NAME File::Object - Object system for filesystem paths. SYNOPSIS use File::Object; my $obj = File::Object->new(%parameters); $obj->dir($dir); $obj->file($file); my $dir = $obj->get_dir($dir_num); my $file = $obj->get_file; $obj->reset; my $path = $obj->s; $obj->set; $obj->up($num); METHODS "new(%parameters)" Constructor. * "dir" Directory path in reference to array. Default value is []. * "file" File path. Default value is undef. * "type" Type of path. Types: - file - dir Default value is 'dir'. "dir(@dir)" Add directory or directories to object. Returns main object. "file(@file)" Add file or directory/directories with file to object. Returns main object. "get_dir($dir_num)" Returns $dir_num level directory. Default value of $dir_num is 1. "get_file()" Returns: - Filename if object is file path. - undef if object is directory path. "reset()" Reset to constructor values. "s()" Serialize path and return. "set()" Set actual values to constructor values. "up($up_num)" Go to $up_num upper directory. Returns main object. ERRORS new(): 'dir' parameter must be a reference to array. Bad 'type' parameter. Bad file constructor with undefined 'file' parameter. From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. up(): Cannot go up. PATH -> path; EXAMPLE1 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Object; # Print actual directory path. print File::Object->new->s."\n"; # Output which runs from /usr/local/bin: # /usr/local/bin EXAMPLE2 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Object; # Print parent directory path. print File::Object->new->up->s."\n"; # Output which runs from /usr/local/bin: # /usr/local EXAMPLE3 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Object; # Object with directory path. my $obj = File::Object->new( 'dir' => ['path', 'to', 'subdir'], ); # Relative path to file1. print $obj->file('file1')->s."\n"; # Relative path to file2. print $obj->file('file2')->s."\n"; # Output: # Unix: # path/to/subdir/file1 # path/to/subdir/file2 # Windows: # path\to\subdir\file1 # path\to\subdir\file2 EXAMPLE4 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Object; # Object with directory path. my $obj = File::Object->new( 'dir' => ['path', 'to', 'subdir'], ); # Relative path to dir1. print $obj->dir('dir1')->s."\n"; # Relative path to dir2. print $obj->reset->dir('dir2')->s."\n"; # Output: # Unix: # path/to/subdir/dir1 # path/to/subdir/dir2 # Windows: # path\to\subdir\dir1 # path\to\subdir\dir2 DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Error::Pure, FindBin, File::Spec::Functions. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT BSD license. VERSION 0.07