
XML::EasyOBJ - Easy XML object navigation 


Version 1.0 


 # create the object
 my $doc = new XML::EasyOBJ('my_xml_document.xml');

 # print some text from the document
 print $doc->some_element(1)->getString;

 # print an attribute value
 print $doc->some_element(0)->getAttr('foo')."\n";

 # iterate over a list of elements
 foreach my $x ( $foo->some_element ) {
   print $x->getString."\n";


Robert Hanson (rhanson@blast.net) 

Copyright 2000, Robert Hanson. All rights reserved. 

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
the same terms as Perl itself. 


XML::EasyOBJ lets you take an XML page and essentially create an object out of 
it. Each element becomes a method, which makes it really easy to navigate an 
XML page (if you know the structure). The motivation behind this module was to 
create an interface so simple that anyone who knows the basic functionality of 
Perl can learn how to read data from an XML document in less than 10 minutes. 

This module is also a time saver even if you are familiar with the other modules 
available, but want something simple so that you can throw together a script in 
a few minutes (unless of course you know the DOM like the back of your hand). 


XML::EasyOBJ uses XML::DOM. XML::DOM is available from CPAN (www.cpan.org). 


This module installs in the normal way...

perl Makefile.pl
make install