NAME Pod::Inherit - auto-create pod sections listing inherited methods SYNOPSIS use Pod::Inherit; my $config = { out_dir => "/usr/src/perl/dbix-class/bast/DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/doc, input_files => ['/usr/src/perl/dbix-class/bast/DBIx-Class/0.08/trunk/lib/'], skip_underscored => 1, class_map => { "DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasMany" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship", "DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasOne" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship", "DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship", "DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship", "DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy" => "DBIx::Class::ResultSource", "DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table" => "DBIx::Class::ResultSource", } }; my $pi = Pod::Inherit->new( $config }); $pi->write_pod; DESCRIPTION Ever written a module distribution with base classes and dependencies, that had the pod for the various methods next to them, but hard to find for the user of your modules? Ever wished POD could be inheritable? Now it can. This module will load each of the classes in the list of input files or directories given (default: @ARGV), auto-discover which methods each class provides, locate the actual class the method is defined in, and produce a list in pod. The resulting documentation is written out to a separate .pod file for each class (.pm) encountered. The new file contains the original POD from the Perl Module file, plus a section called "INHERITED METHODS". The new section lists each class that the current class inherits from, plus each method that can be used in the current class as a result. By default, methods beginning with an underscore, "_" are skipped, as by convention these are private methods. METHODS new Arguments: \%config Return value: Pod::Inherit object Create a new Pod::Inherit object. The config hashref can contain the following keys: skip_underscored Default: true. Do not display inherited methods that begin with an underscore. Set to 0 to display these as well. input_files Default: @ARGV Arrayref of directories to search for .pm files in, or a list of .pm files or a mixture. out_dir Default: Same as input_files A directory to output the results into. If not supplied, the .pod file is created alongside the .pm file it came from. class_map Default: none A hashref of key/value string pairs. The keys represent classes in which inherited methods will be found, the values are the classes which it should link to in the new pod for the actual pod of the methods. Some distributions will already have noticed the plight of the users, and documented the methods of some of their base classes further up the inheritance chain. This config option lets you tell Pod::Inherit where you moved the pod to. write_pod Arguments: none Return value: none Run the pod creation stage. create_pod The semantics of the $docmap argument need to go something like this: - Something being in the docmap means that it will be documented, even if it starts with an underscore, or would otherwise be skipped. - If the value is '1', then that's the only effect; it will be documented as being where it is. - Otherwise, the value is the name of the module that it should be documented as if it was in. - That module needs to show up, even if it isnt really in the inheritence tree at all. - It should show up after the real modules that actually exist. Inline configuration As well as passing explicit configuration options to "new", you can also leave Pod::Inherit hints in your actual code. To define in a class that all methods with a leading underscore should be included when listing methods in that module, use the following snippet in your code: our %_pod_inherit_config = ( skip_underscored => 0 ); AUTHOR James Mastros <> LICENSE