NAME PerlX::QuoteOperator - Create new quote-like operators in Perl VERSION Version 0.05 SYNOPSIS Create a quote-like operator which convert text to uppercase: use PerlX::QuoteOperator quc => { -emulate => 'q', -with => sub ($) { uc $_[0] }, }; say quc/do i have to $hout/; # => DO I HAVE TO $HOUT DESCRIPTION QUOTE-LIKE OPERATORS Perl comes with some very handy Quote-Like Operators :) But what it doesn't come with is some easy method to create your own quote-like operators :( This is where PerlX::QuoteOperator comes in. Using the fiendish Devel::Declare under its hood it "tricks", sorry "helps!" the perl parser to provide new first class quote-like operators. HOW DOES IT DO IT? The subterfuge doesn't go that deep. If we take a look at the SYNOPSIS example: say quc/do i have to $hout/; Then all PerlX::QuoteOperator actually does is convert this to the following before perl compiles it: say quc q/do i have to $hout/; Where 'quc' is a defined sub expecting one argument (ie, sub ($) { uc $_[0] } ). This approach allows PerlX::QuoteOperator to perform the very basic keyhole surgery on the code, ie. just put in the emulated quote-like operator between keyword & argument. However this approach does have caveats especially when qw// is being used!. See CAVEATS. There is an alternative parser when can be invoked, see -parser Export parameter. WHY? Bit like climbing Mount Everest... because we can! ;-) Is really having something like: say quc/do i have to $hout/; so much better than: say uc 'do i have to $hout'; or more apt this: say uc('do i have to $hout'); Probably not... at least in the example shown. But things like this are certainly eye catching: use PerlX::QuoteOperator::URL 'qh'; my $content = qh( ); # does HTTP request NOTICE - As for version 0.05 (23rd Feb 2015), PerlX::QuoteOperator::URL was moved to its own distribution. And this: use PerlX::QuoteOperator qwHash => { -emulate => 'qw', -with => sub (@) { my $n; map { $_ => ++$n } @_ }, }; my %months = qwHash/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/; Certainly give the code aesthetic a good pause for thought. EXPORT By default nothing is exported: use PerlX::QuoteOperator; # => imports nothing Quote operator is imported when passed a name and options like so: use PerlX::QuoteOperator quote_operator_name_i_want_to_use => { } A hashref is used to pass the options. PARAMETERS -emulate Which Perl quote-like operator required to emulate. q, qq & qw have all been tested. Default: emulates qq -with Your quote-like operator code reference / anon subroutine goes here. Remember to use subroutine prototype (if not using -parser option): -with => sub ($) { uc $_[0] }, This is a mandatory parameter. -parser If set then alternative parser kicks in. This parser currenly works on single line of code only and must open/close quote with (), {}, [], <> or must have same delimeter for beginning and end of quote: -parser => 1 When invoked this parser will take this: quc/do i have to $hout/; And by finding the end of the quote will then encapulate it like so: quc(q/do i have to $hout/); Default: Not using alternative parsing. -debug If set then prints (warn) the transmogrified line so that you can see what PerlX::QuoteOperator has done! -debug => 1 Default: No debug. FUNCTIONS import Module import sub. parser When keyword (defined quote operator) is triggered then this sub uses Devel::Declare to provide necessary keyhole surgery/butchery on the code to make it valid Perl code (think Macro here!). _closing_delim Internal subroutine used in -parser option. CAVEATS Performing a method call or dereference using -> like below will not work: use PerlX::QuoteOperator qurl => { -emulate => 'q', -with => sub ($) { require URI; URI->new($_[0]) }, }; qurl(>authority; # Throws an error Because the parsed qurl line becomes this... qurl q(>authority; ... so throwing an error trying to call authority on a string. See "HOW DOES IT DO IT" for more info. A workaround is to use the alternative parser and the line would now be parsed like this: qurl(q(>authority; See -parser option for more information. Also see examples/ for some more issues with creating qw based quote-like operators. NB. The alternative parser will get around some of these problems but then (potentially) introduces a few new ones! (see TODO) Recommendation: Stick with Perl parser and all will be fine! SEE ALSO * PerlX::QuoteOperator::URL CONTRIBUTORS Toby Inkster ( for Text::Balanced patch to the alternative parser at 0.04 AUTHOR Barry Walsh, <draegtun at> BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-perlx-quoteoperator at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc PerlX::QuoteOperator You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS From here to oblivion!: ngs-attached/ And a round of drinks for the mad genius of MST <> for creating Devel::Declare in the first place! DISCLAIMER This is (near) beta software. I'll strive to make it better each and every day! However I accept no liability whatsoever should this software do what you expected ;-) COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009-2015 Barry Walsh (Draegtun Systems Ltd |, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.