Business::CreditCard These subroutines tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent -- whether the last digit of the number is a valid checksum for the preceding digits. If you additionally want to process the credit card electronically, see Business::OnlinePayment <> Original author is Jon Orwant <>, The Perl Journal and MIT Media Lab Current maintainer of 0.38 (a fork of 0.36) is Lisa Shadow <>. Sorry, I had no way to open a pull request because couldn't find Ivan's repo anywhere and there is no contribution information on His email is not working. Feel free to merge my commits back into your tree if you find it useful. Current maintainer of 0.36 is Ivan Kohler <>. Please don't bother Jon with emails about this module. Lee Lawrence <>, Neale Banks <> and Max Becker <> contributed support for additional card types. Lee also contributed a working Currently supported types VISA MasterCard Maestro Discover American Express MIR Dankort UnionPay JCB RuPay Troy UATP Verve InterPayment enRoute Solo Laser Isracard