[](https://travis-ci.org/zoncoen/Array-PrintCols-EastAsian) [](https://coveralls.io/r/zoncoen/Array-PrintCols-EastAsian?branch=master) # NAME Array::PrintCols::EastAsian - Print or format space-fill array elements with aligning vertically with multibyte characters. # VERSION <<<<<<< HEAD This document describes Array::PrintCols::EastAsian version 0.04. ======= This document describes Array::PrintCols::EastAsian version 0.02. \>>>>>>> develop # SYNOPSIS use Array::PrintCols::EastAsian; my @motorcycles = ( 'GSX1300Rãƒãƒ¤ãƒ–サ', 'ZZR1400', 'CBR1100XXスーパーブラックãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‰', 'K1300S', 'GSX-R1000', 'ニンジャZX-10R', 'CBR1000RR', 'S1000RR' ); # get an array which has space-fill elements my @formatted_array = @{ format_cols( \@motorcycles ) }; # print array elements with aligning vertivally print_cols( \@motorcycles ); # print array elements with aligning vertivally and fitting the window width like Linux "ls" command pretty_print_cols( \@motorcycles ); # DESCRIPTION Array::PrintCols::EastAsian is yet another module which can print and format space-fill array elements with aligning vertically. # INTERFACE ## `format_cols($array_ref : ArrayRef, $options : HashRef)` This is a method getting an array which has space-fill elements. Valid options for this method are as follows: `align => $align : Str (left|center|right)` Set text alignment. Align option should be left, center, or right. Default value is left. ## `print_cols($array_ref : ArrayRef, $options : HashRef)` This is a method printing array elements with aligning vertically. Valid options for this method are as follows: `gap => $gap : Int` Set the number or space between array elements. Gap option should be a integer greater than or equal 1. Default value is 0. `column => $column : Int` Set the number of column. Column option should be a integer greater than 0. `width => $width : Int` Set width for printing. Width option should be a integer greater than 0. `align => $align : Str` Set text alignment. Align option should be left, center, or right. Default value is left. `encode => $encode : Str` Set text encoding for printing. Encode option should be a valid encoding. Default value is utf-8. ## `pretty_print_cols($array_ref : ArrayRef, $options : HashRef)` This is a method printing array elements with aligning vertically and fitting the window width like Linux "ls" command. Valid options for this method are as follows: `gap => $gap : Int` Set the number or space between array elements. Gap option should be a integer greater than or equal 1. Default value is 1. `align => $align : Str` Set text alignment. Align option should be left, center, or right. Default value is left. `encode => $encode : Str` Set text encoding for printing. Encode option should be a valid encoding. Default value is utf-8. # DEPENDENCIES Perl 5.10 or later. # BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests through the GitHub issues at [https://github.com/zoncoen/Array-PrintCols-EastAsian/issues](https://github.com/zoncoen/Array-PrintCols-EastAsian/issues). # SEE ALSO [Array::PrintCols](https://metacpan.org/pod/Array::PrintCols) [Term::ReadKey](https://metacpan.org/pod/Term::ReadKey) [Text::VisualWidth::PP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::VisualWidth::PP) # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) zoncoen. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR zoncoen <zoncoen@gmail.com>