File-Rename version 2.02

This release is compatible with C<use v5.32>.
* use warnings
* avoid indirect syntax
* avoid bareword handles 


File::Rename provides an implementation of Larry Wall's eg/rename
command.  All I have done is add some error checking and 
add the File/ module.  More options have been added.

An earlier version of the script is out in the Internet and is included
with some linuxes, and the original eg/rename is not included in the
Perl distribution, so I have put this up on CPAN.

A revised version of the earlier script is now on the Internet,
which includes more options.  This script, distinguished by
"Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling')", was not written by me; I think
the author is Aristotle Pagaltzis.  Version 0.10 of this distribution
has similar options to the revised script.

For Windows, the script is called file-rename to avoid clashes with
existing rename command.


1.30: unicode support

- added File::Rename::Unicode module 

1.99: remove 'no_require_order'

The behaviour of requiring options to appear before 
code or files was reintroduced - this requirement 
was dropped in version 0.30.

The 'no_require_order' functionality is regarded as
unsafe but is available in the script unsafe-rename.

2.00: Build.PL was removed from distribution

2.01: minimum perl version is 5.8.0

- added source/rename source of rename script  

2.02: perl-5.032 compatibility

- added C<use 5.032> to all source files

- source files are filtered to replace C<use 5.032;> 
on older versions of perl. 


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:
File::Basename File::Path File::Spec Getopt::Long
(all included with Perl). 

Unicode support depends on Perl version 5.12.0.

Testing requires File::Temp and Test::More which 
are available with perl 5.6.0.  In the past, 
I have successfully installed those modules 
for perl 5.005_05 and tested this distribution.

Testing on earlier versions of Perl is now only done
on CPAN Testers.  The minimum perl version for this 
distribution is 5.8.0 - the earlist Perl version which  
is known to work with recent versions of File::Rename 
is 5.8.9.


File::Rename is built round CORE::rename(), which expects 
filenames as octet strings.  By default, File::Rename
expects all filenames to be octet strings, with no special
meanings for non-ascii octets.

It is possible for the user-supplied code to treat the 
filenames as Perl strings consisting of unicode characters,
while CORE::readme() and other file tests still working on
octet strings.  This is enabled with -u (--unicode).

It is possible to specify the encoding of filenames, with: 
--unicode encoding.  Filenames are decoded from octet 
strings to unicode strings before applying the user code,
and then the resulting string is encoded for CORE::rename.
upgrade filenames to unicode (encoded as utf8) by default.


Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
by Robin Barker

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.