package Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication'; use Mojo::Loader qw(load_class); use Mojo::Util qw(hmac_sha1_sum); use Hash::Merge qw( merge ); use DBIx::POS::Sth; my $pkg = __PACKAGE__; has [qw(app dbh conf)]; has default => sub { my $self = shift; { auth => { stash_key => $pkg, current_user_fn => 'auth_user', load_user => \&load_user, validate_user => \&validate_user, }, access => { namespace => $pkg, module => 'Access', fail_auth_cb => sub { shift->render(format=>'txt', text=>"Deny access at auth step. Please sign in.\n"); }, fail_access_cb => sub { shift->render(format=>'txt', text=>"You don`t have access on this route (url, action).\n"); }, import => [qw(load_user validate_user)], pos => { namespace => $pkg, module => 'POS::Access', }, }, admin => { namespace => $pkg, controller => 'Admin', prefix => lc($self->conf->{admin}{controller} || 'admin'), trust => hmac_sha1_sum('admin', $self->app->secrets->[0]), pos => { namespace => $pkg, module => 'POS::Admin', }, }, oauth => { namespace => $pkg, controller => 'OAuth2', pos => { namespace => $pkg, module => 'POS::OAuth2', }, fail_auth_cb => sub {shift->render(format=>'txt', text=>"@_")}, }, }}; has merge_conf => sub {#hashref my $self = shift; merge($self->conf, $self->default); }; has access => sub {# object my $self = shift; my $access = $self->merge_conf->{'access'}; my $class = $self->_class($access); $class->import( @{$access->{import}}); bless $access, $class; $access->{dbh} = $self->dbh; my $pos = $access->{pos}; $access->{sth} = DBIx::POS::Sth->new( $self->dbh, $self->_class($pos)->new($pos->{template} ? (template=>$pos->{template}) : ()) ); $access->{app} = $self->app; $access->{plugin} = $self; return $access->init; }; has admin => sub {# object my $self = shift; my $admin = $self->merge_conf->{'admin'}; $admin->{module} ||= $admin->{controller}; my $class = $self->_class($admin); bless $admin, $class; $admin->{dbh} = $self->dbh; my $pos = $admin->{pos}; $admin->{sth} = DBIx::POS::Sth->new( $self->dbh, $self->_class($pos)->new($pos->{template} ? (template=>$pos->{template}) : ()), ); $admin->{plugin} = $self; return $admin->init; }; has oauth => sub { my $self = shift; my $oauth = $self->merge_conf->{'oauth'}; my $class = $self->_class($oauth); bless $oauth, $class; $oauth->{dbh} = $self->dbh; my $pos = $oauth->{pos}; $oauth->{sth} = DBIx::POS::Sth->new( $self->dbh, $self->_class($pos)->new($pos->{template} ? (template=>$pos->{template}) : ()), ); $oauth->{app} = $self->app; $oauth->{plugin} = $self; #~ $oauth->{admin} = $self->admin; return $oauth->init; }; sub register { my $self = shift; $self->app(shift); $self->conf(shift); # global $self->dbh($self->conf->{dbh} || $self->app->dbh); $self->dbh($self->dbh->($self->app)) if ref($self->dbh) eq 'CODE'; die "Plugin must work with dbh, see SYNOPSIS" unless $self->dbh; my $access = $self->access; die "Plugin [Authentication] already loaded" if $self->app->renderer->helpers->{'authenticate'}; $self->SUPER::register($self->app, $self->merge_conf->{auth}); $self->app->routes->add_condition(access => sub {$self->cond_access(@_)}); $access->apply_ns(); $access->apply_route($_) for @{ $access->db_routes }; if ($self->conf->{oauth}) { my $oauth = $self->oauth; $access->apply_route($_) for $oauth->_routes; } if ($self->conf->{admin}) { my $admin = $self->admin; $access->apply_route($_) for $admin->self_routes; } $self->app->helper('access', sub {$access}); return $self, $access; } sub _class { my $self = shift; my $conf = shift; my $class = join '::', $conf->{namespace}, $conf->{module} || $conf->{controller} if $conf->{namespace}; $class ||= $conf->{module} || $conf->{controller}; my $e; $e = load_class($class)# success undef and die $e; return $class; } # sub cond_access {# add_condition my $self= shift; my ($route, $c, $captures, $args) = @_; my $conf = $self->merge_conf; my $app = $c->app; my $access = $self->access; #~ $app->log->debug($c->dumper($route));#$route->pattern->defaults my $auth_helper = $conf->{auth}{current_user_fn}; my $u = $c->$auth_helper; $app->log->debug(sprintf(qq[Access allow [%s] for {auth}=false], $route->pattern->unparsed, )) and return 1 # не проверÑем доÑтуп unless $args->{auth}; my $fail_auth_cb = $access->{fail_auth_cb}; # не авторизовалÑÑ $self->deny_log($route, $args, $u) and $c->$fail_auth_cb() and return undef unless $u; # получить вÑе группы $access->load_user_roles($u); # допуÑтить еÑли {auth=>'only'} $app->log->debug(sprintf(qq[Access allow [%s] for {auth}='only'], $route->pattern->unparsed, )) and return 1 if lc($args->{auth}) eq 'only'; if (ref $args eq 'CODE') { $args->($u, @_) or $self->deny_log($route, $args, $u) and $c->$fail_auth_cb() and return undef; $app->log->debug(sprintf(qq[Access allow [%s] by callback condition], $route->pattern->unparsed, )); return 0x01; } my $id2 = [$u->{id}, map($_->{id}, grep !