# NAME App::ygeo - Extract companies data from Yandex Maps to csv file # VERSION version 0.02 # SYNOPSIS use App::ygeo; my $ygeo = App::ygeo->new( apikey => '12345', city => "ROV" ); $ygeo->get_and_print(text => 'autoservice', city => 'ROV', csv_filename => 'auto.csv', verbose => 1); # DESCRIPTION By default it: get data about maximum 500 companies (Yandex API restriction) Order of looking for apikey \- provided params \- `.ygeo` file (firsty it search `.ygeo` file in current directory, then in home directory) `.ygeo` config has yaml syntax. You can reuse [App::ygeo::yaml](https://metacpan.org/pod/App::ygeo::yaml) in your own projects ## get\_and\_print $ygeo->get_and_print(text => 'autoservice', city => 'ROV', csv_filename => 'auto.csv', verbose => 1); Get and prints data in csv data Params: text - search text city - city to search, e.g. ROV is Rostov-on-Don csv\_filename - name of output csv file results\_limit -number of results returned Columns sequence is according ["to\_array" in Yandex::Geo::Company](https://metacpan.org/pod/Yandex::Geo::Company#to_array) method Results are printed to csv like my $res = $yndx_geo->y_companies( $text ); for my $company (@$res) { $csv->print( $fh, $company->to_array ); } Return 1 if finished fine # AUTHOR Pavel Serikov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Pavel Serikov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.