                RenderMan Module v0.04 for Perl 5.6
             Glenn M. Lewis, http://www.gmlewis.com/
   Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Glenn M. Lewis. All rights reserved.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This module acts as a Perl 5.6 interface to the Blue Moon Rendering Tools
(BMRT) RenderMan-compliant client library, written by Larry Gritz:

This module requires Perl 5.6, a C compiler, and BMRT.  It works under
WinNT and Windows 2000 as well as Unix.

After un-compressing/archiving the file, please edit Makefile.PL
and point it to the include and lib directories of your BMRT installation.

Then, if your version of BMRT supplies a shared-library version of the
client library, simply type the following:
   % perl Makefile.PL
   % make
   % make test

You should see 241 successful tests related to the RenderMan binding.

Now install the module with:

   % make install

If, however, your version of BMRT only supplies a static version of the
client library, you will need to do the following instead:

   % perl Makefile.PL
   % make perl
   % make test_static
   % make -f Makefile.aperl inst_perl MAP_TARGET=perl
   % make doc_install

This last line will install a new version of "perl" which includes
the RenderMan module linked in statically.

In either case, you should now be able to 'use RenderMan;' in your
scripts to take advantage of this module.

To get documentation on the module, type:

   % perldoc RenderMan

Some extra code has been added to the examples directory that should
enable you to convert LightWave objects to RIB or to a Perl script
using the RenderMan binding.  More useful examples will be provided
in future releases.

I'm looking for any feedback regarding this module or how you use this
module.  If you've got other good examples or such, please send them my
way and I'll include them.
Updates will be uploaded to PAUSE, and will be posted to my personal
home page at:

Function callbacks (for error handling and filtering) are not supported.
RiTransformPoints is not supported by the client library, and is therefore
not supported by this Perl 5.6 binding.
RiBlobby is not supported by BMRT, and is therefore not supported.


Glenn M. Lewis