[](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/App-Greple-subst) # NAME subst - Greple module for text search and substitution # VERSION Version 2.36 # SYNOPSIS greple -Msubst --dict _dictionary_ \[ options \] Dictionary: --dict dictionary file --dictdata dictionary data --dictpair dictionary entry pair Check: --check=[ng,ok,any,outstand,all,none] --select=N --linefold --stat --with-stat --stat-style=[default,dict] --stat-item={match,expect,number,ok,ng,dict}=[0,1] --subst --[no-]warn-overlap --[no-]warn-include File Update: --diff --diffcmd command --create --replace --overwrite # DESCRIPTION This **greple** module supports check and substitution of text files based on dictionary data. Dictionary file is given by **--dict** option and each line contains matching pattern and expected string pairs. greple -Msubst --dict DICT If the dictionary file contains following data: colou?r color cent(er|re) center above command finds the first pattern which does not match the second string, that is "colour" and "centre" in this case. In practice, the last two elements of a space-separated string are treated as a pattern and a replacement string, respectively. Dictionary data can also be written separated by `//` as follows: colou?r // color cent(er|re) // center There must be spaces before and after the `//`. In this format, strings before and after it are treated as a pattern and replacement string, rather than last two element. Leading spaces and spaces before and after `//` are ignored, but all other whitespace is valid. You can use same file by **greple**'s **-f** option and string after `//` is ignored as a comment in that case. greple -f DICT ... Option **--dictdata** can be used to provide dictionary data in the command line. greple -Msubst \ --dictdata $'colou?r color\ncent(er|re) center\n' Dictionary entry starting with a sharp sign (`#`) is a comment and ignored. Option **--dictpair** can be used to provide raw dictionary entries in the command line. In this case, no processing is done regarding whitespace or comments. greple -Msubst \ --dictpair 'colou?r' color \ --dictpair 'cent(er|re)' center ## Overlapped pattern When the matched string is same or shorter than previously matched string by another pattern, it is simply ignored (**--no-warn-include** by default). So, if you have to declare conflicted patterns, place the longer pattern earlier. If the matched string overlaps with previously matched string, it is warned (**--warn-overlap** by default) and ignored. ## Terminal color This version uses [Getopt::EX::termcolor](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3Atermcolor) module. It sets option **--light-screen** or **--dark-screen** depending on the terminal on which the command run, or **TERM\_BGCOLOR** environment variable. Some terminals (eg: "Apple\_Terminal" or "iTerm") are detected automatically and no action is required. Otherwise set **TERM\_BGCOLOR** environment to #000000 (black) to #FFFFFF (white) digit depending on terminal background color. # OPTIONS - **--dict**=_file_ Specify dictionary file. - **--dictdata**=_data_ Specify dictionary data by text. - **--dictpair** _pattern_ _replacement_ Specify dictionary entry pair. This option takes two parameters. The first is a pattern and the second is a substitution string. - **--check**=`outstand`|`ng`|`ok`|`any`|`all`|`none` Option **--check** takes argument from `ng`, `ok`, `any`, `outstand`, `all` and `none`. With default value `outstand`, command will show information about both expected and unexpected words only when unexpected word was found in the same file. With value `ng`, command will show information about unexpected words. With value `ok`, you will get information about expected words. Both with value `any`. Value `all` and `none` make sense only when used with **--stat** option, and display information about never matched pattern. - **--select**=_N_ Select _N_th entry from the dictionary. Argument is interpreted by [Getopt::EX::Numbers](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3ANumbers) module. Range can be defined like **--select**=`1:3,7:9`. You can get numbers by **--stat** option. - **--linefold** If the target data is folded in the middle of text, use **--linefold** option. It creates regex patterns which matches string spread across lines. Substituted text does not include newline, though. Because it confuses regex behavior somewhat, avoid to use if possible. - **--stat** - **--with-stat** Print statistical information. Works with **--check** option. Option **--with-stat** print statistics after normal output, while **--stat** print only statistics. - **--stat-style**=`default`|`dict` Using **--stat-style=dict** option with **--stat** and **--check=any**, you can get dictionary style output for your working document. - **--stat-item** _item_=\[0,1\] Specify which item is shown up in stat information. Default values are: match=1 expect=1 number=1 ng=1 ok=1 dict=0 If you don't need to see pattern field, use like this: --stat-item match=0 Multiple parameters can be set at once: --stat-item match=number=0,ng=1,ok=1 - **--subst** Substitute unexpected matched pattern to expected string. Newline character in the matched string is ignored. Pattern without