_datetime Formats a given DateTime value, returning date and time parts as configured by the "show_date" and "show_time" attributes. The date and time parts are glued together using the "compound_format" pattern. You can also call this method using the shorter "format" name. AUTHOR Tomáš ZnamenáÄek,