NAME Mnet - Testable network automation and reporting SYNOPSIS # script to report Loopback0 ip on cisco devices # # demonstrates typical use of all major Mnet modules # # --help to list all options, also --help <option> # --device <address> to connect to device with logging # --username and --password should be set if necessary # --debug to generate extra detailed logging outputs # --batch <file.batch> to process multiple --device lines # --report csv:<file.csv> to create an output csv file # --record <file.test> to create replayable test file # --test --replay <file.test> for regression test output # # refer to various Mnet modules' perldoc for more info # load needed modules use warnings; use strict; use Mnet::Batch; use Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios; use Mnet::IP; use Mnet::Log qw(DEBUG INFO WARN FATAL); use Mnet::Opts::Cli; use Mnet::Report::Table; use Mnet::Stanza; use Mnet::Test; # define --device, --username, --password, and --report cli options # record, redact, default, and help option attributes are shown Mnet::Opts::Cli::define({ getopt => "device=s", record => 1 }); Mnet::Opts::Cli::define({ getopt => "username=s" }); Mnet::Opts::Cli::define({ getopt => "password=s", redact => 1 }); Mnet::Opts::Cli::define({ getopt => "report=s", default => undef, help_tip => "specify report output, csv, json, sql, etc", help_text => "perldoc Mnet::Report::Table for more info", }); # create object to access command line options and Mnet env variable # export Mnet="--password '<secret>'" env var from secure file my $cli = Mnet::Opts::Cli->new("Mnet"); # define output --report table, will include first of any errors # use --report cli opt to output data as csv, json, or sql, etc my $report = Mnet::Report::Table->new({ columns => [ device => "string", error => "error", ip => "string", ], output => $cli->report, }); # fork children if in --batch mode, cli opts set for current child # process one device or ten thousand devices with the same script # exit --batch parent process here when finished forking children $cli = Mnet::Batch::fork($cli); exit if not $cli; # output report row for device error if script dies before finishing $report->row_on_error({ device => $cli->device }); # call logging function, also create log object for current --device FATAL("missing --device") if not $cli->device; my $log = Mnet::Log->new({ log_id => $cli->device }); $log->info("processing device"); # uncomment the push commands below to skip ssh host key checks # ideally host keys are already accepted, perhaps via manual ssh my @ssh = qw(ssh); #push @ssh, qw(-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no); #push @ssh, qw(-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null); # create an expect ssh session to current --device # log ssh login/auth prompts as info, instead of default debug # password_in set to prompt for password if --password opt not set # for non-ios devices refer to perldoc Mnet::Expect::Cli my $ssh = Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios->new({ spawn => [ @ssh, "$cli->{username}\@$cli->{device}" ], log_id => $cli->{device}, log_login => "info", password => $cli->password, password_in => 1, }); # retrieve ios config using ssh command, warn otherwise my $config = $ssh->command("show running-config"); WARN("unable to read config") if not $config; # parse interface loopack0 stanza from device config # returns int loop0 line and lines indented under int loop0 # see perldoc Mnet::Stanza for more ios config templating info my $loop = Mnet::Stanza::parse($config, qr/^interface Loopback0$/); # parse primary ip address and mask from loopback config stanza my ($ip, $mask) = (undef, undef); ($ip, $mask) = ($1, $2) if $loop =~ /^ ip address (\S+) (\S+)$/m; # calculate cidr value from dotted decimal mask my $cidr = Mnet::IP::cidr($mask); # report on parsed loopback0 interface ip address and cidr value $report->row({ device => $cli->device, ip => $ip, cidr => $cidr }); # finished exit; DESCRIPTION The Mnet modules are for perl programmers who want to create testable network automation and/or reporting scripts as simply as possible. The main features are: * Mnet::Test module can record and replay Mnet script options, connected expect sessions, and compare outputs, speeding development and allowing for integration and regression testing of complex automation scripts. * Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios and Mnet::Expect::Cli modules for reliable automation of cisco ios and other command line sessions, including authentication and command prompt handling. * Mnet::Stanza module for templated config parsing and generation on cisco ios devices and other similar indented stanza text data. * Mnet::Batch can run automation scripts in batch mode to concurrently process a list of devices, using command line arguments and a device list file. * Mnet::Log and Mnet::Tee modules facilitate easy log, debug, alert and error output from automation