$_->{disable},@{$u->{roles}})]; my $id1 = [grep $_, @$args{qw(id route_id action_id controller_id namespace_id)}]; # explicit acces to route scalar @$id1 && $access->access_explicit($id1, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] for roles=[%s] joined id1=%s; args=[%s]; defaults=%s", $route->pattern->unparsed, $c->dumper($id2) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($id1) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ) && return 1; # Access to non db route by role $args->{role} && $access->access_role($args->{role}, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] by role [%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $args->{role}, ) && return 1; # implicit access to non db routes my $controller = $args->{controller} || ucfirst(lc($route->pattern->defaults->{controller})); my $namespace = $args->{namespace} || $route->pattern->defaults->{namespace}; if ($controller && !$namespace) { (load_class($_.'::'.$controller) or ($namespace = $_) and last) for @{ $app->routes->namespaces }; } my $fail_access_cb = $access->{fail_access_cb}; $self->deny_log($route, $args, $u) and $c->$fail_access_cb() and return undef unless $controller && $namespace;# failed load class $access->access_namespace($namespace, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] for roles=[%s] by namespace=[%s]; args=[%s]; defaults=[%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $c->dumper($id2) =~ s/\s+//gr, $namespace, $c->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ) && return 1; $access->access_controller($namespace, $controller, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] for roles=[%s] by namespace=[%s] and controller=[%s]; args=[%s]; defaults=[%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $c->dumper($id2) =~ s/\s+//gr, $namespace, $controller, $c->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ) && return 1; # еще раз контроллер, который тут без namespace и в базе без namespace ------> доÑтуп из любого меÑта $args->{namespace} || $route->pattern->defaults->{namespace} || $access->access_controller(undef, $controller, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] for roles=[%s] by controller=[%s] without namespace on db; args=[%s]; defaults=[%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $c->dumper($id2) =~ s/\s+//gr, $controller, $c->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ) && return 1; my $action = $args->{action} || $route->pattern->defaults->{action} or $self->deny_log($route, $args, $u) and $c->$fail_access_cb() and return undef; $access->access_action($namespace, $controller, $action, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] for roles=[%s] by namespace=[%s] and controller=[%s] and action=[%s]; args=[%s]; defaults=[%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $c->dumper($id2) =~ s/\s+//gr, $namespace , $controller, $action, $c->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ) && return 1; # еще раз контроллер, который тут без namespace и в базе без namespace ------> доÑтуп из любого меÑта $args->{namespace} || $route->pattern->defaults->{namespace} && $access->access_action(undef, $controller, $action, $id2) && $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access allow [%s] for roles=[%s] by (namespace=[any]) controller=[%s] and action=[%s]; args=[%s]; defaults=[%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $c->dumper($id2) =~ s/\s+//gr, $controller, $action, $c->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $c->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ) && return 