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Liveman - markdown compiller to test and pod.




File lib/Example.md:
Twice two:
2*2  # -> 2+2

use Liveman;

my $liveman = Liveman->new(prove => 1);

# compile lib/Example.md file to t/example.t and added pod to lib/Example.pm

$liveman->{count}   # => 1
-f "t/example.t"    # => 1
-f "lib/Example.pm" # => 1

# compile all lib/**.md files with a modification time longer than their corresponding test files (t/**.t)
$liveman->{count}   # => 0

# compile without check modification time
Liveman->new(compile_force => 1)->transforms->{count} # => 1

# start tests with yath
my $yath_return_code = $liveman->tests->{exit_code};

$yath_return_code           # => 0
-f "cover_db/coverage.html" # => 1

# limit liveman to these files for operations transforms and tests (without cover)
my $liveman2 = Liveman->new(files => [], force_compile => 1);


The problem with modern projects is that the documentation is disconnected from testing.
This means that the examples in the documentation may not work, and the documentation itself may lag behind the code.

Liveman compile `lib/**`.md files to `t/**.t` files
and it added pod-documentation to section `__END__` to `lib/**.pm` files.

Use `liveman` command for compile the documentation to the tests in catalog of your project and starts the tests:


Run it with coverage.

Option `-o` open coverage in browser (coverage file: `cover_db/coverage.html`).

Liveman replace `our $VERSION = "...";` in `lib/**.pm` from `lib/**.md` if it exists in pm and in md.

If exists file **minil.toml**, then Liveman read `name` from it, and copy file with this name and extension `.md` to README.md.


Section codes `noname` or `perl` writes as code to `t/**.t`-file. And comment with arrow translates on test from module `Test::More`.

The test name set as the code-line.

### `is`

Compare two expressions for equivalence:

"hi!" # -> "hi" . "!"
"hi!" # → "hi" . "!"

### `is_deeply`

Compare two expressions for structures:

"hi!" # --> "hi" . "!"
"hi!" # ⟶ "hi" . "!"

### `is` with extrapolate-string

Compare expression with extrapolate-string:

my $exclamation = "!";
"hi!2" # => hi${exclamation}2
"hi!2" # ⇒ hi${exclamation}2

### `is` with nonextrapolate-string

Compare expression with nonextrapolate-string:

'hi${exclamation}3' # \> hi${exclamation}3
'hi${exclamation}3' # ↦ hi${exclamation}3

### `like`

It check a regular expression included in the expression:

'abbc' # ~> b+
'abc'  # ↬ b+

### `unlike`

It check a regular expression excluded in the expression:

'ac' # <~ b+
'ac' # ↫ b+


Each test is executed in a temporary directory, which is erased and created when the test is run.

This directory format is /tmp/.liveman/*project*/*path-to-test*/.

Code section in md-file prefixed line **File `path`:** write to file in rintime testing.

Code section in md-file prefixed line **File `path` is:** will be compared with the file by the method `Test::More::is`.

File experiment/test.txt:

File experiment/test.txt is:

**Attention!** An empty string between the prefix and the code is not allowed!

Prefixes maybe on russan: `Файл path:` and `Файл path является:`.


## new (%param)

Constructor. Has arguments:

1. `files` (array_ref) — list of md-files for methods `transforms` and `tests`.
1. `open` (boolean) — open coverage in browser. If is **opera** browser — open in it. Else — open via `xdg-open`.
1. `force_compile` (boolean) — do not check the md-files modification time.
1. `options` — add options in command line to yath or prove.
1. `prove` — use prove, but use'nt yath.

## test_path ($md_path)

Get the path to the `t/**.t`-file from the path to the `lib/**.md`-file:

Liveman->new->test_path("lib/PathFix/RestFix.md") # => t/path-fix/rest-fix.t

## transform ($md_path, [$test_path])

Compile `lib/**.md`-file to `t/**.t`-file.

And method `transform` replace the **pod**-documentation in section `__END__` in `lib/**.pm`-file. And create `lib/**.pm`-file if it not exists.

File lib/Example.pm is:
package Example;



=encoding utf-8

Twice two:

	2*2  # -> 2+2


File `lib/Example.pm` was created from file `lib/Example.md` described in section `SINOPSIS` in this document.

## transforms ()

Compile `lib/**.md`-files to `t/**.t`-files.

All if `$self->{files}` is empty, or `$self->{files}`.

## tests ()

Tests `t/**.t`-files.

All if `$self->{files}` is empty, or `$self->{files}` only.

## mkmd ($md)

It make md-file.

## appends ()

Append to `lib/**.md` from `lib/**.pm` subroutines and features.

## append ($path)

Append subroutines and features from the module with `$path` into its documentation in the its sections.

File lib/Alt/The/Plan.pm:
package Alt::The::Plan;

sub planner {
	my ($self) = @_;

# This is first!
sub miting {
	my ($self, $meet, $man, $woman) = @_;

sub _exquise_me {
	my ($self, $meet, $man, $woman) = @_;


-e "lib/Alt/The/Plan.md" # -> undef

# Set the mocks:
*Liveman::_git_user_name = sub {'Yaroslav O. Kosmina'};
*Liveman::_git_user_email = sub {'dart@cpan.org'};
*Liveman::_year = sub {2023};
*Liveman::_license = sub {"Perl5"};
*Liveman::_land = sub {"Rusland"};

my $liveman = Liveman->new->append("lib/Alt/The/Plan.pm");
$liveman->{count}	# -> 1
$liveman->{added}	# -> 2

-e "lib/Alt/The/Plan.md" # -> 1

# And again:
$liveman = Liveman->new->append("lib/Alt/The/Plan.pm");
$liveman->{count}	# -> 1
$liveman->{added}	# -> 0

File lib/Alt/The/Plan.md is:

Alt::The::Plan - 


use Alt::The::Plan;

my $alt_the_plan = Alt::The::Plan->new;




## miting ($meet, $man, $woman)

This is first!

my $alt_the_plan = Alt::The::Plan->new;
$alt_the_plan->miting($meet, $man, $woman)  # -> .3

## planner ()


my $alt_the_plan = Alt::The::Plan->new;
$alt_the_plan->planner  # -> .3


For install this module in your system run next [command](https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpm):

sudo cpm install -gvv Alt::The::Plan


Yaroslav O. Kosmina [dart@cpan.org](mailto:dart@cpan.org)


âš– **Perl5**


The Alt::The::Plan module is copyright © 2023 Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.


Add to **cpanfile** in your project:

on 'test' => sub {
	requires 'Liveman', 
		git => 'https://github.com/darviarush/perl-liveman.git',
		ref => 'master',

And run command:

$ sudo cpm install -gvv


Yaroslav O. Kosmina [dart@cpan.org](mailto:dart@cpan.org)


âš– **GPLv3**


The Alt::The::Plan module is copyright © 2023 Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.