# NAME SQL::Load - This module is a simple SQL file loader # VERSION 0.05 # SYNOPSIS File SQL: users.sql -- (find) SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?; -- # find-all SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC; -- [insert] INSERT INTO users (name, login, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?); Code: use SQL::Load; my $sql = SQL::Load->new('/home/user/sql/directory/path'); # load users.sql file my $users = $sql->load('users'); print $users->name('find') # SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?; print $users->name('find-all') # SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC; print $users->name('insert') # INSERT INTO users (name, login, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?); print $sql->load('users#find'); # SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?; print $sql->load('users#find-all'); # SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC; print $sql->load('users#insert'); # INSERT INTO users (name, login, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?); # DESCRIPTION Intended to separate SQL from Perl code, this module provides some functions that make it easier to do so. # METHODS ## new my $sql_load = SQL::Load->new($path, $end); Construct a new L<SQL::Load>, passing the folder path is required. The end param is optional, default returns SQLs with a semicolon in the end, for example using break line: my $sql = SQL::Load->new('/home/user/sql/directory/path', "\n"); my $users = $sql->load('users'); print $users->name('find'); # SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?\n print $users->name('find-all'); # SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC\n print $users->name('insert'); # INSERT INTO users (name, login, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?)\n ## load my $method = $sql_load->load('file_name'); my $method = $sql_load->load('file_name.sql'); my $method = $sql_load->load('file_name#sql_name'); my $method = $sql_load->load('file_name#sql_at'); my $method = $sql_load->load('file_name', 1); # reload to get content directly from the file Load the content in the reference and return an instance of L<SQL::Load::Method>. ## reload my $method = $sql_load->reload('file_name'); my $method = $sql_load->reload('file_name.sql'); my $method = $sql_load->reload('file_name'); my $method = $sql_load->reload('file_name#sql_name'); my $method = $sql_load->reload('file_name#sql_at'); Reload to get content directly from the file without getting from the tmp from reference. # FILES SQL ## Named SQL For you to name the SQL has 3 ways: -- # NAME -- (NAME) -- [NAME] These three ways have the same result. **Examples:** -- # find SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?; -- # find-all SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC; -- [FindByEmail] SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?; -- (insert) INSERT INTO users (name, email, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?); -- [delete_by_email] DELETE FROM users WHERE email = ?; -- (UpdatePassword) UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE id = ?; **Important informations:** Names must be CamelCase, snake_case or kebab-case. Each SQL statement must end with a semicolon(;). ## SQL in list Must be separated by semicolon(;) **Examples:** CREATE TABLE users ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, username VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR (64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE articles ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, data TEXT NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO users (name, email, username, password) VALUES ('John', 'john@email.com', 'john', 'john12345'); First is 1, second is 2, and third is 3 in the list position. # SEE ALSO [SQL::Load::Method](https://metacpan.org/pod/SQL::Load::Method) # AUTHOR Lucas Tiago de Moraes, `lucastiagodemoraes@gmail.com`. # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Lucas Tiago de Moraes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.