1; $self->deny_log($route, $args, $u); $c->$fail_access_cb(); return undef; } sub deny_log { my $self = shift; my ($route, $args, $u) = @_; my $app = $self->app; $app->log->debug(sprintf "Access deny [%s] for profile id=[%s]; args=[%s]; defaults=[%s]", $route->pattern->unparsed, $u ? $u->{id} : 'non auth', $app->dumper($args) =~ s/\s+//gr, $app->dumper($route->pattern->defaults) =~ s/\s+//gr, ); } our $VERSION = '0.707'; =pod =encoding utf8 Доброго вÑем =head1 Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI ¡ ¡ ¡ ALL GLORY TO GLORIA ! ! ! =head1 VERSION 0.707 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI - from DBI sql-tables does generate routes, make authentication and make restrict access (authorization) to request. Plugin makes an auth operations throught the plugin L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication> on which is based. =head1 DB DESIGN DIAGRAM First of all you will see L<SVG|> or L<PNG|> =head1 SYNOPSIS $app->plugin('RoutesAuthDBI', dbh => $app->dbh, auth => {...}, access => {...}, admin => {...}, oauth => {...}, ); =head2 PLUGIN OPTIONS One option C<dbh> is mandatory, all other - optional. =head3 dbh Handler DBI connection where are tables: controllers, actions, routes, logins, profiles, roles, refs. dbh => $app->dbh, # or dbh => sub { shift->dbh }, =head3 auth Hashref options pass to base plugin L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication>. By default the option: current_user_fn => 'auth_user', The options: load_user => \&load_user, validate_user => \&validate_user, are imported from package access module. See below. =item * B<access> - hashref options for special access module. This module has subs and methods for manage auth and access operations, has appling routes from sql-table. By default plugin will load the builtin module: access => { module => 'Access', namespace => 'Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI', ..., }, You might define your own module by passing options: access => { module => 'Foo', namespace => 'Bar::Baz', ..., }, See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Access> for detail options list. =head3 admin Hashref options for admin controller for actions on SQL tables routes, roles, profiles, logins. By default the builtin module: admin => { controller => 'Admin', namespace => 'Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI', ..., }, You might define your own controller by passing options: admin => { controller => 'Foo', namespace => 'Bar::Baz', ..., }, See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Admin> for detail options list. =head3 oauth Hashref options for oauth controller. By default the builtin module: oauth => { controller => 'OAuth2', namespace => 'Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI', ..., }, You might define your own controller by passing options: oauth => { controller => 'Foo::Bar::Baz', ..., }, See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::OAuth2> for detail options list. =head1 INSTALL See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Install>. =head1 OVER CONDITIONS =head2 access Heart of this plugin! This condition apply for all db routes even if column auth set to 0. It is possible to apply this condition to non db routes also: =over 4 =item * No access check to route, but authorization by session will ready: $r->route('/foo')->...->over(access=>{auth=>0})->...; =item * Allow if has authentication only: $r->route('/foo')->...->over(access=>{auth=>'only'})->...; # same as # $r->route('/foo')->...->over(authenticated => 1)->...; # see Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication =item * Route accessible if profile roles assigned to either B<loadable> namespace or controller '' (which assigned neither namespece on db or assigned to that loadable namespace) or action 'bar' on controller (action record in db table actions): $r->route('/bar-bar-any-namespace')->to('bar#bar',)->over(access=>{auth=>1})->...; =item * Explicit defined namespace route accessible either namespace 'Bar' or '' controller or action 'bar' in controller '' (which assigned to namespace 'Bar' in table refs): $r->route('/bar-bar-bar')->to('bar#bar', namespace=>'Bar')->over(access=>{auth=>1})->...; =item * Check access by overriden