replacement string is not changed. - **--\[no-\]warn-overlap** Warn overlapped pattern. Default on. - **--\[no-\]warn-include** Warn included pattern. Default off. ## FILE UPDATE OPTIONS - **--diff** - **--diffcmd**=_command_ Option **--diff** produce diff output of original and converted text. Specify diff command name used by **--diff** option. Default is "diff \-u". - **--create** Create new file and write the result. Suffix ".new" is appended to original filename. - **--replace** Replace the target file by converted result. Original file is renamed to backup name with ".bak" suffix. - **--overwrite** Overwrite the target file by converted result with no backup. # DICTIONARY This module includes example dictionaries. They are installed share directory and accessed by **--exdict** option. greple -Msubst --exdict jtca-katakana-guide-3.dict - **--exdict** _dictionary_ Use _dictionary_ flie in the distribution as a dictionary file. - **--exdictdir** Show dictionary directory. - **--exdict** jtca-katakana-guide-3.dict - **--jtca-katakana-guide** Created from following guideline document. 外æ¥èªžï¼ˆã‚«ã‚¿ã‚«ãƒŠï¼‰è¡¨è¨˜ã‚¬ã‚¤ãƒ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ 第3版 制定:2015å¹´8月 発行:2015å¹´9月 一般財団法人テクニカルコミュニケーターå”会 Japan Technical Communicators Association https://www.jtca.org/standardization/katakana_guide_3_20171222.pdf - **--jtca** Customized **--jtca-katakana-guide**. Original dictionary is automatically generated from published data. This dictionary is customized for practical use. - **--exdict** jtf-style-guide-3.dict - **--jtf-style-guide** Created from following guideline document. JTF日本語標準スタイルガイド(翻訳用) 第3.0版 2019å¹´8月20æ—¥ 一般社団法人 日本翻訳連盟(JTF) 翻訳å“質委員会 https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style_guide/pdf/jtf_style_guide.pdf - **--jtf** Customized **--jtf-style-guide**. Original dictionary is automatically generated from published data. This dictionary is customized for practical use. - **--exdict** sccc2.dict - **--sccc2** Dictionary used for "C/C++ ã‚»ã‚ュアコーディング 第2版" published in 2014. https://www.jpcert.or.jp/securecoding_book_2nd.html - **--exdict** ms-style-guide.dict - **--ms-style-guide** Dictionary generated from Microsoft localization style guide. https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/language/styleguides Data is generated from this article: https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/news/200807/25/microsoft.html - **--microsoft** Customized **--ms-style-guide**. Original dictionary is automatically generated from published data. This dictionary is customized for practical use. Amendment dictionary can be found [here](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst/blob/master/share/ms-amend.dict). Please raise an issue or send a pull-request if you have request to update. # JAPANESE This module is originaly made for Japanese text editing support. ## KATAKANA Japanese KATAKANA word have a lot of variants to describe same word, so unification is important but it's quite tiresome work. In the next example, イ[エー]ãƒãƒˆãƒ¼?([ヴブボ]ã‚©?) // イーãƒãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ´ã‚© left pattern matches all following words. イエãƒãƒˆãƒ– イーãƒãƒˆãƒ´ イーãƒãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ´ イーãƒãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ´ã‚© イーãƒãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒœ イーãƒãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ– This module helps to detect and correct them. # INSTALL ## CPANMINUS $ cpanm App::Greple::subst # SEE ALSO [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple) [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-subst) [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-update](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-update) [https://www.jtca.org/standardization/katakana\_guide\_3\_20171222.pdf](https://www.jtca.org/standardization/katakana_guide_3_20171222.pdf) [https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style\_guide/styleguide\_top.html](https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style_guide/styleguide_top.html), [https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style\_guide/pdf/jtf\_style\_guide.pdf](https://www.jtf.jp/jp/style_guide/pdf/jtf_style_guide.pdf) [https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/language/styleguides](https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/language/styleguides), [https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/news/200807/25/microsoft.html](https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/news/200807/25/microsoft.html) [æ–‡åŒ–åº å›½èªžæ–½ç–・日本語教育 国語施ç–æƒ…å ± 内閣告示・内閣訓令 外æ¥èªžã®è¡¨è¨˜](https://www.bunka.go.jp/kokugo_nihongo/sisaku/joho/joho/kijun/naikaku/gairai/index.html) [https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/85add653a71a7e01c415](https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/85add653a71a7e01c415) [イーãƒãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ–](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8F%E3%83%88%E3%83%BC%E3%83%96) # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro # LICENSE Copyright 2017-2024 Kazumasa Utashiro. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.