NAME - Perl::Critic Subversion Hook

SYNOPSIS [options]

       --revision|-r       Revision ID
       --transaction|-t    Transaction ID
       --repository|-p     Path to SVN repository
       --config|-c         Path to config file
       --help|-?           Show brief help message
       --man               Show full documentation

    Put this into your Subversion's pre-commit hook:

    /abs/path/to/ -p $REPOS -c
    /abs/path/to/perlcritic-checker.conf -t $TXN || exit 1

    perlcritic-checker is a subversion hook that allows commits to go
    through if and only if the code passes validation using Perl::Critic
    module. This way you can apply consistent coding practices inside your

    Main features:

    *   you can specify different Perl::Critic's profiles for different
        paths in your repository

    *   you can bypass checks when you do need this

    *   you can apply the checker to your existing large legacy Perl project
        by using "progressive mode" feature: in progressive mode
        perlcritic-checker doesn't complain about existing violations but
        prevents introducing new ones

    *   perlcritic-checker comes with a test suite

    Configuration file example follows. In fact, it's a ordinary Perl hash.
    You can check it using `perl -c' to avoid syntax errors.

         # Progressive mode: {0|1}. In progressive mode perlcritic-checker
         # doesn't complains about existing violations but prevents
         # introducing new ones. Nice feature for applying Perl::Critic
         # to the existing projects gradually.
         progressive_mode => 1,
         # Emergency commits: {0|1}. There are situations when you *do* need
         # to commit changes bypassing all checks (e.g. emergency bug fixes).
         # This featue allows you bypass Perl::Critic using "magic" prefix in
         # comment message, e.g.: svn ci -m "NO CRITIC: I am in hurry"
         allow_emergency_commits  => 1,
         # Magic prefix described above can be customized:
         emergency_comment_prefix => 'NO CRITIC',

         # Limit maximal number of reported violations. This parameter works
         # differently in strict and progressive modes. In strict mode it
         # will truncate long list of violations: only N most severe violations
         # will be shown. In progressive mode such behaviour has no sense,
         # that's why user will be asked to run perlcritic locally.
         # In fact, this parameter is a workaround for a subtle bug in generic
         # svn-client that happens when svn hook (i.e.
         # outputs too much data: svn-client just reports "Connection closed
         # unexpectedly". In order to reproduce this bug several additional
         # conditions should be met:
         # - repository access scheme: 'svn://' (svnserve daemon)
         # - client and server on different machines
         # - svn-client and -server are running on linux
         # If you face the same problem, try to use the option below.
         #max_violations => 50,
         # SVN repository path -- to -- Perl::Critic's profile mapping.
         # This feature allows you to apply different Perl::Critic's
         # policies for different paths in the repository. For example,
         # you can be very strict with brand-new projects, make an
         # indulgence for some existing project and completely disable
         # checking of auto-generated or third-party code.
         # Each modified (added, updated, copied, moved) file name in the
         # repository is matched against a sequence of patterns below.
         # Keep in mind, *last* matching rule - wins.
         # Profile paths can be either absolute or relative. In the later
         # case they will be mapped under $REPOS/hooks/perlcritic.d directory.
         profiles => [
             # Apply default profile for all Perl-code under 'project_name/trunk'
                 pattern => qr{project_name/trunk/.*?[.](pm|pl|t)$},
                 profile => 'default-profile.conf',
         # Disable checking of autogenerated Perl-code
                 pattern => qr{autogenerated-script[.]pl$},
                 profile => undef,

    Format of Perl::Critic's profiles is described in perlcritic(1p). Here
    is an example:

     # Make perlcritic very exacting
     severity = brutal
     # You can choose any level from 1 to 11, but 8 is recommended
     verbose = 8
     # Colorize violations depending on their severity level
     color = 1
     # Halt if this file contains errors
     profile-strictness = fatal
     # Ask perlcritic for a little indulgence
     exclude = Documentation
     # Explicitly set full path to Perl::Tidy's config
     perltidyrc = /etc/perltidyrc

    0 - No code violations found, allow commit

    1 - Code violations have been found, deny commit

    255 - Error has occured, deny commit


    Alexander Simakov, <xdr (dot) box (at) Google Mail>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.