# NAME Module::Build::XSUtil - A Module::Build class for building XS modules # SYNOPSIS Use in your Build.PL use strict; use warnings; use Module::Build::XSUtil; my $builder = Module::Build::XSUtil->new( dist_name => 'Your-XS-Module', license => 'perl', dist_author => 'Your Name <yourname@example.com>', dist_version_from => 'lib/Your/XS/Module', generate_ppport_h => 'lib/Your/XS/ppport.h', generate_xshelper_h => 'lib/Your/XS/xshelper.h', needs_compiler_c99 => 1, ); $builder->create_build_script(); Use in custom builder module. pakcage builder::MyBuilder; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Module::Build::XSUtil'; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %args, generate_ppport_h => 'lib/Your/XS/ppport.h', generate_xshelper_h => 'lib/Your/XS/xshelper.h', needs_compiler_c99 => 1, ); return $self; } 1; # DESCRIPTION Module::Build::XSUtil is subclass of [Module::Build](https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Build) for support building XS modules. This is a list of a new parameters in the Module::Build::new method: - needs\_compiler\_c99 This option checks C99 compiler's availability. If it's not available, Build.PL exits by 0. - needs\_compiler\_cpp This option checks C++ compiler's availability. If it's not available, Build.PL exits by 0. In addition, append 'extra\_compiler\_flags' and 'extra\_linker\_flags' for C++. - generate\_ppport\_h Genereate ppport.h by [Devel::PPPort](https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::PPPort). - generate\_xshelper\_h Genereate xshelper.h which is a helper header file to include EXTERN.h, perl.h, XSUB.h and ppport.h, and defines some portability stuff which are not supported by ppport.h. It is porting from [Module::Install::XSUtil](https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Install::XSUtil). - cc\_warnings Enable compiler warnings flag. It is enable by default. - \-g options If invoke Build.PL with '-g' option, It will build with debug options. # SEE ALSO [Module::Install::XSUtil](https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Install::XSUtil) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Hideaki Ohno. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Hideaki Ohno <hide.o.j55 {at} gmail.com>