Class::Accessor::TrackDirty - Define simple entities stored in some


        package UserInfo;
        use Class::Accessor::TrackDirty;
        Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_new_and_tracked_accessors("name", "password");
        package main;
        my $user = UserInfo->new({name => 'honma', password => 'F!aS3l'});
        store_into_someplace($user->to_hash) if $user->is_dirty;
        # ...
        $user = UserInfo->from_hash(restore_from_someplace());
        $user->revert; # but decided not to
        $user->name('honma'); # I can't make up my mind...
        # ... blabla ...
        # Check the status of fields if needed
        $user->is_dirty('name') and warn "Did you change name?";
        my @dirty_fields = $user->dirty_fields;
        # Store it only if $user was really modified.
        store_into_someplace($user->to_hash) if $user->is_dirty;


    Class::Accessor::TrackDirty defines simple entities stored in files,
    RDBMS, KVS, and so on. It tracks dirty columns and you can store it
    only when the instance was really modified.




    Create the <new> methods in your class. You can pass a hash-ref or
    hash-like list to <new> method.

    my $object = YourClass->new({name1 => "value1", ...});

      The instance created by <new> is regarded as `dirty' if it has some
      nonempty fields. It's because it hasn't been stored yet.

  Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_tracked_accessors("name1", "name2", ...);

    Create accessor methods and helper methods in your class. Following
    helper methods will be created automatically.

    $your_object->is_dirty; =item $your_object->is_dirty("field_name");

      Check that the instance is modified. If it's true, you should store
      this instance into some place through using <to_hash> method.

      When you pass the name of a field, you can know if the field contains
      the same value as the stored object.

    my @fields = $your_object->dirty_fields;

      Gets the name of all dirty fields of $your_object.


      Checks if the instance might be in a storage. Returns false value
      when the instance comes from from_hash method, or after you call
      to_hash method.

    my $hash_ref = $your_object->to_hash;

      Eject data from this instance as plain hash-ref format.
      <$your_object> is regarded as `clean' after calling this method.

      You'd better store <$hash_ref> into some place ASAP. It's up to you
      how <$hash_ref> should be serialized.


      Retrieves the row data from the instance. The return value is the
      same as to_hash method, but this method doesn't change the state of
      the instance.

    my $object = YourClass->from_hash({name1 => "value1", ...});

      Rebuild the instance from a hash-ref ejected by <to_hash> method. The
      instance constructed by <from_hash> is regarded as `clean'.


      Revert all `dirty' changes. Fields created by <mk_tracked_accessors>
      returns to the point where you call <new>, <to_hash>, or <from_hash>.

      The volatile fields will be never reverted.

    You'd better *NOT* store references in tracked fields. Though following
    codes work well, to make revert work well, we'll have to copy
    references deeply when you call getter.

      my $your_object = YourClass->new(some_refs => {key => 'value'});
      # some_refs are copyied deeply :(
      $your_object->some_refs->{key} = '<censored>';
      print $your_object->some_refs, "\n"; # printed "value"

  Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_accessors("name1", "name2", ...);

    Define the field which isn't tracked. You can freely change these
    fields, and it will never be marked as `dirty'.

  "name2", ...);

    This method is a combination of <mk_tracked_accessors> and <mk_new>.


    Class::Accessor, Class::Accessor::Lite, MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes,


    Masahiro Honma <>


    Copyright (c) 2013, Masahiro Honma. All rights reserved.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.