Acme/Buckaroo version 1.01 ========================== WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: ------------------------------------------------------------------- USING THIS MODULE CHANGES THE SOURCE FILE IT IS IN !!!!! IF YOU DO A 'USE BUCKAROO.PM;' THE REST OF THE FILE AFTER THIS WILL BE CHANGED FOREVER IN A WAY YOU MAY NOT LIKE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE THIS MODULE ONLY IN A TEST FILE THAT YOU CAN THROW AWAY !!! USE THIS MODULE ONLY IN A TEST FILE THAT YOU CAN THROW AWAY !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: DESCRIPTION Acme::Buckaroo - Buckaroo Banzai Characters Infest Your Code! The first time you run this program, the entire text of the program after the 'use Acme::Buckaroo;' is converted (character by character) into characters from the movie "Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eigth Dimension" (and some other phrases, too). The program will work (or not!) exactly as it did before it was converted, but the code will be a somewhat endearing tribute to a movie, instead of a clean, complete, clearly commented set of lines of Perl code. if you want to convert your program BACK into Perl, you must edit the module and turn on debugging (change the line, "my $debugmode = 0;" to the line, "my $debugmode = 1;" and then run the script again. As it executes, it will translate the program back. Capture the output of this and you have your program back. Acme::Buckaroo came about because the modules Acme::Buffy, Acme::Morse, Acme::Pony, and Acme::Bleach were somewhat cryptically written. This author believes that CODE SHOULD BE SIMPLE and CLEAR to read and understand. Code that isn't clear is far less value. And, since these modules are for learning or FUN anyway, I might as well start here. As someone who has taught beginners to use Perl, I've seen the problems caused by using Perl idioms where typing a few more characters can make maintenance possible and even quite easy. SYNOPSIS Before Buckaroo-ing: use Acme::Buckaroo; print "Watch 'Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension' Today!"; After Bucaroo-ing: use Acme::Buckaroo; Buckaroo Banzai Across The Eigth Dimension Buckaroo Banzai Across The Eigth Dimension Bari Dreiband-Burman General Catburd George Stokes Frank James Sparks Gary Hellerstein Glenn Campbell Buckaroo Banzai Penny Priddy Damon Hines New Jersey Glenn Campbell Doreen A. Dixon Francine Lembi Buckaroo Banzai Girl Named John Scooter Lindley Gordon Ecker Jr. Doreen A. Dixon Fred J. Koenekamp New Jersey George Stokes Gary Hymes Gary Hymes Buckaroo Banzai Scooter Lindley New Jersey Gary Hellerstein Grovers Mills New Jersey Frank James Sparks Buckaroo Banzai Sandra Banzai Doreen A. Dixon George Stokes Gary Hymes Gerald Peterson Gerald Peterson Buckaroo Banzai Glenn Campbell Francine Lembi Edward Morey Buckaroo Banzai Perfect Tommy Glenn Campbell Francine Lembi Buckaroo Banzai Smolensk USSR Frank James Sparks Gary Daigler Edward Morey Gary Hellerstein Gerald Peterson Frank James Sparks Gary Hymes Gary Hellerstein Girl Named John Buckaroo Banzai Colette Emanuel Gary Hymes Eddie Marks New Jersey Gregory Jein Defense Sec. McKinley Penny Priddy Planet 10 Bari Dreiband-Burman INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires NO other modules or libraries. If you go into the source of and look, you'll see there is a debug mode. If you turn this on, you'll be able to watch it as it works. However, debug mode requires the module Data::Dumper, a fantastically useful module that you should have by default in Perl installations > 5.6. DEDICATION I'd like to dedicate this module to Mr. Damian Conway, who has bettered Perl and the lives of those in the Perl-using community by vast amounts, and continues to do good work. Someday I'd like to buy him a beer. The book, by the way, is "Object Oriented Perl", by Damian Conway and Randall L. Schwartz, published by Manning Publications Company; ISBN: 1884777791; (August 1999). Also thanks to Jesse who reported a bug in this documentation and introduced me to the CPAN bug tracking database, available to everyone to report bugs in CPAN modules or scripts. The address for this is If you know of a bug in a CPAN module, report it there! EXPORT None by default. SEE ALSO Acme::Buffy, Acme::Morse, Acme::Pony, Acme::Bleach, and L<perl>. DIAGNOSTICS Cannot Buckaroo '%s' Acme::Buckaroo could not modify the source file. Are the file permissions set? Cannot Buckaroo again on '%s' Acme::Buckaroo couldn't read the source file for whatever reason. Ooops. AUTHOR Kevin J. Rice,, E<lt>KevinRice@cpan.orgE<gt> COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2002, Kevin J. Rice. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. (see for details) Kindly request: Please reference this author (Kevin J. Rice) when you refer to this module.