Tie::Hash::Attribute ==================== Just another HTML attribute generator. [](https://metacpan.org/pod/Tie::Hash::Attribute) [](https://travis-ci.org/jeffa/Tie-Hash-Attribute) Synopsis -------- ```perl use Tie::Hash::Attribute; tie my %tag, 'Tie::Hash::Attribute'; %tag = ( table => { border => 0 }, tr => { style => { color => 'red', align => 'right' }, }, td => { style => { align => [qw( left right )], color => [qw( red blue green )], } }, ); print $tag{-table}; # border: 0 print $tag{-tr}; # style="align: right; color: red;" print $tag{-td} for 1 .. 4; # style="align: left; color: red;"', # style="align: right; color: blue;"', # style="align: left; color: green;"', # style="align: right; color: red;"', # or emit all attributes at once tie my %tr_tag, 'Tie::Hash::Attribute'; %tr_tag = ( style => { align => [qw(left right)], color => [qw(red blue green)] } ); print scalar %tr_tag for 1 .. 4; # style="align: left; color: red;" # style="align: right; color: blue;" # style="align: left; color: green;" # style="align: right; color: red;" ``` Installation ------------ To install this module, you should use CPAN. A good starting place is [How to install CPAN modules](http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html). If you truly want to install from this github repo, then be sure and create the manifest before you test and install: ``` perl Makefile.PL make make manifest make test make install ``` Support and Documentation ------------------------- After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. ``` perldoc Tie::Hash::Attribute ``` You can also find documentation at [metaCPAN](https://metacpan.org/pod/Tie::Hash::Attribute). License and Copyright --------------------- See [source POD](/lib/Tie/Hash/Attribute.pm).