Rex::Test::Spec - Write Rex::Test like RSpec!

    Version 0.03

        use Rex::Test::Spec;
        describe "Nginx Test", sub {
            context run("nginx -t"), "nginx.conf testing", sub {
                like its('stdout'), qr/ok/;
            context file("~/.ssh/id_rsa"), sub {
                is its('ensure'), 'file';
                is its('mode'), '0600';
                like its('content'), qr/name\@email\.com/;
            context file("/data"), sub {
                is its('ensure'), 'directory';
                is its('owner'), 'www';
                is its('mounted_on'), '/dev/sdb1';
                isnt its('writable');
            context service("nginx"), sub {
                is its('ensure'), 'running';
            context pkg("nginx"), sub {
                is its('ensure'), 'present';
                is its('version'), '1.5.8';
            context cron, sub {
                like its('www'), 'logrotate';
            context gateway, sub {
                is it, '';
            context group('www'), sub {
                ok its('ensure');
            context iptables, sub {
            context port(80), sub {
                is its('bind'), '';
                is its('proto'), 'tcp';
                is its('command'), 'nginx';
            context process('nginx'), sub {
                like its('command'), qr(nginx -c /etc/nginx.conf);
                ok its('mem') > 1024;
            context routes, sub {
                is_deeply its(1), {
                    destination => $dest,
                    gateway     => $gw,
                    genmask     => $genmask,
                    flags       => $flags,
                    mss         => $mss,
                    irtt        => $irtt,
                    iface       => $iface,
            context sysctl, sub {
                is its('vm.swapiness'), 1;
            context user('www'), sub {
                ok its('ensure');
                is its('home'), '/var/www/html';
                is its('shell'), '/sbin/nologin';
                is_deeply its('belong_to'), ['www', 'nogroup'];

  Spec definition functions
    These are the functions you will use to define behaviors and run your
    specs: *describe* (and alias to *context*), *its* (alias to *it*).

    Normally suggest "describe "strings"" and "context resource type
    object", use "its(key)" return value, "it" return objects by default.

  Test::More export functions
    This now include *is*, *isnt*, *ok*, *is_deeply*, *like*, *unlike*,
    *done_testing*. You'll use these to assert correct behavior.

    The resource type name will be automatic passed as testing message.

  Rex resource type generation functions
    Now support *cron*, *gateway*, *iptables*, *port*, *routes*, *service*,
    *user*, *file*, *group*, *pkg*, *process*, *run*, *sysctl*.

    See "SYNOPSIS" for more details.

    Rao Chenlin(chenryn), "<rao.chenlin at>"

    1. Rspec

    2. Serverspec

    3. TDD (Test Driven Development)

    4. BDD (Behavior Driven Development)

    5. Test::More
    6. Rex

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-rex-test-spec at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    Also accept pull requests and issue at

    Copyright 2014 Rao Chenlin(chenryn).

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See <> for more information.