scripts, along with redirection to per-device output files. * Mnet::Opts::Cli module for config settings via command line, environment variable, and/or batch scripts, with help, tips, and password redaction. device list files. * Mnet::Report::Table module for aggregating report data from scripts, supporting output in formats such as csv, json, and sql. Most of the Mnet sub-modules can be used independently of each other, unless otherwise noted. Refer to the individual modules listed in the SEE ALSO section below for more detail. INSTALLATION The Mnet perl modules should work in just about any unix perl environment, some modules require perl 5.12 or newer. The latest release can be installed from CPAN cpan install Mnet Or download and install from <> tar -xzf Mnet-X.y.tar.gz cd Mnet-X.y perl Makefile.PL # INSTALL_BASE=/specify/path make test make install Check your PERL5LIB environment variable if INSTALL_BASE was used, or if you copied the lib/Mnet directory somewhere instead of using the included Makefile.PL script. Refer to ExtUtils::MakeMaker for more information FAQ Below are answers to some frequently asked questions. How should I get started? Copy the sample script code from the SYNOPSIS above to a new .pl file, read through the comments, make changes as necessary, use the --debug cli option to troubleshoot execution. What's the easiest way to get more log output? Use both the Mnet::Log and Mnet::Opts::Set::Debug modules in your script for more output, mostly from other Mnet modules unless you add Mnet::Log calls, which are a compatible subset of log4perl calls, to your script. How should passwords be secured? Environment variables should be used to provide passwords for scripts, not command line options. Command line options can be seen in the system process list by other users. The Mnet::Opts::Cli new method allows a named environment variable to be specified that will also be parsed for command line options. Your script can be called from a shell script containing authentication, which is accessible only to authorized users, such as in the example below: #!/bin/sh # script, chmod 700 to restrict access to current user # works with Mnet::Opts calls in above SYNOPISIS script # "$@" passes throuh all command line options, modify as needed export Mnet='--username <user> --password <secret>' perl -- "$@" The Mnet::Opts::Cli module define function has a redact property that should be set for password options so that the value of the option is value is always redacted form Mnet::Log outputs. Also note that the Mnet::Expect module log_expect method is used by the Mnet::Expect::Cli modules to temporarily disable expect session logging during password entry. Any user code bypassing the Mnet::Expect::Cli modules to send passwords directly, using the expect method in the Mnet::Expect module, may need to do the same. Why should I use the Mnet::Expect module? The Mnet::Expect module works with the Mnet::Log and Mnet::Opts::Cli modules, for easy logging of normal Expect module activity, with extra options for logging, debugging, raw pty, and session tty rows and columns. However, you still have to handle all the expect session details, including send and expect calls for logging in, detecting of command prompts, capturing output, etc. It's easier to use the Mnet::Expect::Cli module which handles all of this, if you can. Why should I use the Mnet::Expect::Cli module? The Mnet::Expect::Cli module makes it easy to login and obtain outputs from command line interfaces, like ssh. This module builds on the Mnet::Expect module mentioned above, adding features to handle a variety of typical username and password prompts, command prompts, pagination prompts on long outputs, and caching of session command output. This module also works with the Mnet::Test module, allowing expect session activity to be recorded and replayed while offline. This can be of tremendous value, both during development, and for sustainability. Refer also the the Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios module mentioned below, which has a couple of features relevant when working with cisco ios and other similar devices. Why should I use the Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios module? The Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios builds on the Mnet::Expect::Cli module mentioned above, also handling enable mode authentication, the prompt changes going from user to enable mode, and the prompt changes in configuration modes. AUTHOR The Mnet perl distribution has been created and is maintained by Mike Menza. Feedback and bug reports are welcome, feel free to contact Mike via email at <> with any comments or questions. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006 Michael J. Menza Jr. Mnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <> SEE ALSO Mnet::Batch Mnet::Expect::Cli Mnet::Expect::Cli::Ios Mnet::IP Mnet::Log Mnet::Opts::Cli Mnet::Report::Table Mnet::Stanza Mnet::Test