Dancer::Plugin::Tapir - Associate a Tapir handler with Dancer routes

      use Dancer;
      use Dancer::Plugin::Tapir;

        thrift_idl    => 'thrift/service.thrift',
        handler_class => 'MyAPI::Service';

    The goal of this package is to quickly and without fuss expose a Tapir
    service via Dancer via a RESTful API. Doing so requires no additional
    coding, and only requires a simple comment added to your Thrift methods.

    This plugin exports the method "setup_thrift_handler" into the caller.
    Call it with either a list of arguments or using your Dancer
    configuration (see below).

    The handler class must be a subclass of Tapir::Server::Handler::Class
    and have registered methods for each Thrift method of the Thrift

    The Dancer routes that will be exposed match up with the @rest Thrift
    documentation tag. For example:

        Create a new account
        @rest POST /accounts
      account createAccount (
        1: username username,
        2: string   password

    This will create a route "POST /accounts" which will call the method
    "createAccount" in the handler class. The Dancer method "params" will be
    used to extract both query string and payload parameters, and will be
    used to compose the thrift message passed to the Tapir::Server::Handler.

    Control over the HTTP status code returned to the user is still being
    worked out, as are being able to set headers in the HTTP response. At
    the moment, the result is serialized via JSON but will in the future be
    serialized according to the Accept headers of the request.

    Add something like this to your YAML config:

          thrift_idl: thrift/service.thrift
          handler_class: MyAPI::Service

    Tapir, Dancer

    Copyright (c) 2012 Eric Waters. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
    terms as Perl itself.

    Eric Waters <>