INTRO ======================================== The 'Workflow' Perl module implements a standalone workflow system. It aims to be simple but flexible and therefore powerful. Each piece of the workflow system has a direct and easily stated job, and hopefully you'll find that you can put the pieces together to create very useful systems. Read 'perldoc Workflow' for a more detailed introduction, sample usage, interactions with your applications, and more. INSTALLATION ======================================== To install this module type one of the following: perl Makefile.PL or perl Build.PL make ./Build make test ./Build test make install ./Build install QUICK START ======================================== The eg/ticket/ directory contains a configured workflow system. You can access the same data and logic in two ways: * a command-line application ( * a CGI script (ticket.cgi) * a web application ( To initialize: perl --db To run the command-line application: perl To access the database and data from CGI, add the relevant configuration for your web server and call ticket.cgi: To start up the standalone web server: perl (Barring changes to HTTP::Daemon and forking the standalone server won't work on Win32; use CGI instead, although patches are always welcome.) For more info, see 'eg/ticket/README' MORE INFO ======================================== Questions, comments, ideas? E-mail them: Chris Winters <> When we get them, issues (tasks, feature requests, bugs) are tracked via CPAN's RT at: When it gets big enough, the Workflow home page will be at: You can see the slides of a talk 'Workflows in Perl' given to the Pittsburgh Perlmongers in October 2004: DEPENDENCIES ======================================== This module requires these other modules and libraries: Class::Accessor Class::Factory Class::Observable DateTime DateTime::Format::Strptime DBD::Mock Exception::Class Log::Dispatch Log::Log4perl Safe Test::More XML::Simple Other optional modules include: Data::UUID DBI (plus a relevant DBD) SPOPS For the sample application you'll also need: CGI CGI::Cookie DBD::SQLite HTTP::Daemon HTTP::Request HTTP::Response HTTP::Status Template (Template Toolkit) (For Win32 systems you can get the Template Toolkit and DBD::SQLite PPDs from TheoryX: COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE ======================================== Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Chris Winters and Arvato Direct. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.