Net::Pager, version 1.12

Copyright (c) 2000 Rootlevel. All rights reserved. This program is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself.


    Net::Pager is a pure perl, global numeric and alphanumeric paging interface
    via the Internet. We're bringing you the first and only way to
    interface any brand or type of pager through one consistent
    protocol without using the telephone network. Our purpose is to
    define a paging standard and make numerous tools available for
    developer's use so paging technology can be better utilized.

    The module interacts with SimpleWire's Remote Procedure Calls.
    This new standard, and subsequently this Perl module, has a
    great deal of development energy behind it and will have full
    development support through an online support forum. Pager has
    built-in redundancy to create a fail-safe system.

    For futher support or questions, you should visit Pager's
    website at ** where you can visit our
    developer support forum, faq, or download the most recent
    documentation. SimpleWire's site has more example code and perl
    client tools.

  What To Know Before Using

    .  Net::Pager attempts to bypass most firewall problems by only
       interacting with port 80 of any of SimpleWire's servers.

    .  The same functionality encompassed in this module is also currently
       available in a Java Class and soon an Active X Control.  Just
       visit to download the newest versions of any of

  Archive Location

    .  The newest release/extensive help/faq/exaples on

    .  In the CPAN directory: modules/by-module/Net/

    .  To find a CPAN site near you see


    .  Perl Version 5.002 or later

    .  A Windows 95/NT machine requires Perl version 5.003_07 or later


    User documentation in POD format is contained within the module
    source (i.e. the .pm file).  Installing using "make install"
    places this documentation in a man page in the perl library under
    the directory "man/man3".


    These notes work on Unix based systems and there are some changes
    if you are using Windows NT/95/98.  See the special notes below.

	To install, cd to the directory containing the unpacked
    distribution and do one of the following:

	a.  Create a makefile by running Makefile.PL using the perl
        program into whose library you want to install and then run
        make three times:

            perl Makefile.PL
            make test
            make install

    b.  To install into a private library, for example your home

            perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB=$HOME/lib INSTALLMAN3DIR=$HOME/man
            make test
            make pure_install

    c.  Alternatively, you can just copy or move
        from the distribution into a directory named Net/ in the Perl
        library.  You can then manually build the documentation using
        pod2man or pod2html.

    d.  At the time of printing this, there should be more ways to install
        Net::Pager.  Please go to and visit our
        Developers section for the easiest ways.  There should be a CPAN
        install and a ppm install.

    Windows NT/95/98 Installation
	Windows does not come with the make program.  Instead, you will have to
	use a similar program called 'nmake'.  If you have happened to install
    Microsoft's Visual Studio then 'nmake' is already installed on your
    computer and you can fun the following instructions.  If you don't have
    'nmake' then please visit

    for instructions on how to get 'nmake'.

    Once you have 'nmake.exe' then you can replicate the instructions laid
    out in the previous a, b, and c subpoint above except replace the 'make'
    command with 'nmake'.  So (a) would be now

          perl Makefile.PL
          nmake test
          nmake install

    Some Common Problems

    You most likely have to logged in as root on any machine to be able to
    successfully install either module.  If you cannot log in as root then
    follow choice c. above and just make a directory called Net where your
    programs will run and then copy into it.

    If you have any other questions please visit SimpleWire's FAQ or online
	support forum for anwers.

743 Beaubien
Suite 300
Detroit, MI 48226

Started:  11/11/1999
Released: 03/09/2000
Coded By: Joe Lauer <>
Contact:  John Lauer <>