namespace 'BarX': controller and action also with that namespace in db table refs: $r->route('/bar-nsX')->to('bar#bar', namespace=>'Bar')->over(access=>{auth=>1, namespace=>'BarX'})->...; =item * Check access by overriden namespace 'BarX' and controller '', action record also with that ns & c in db table refs: $r->route('/bar-nsX-cX')->to('bar#bar', namespace=>'Bar')->over(access=>{auth=>1, namespace=>'BarX', controller=>'BarX'})->...; =item * Full override names access: $r->route('/bar-nsX-cX-aX')->to('bar#bar', namespace=>'Bar')->over(access=>{auth=>1, namespace=>'BarX', controller=>'BarX', action=>'barX'})->...; =item * $r->route('/bar-cX-aX')->to('bar#bar',)->over(access=>{auth=>1, controller=>'BarX', action=>'barX'})->...; =item * Route accessible if profile roles list has defined role (admin): $r->route('/bar-role-admin')->to('bar#bar',)->over(access=>{auth=>1, role=> 'admin'})->...; =item * Pass callback to access condition The callback will get parameters: $profile, $route, $c, $captures, $args (this callback ref). Callback must returns true or false for restrict access. Example simple auth access: $r->route('/check-auth')->over(access=>sub {my ($profile, $route, $c, $captures, $args) = @_; return $profile;})->to(cb=>sub {my $c =shift; $c->render(format=>'txt', text=>"Hi @{[$c->auth_user->{names}]}!\n\nYou have access!");}); =back =head1 HELPERS =head2 access Returns access instance obiect. See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Access> methods. $c->access->db_routes; if ($c->access->access_explicit([1,2,3], [1,2,3])) { # yes, accessible } =head1 METHODS and SUBS Registration() & access() & <internal>. =head2 Example routing table records Request HTTP method(s) (optional) and the URL (space delim) Contoller Method Route Name Auth ------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------------- ----- GET /city/new City new_form city_new_form 1 GET /city/:id City show city_show 1 GET /city/edit/:id City edit_form city_edit_form 1 GET /cities City index city_index 1 POST /city City save city_save 1 GET /city/delete/:id City delete_form city_delete_form 1 DELETE /city/:id City delete city_delete 1 / Home index home_index 0 get post /foo/baz Foo baz foo_baz 1 It table will generate the L<Mojolicious routes|>: # GET /city/new $r->route('/city/new')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'new_form')->name('city_new_form'); # GET /city/123 - show item with id 123 $r->route('/city/:id')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'show')->name('city_show'); # GET /city/edit/123 - form to edit an item $r->route('/city/edit/:id')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'edit_form')->name('city_edit_form'); # GET /cities - list of all items $r->route('/cities')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'index')->name('cities_index'); # POST /city - create new item or update the item $r->route('/city')->via('post')->to(controller => 'city', action => 'save')->name('city_save'); # GET /city/delete/123 - form to confirm delete an item id=123 $r->route('/city/delete/:id')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'delete_form')->name('city_delete_form'); # DELETE /city/123 - delete an item id=123 $r->route('/city/:id')->via('delete')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'delete')->name('city_delete'); # without HTTP method and no auth restrict $r->route('/')->to(controller => 'Home', action => 'index')->name('home_index'); # GET or POST /foo/baz $r->route('/foo/baz')->via('GET', 'post')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'Foo', action => 'baz')->name('foo_baz'); =head2 Warning If you changed the routes table then kill -HUP or reload app to regenerate routes. Changing assess not require reloading the service. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication> L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization> =head1 AUTHOR Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), C<< <mche[-at-]> >> =head1 BUGS / CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs or feature requests at L<>. Pull requests also welcome. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 Mikhail Che. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut