Tie::Hash::Create                                             version   0.02

- Extend Tie::ExtraHash, enables the tie-object to reflect the tied array

        package Tie::Hash::MyClass; ## Choose your name for MyClass !
        use base Tie::Hash::Create;

        sub TIEHASH
            my $class = shift;
            bless [{},undef,,,,],$class;
            # insert your stuff between the braces after "undef,"

        # Optionally redefine other methods of Tie::Hash

    ------------ From within another file -----------

        use Tie::Hash::MyClass;

        my $myHash = Tie::Hash::MyClass->newHASH(....);

        # behaves as if

        my $myHash; tie %$myHash,'Tie::Hash::MyClass',...;

    Look at sections "Inheriting from Tie::ExtraHash" in Tie::Hash. Consider
    an object, say $tob returned by tie. It is an array, primitive
    hash-operations are carried out on the first field of this array, that
    is $tob->[0], a reference to a hash. Surprisingly this hash reference
    and the reference to the tied hash variable are not the same.

    The purpose of this class is transmit to any derived class these

    1. Store the reference to the real tied hash in the object $tob. 2.
    Define an accessor "$tob->c" to this hash. 3. Provide an operation
    "newHASH" which manages a tie but returns a reference to the real tied
    hash. This way the real hash-variable which appear as the first argument
    of "tie" is omitted. Instead "newHASH" returns an anonymous reference to
    this hash-object.

    On the top of this file the package 'slot' defines a slot-name
    "slot::HREF" which identify an index positions of an object. A derived
    class could also define its own slot names. The choice of the index does
    not matter, however if two sources of code could not be reused in one
    class as each one stores data of different matters onto the same place,
    then it is easy to change one name-value assignment in package 'slot'.
    Of course the structure of an object created by the constructor must
    meet such a change, this applies for any derived class too.


                TIEHASH inherited from superclass "Tie::ExtraHash". Note
                that the object returned by TIEHASH, the same as returned by
                "tie" is different from the reference to the tied hash.

        newHASH Calls the constructor TIEHASH, however returns the reference
                identifying the tied Hash.

        c (content operator)
                Assume $tob is an object of "Tie::Hash::MyClass" which is a
                subclass of "Tie::Hash::Create" and %H is the tied hash, so
                that "$tob = tied %H". Then "$tob->c" evaluates to "\%H".

    A Sample class derived from "Tie::Hash::Create" is Tie::Hash::KeysMask.

    This module requires these other modules and libraries:

    Josef Schönbrunner <j.schoenbrunner@onemail.at>

    Copyright (c) 2005 by Josef Schönbrunner This library is free software;
    you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
    itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version
    of Perl 5 you may have available.